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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?2010-12-04T05:30:14+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    The past couple of therapists I’ve ended up with (yes, there’s been several) have been intently focused on getting me to do CBT, both before and after I figured out I have ADD.

    Thing is, CBT requires a lot of routine, a lot of writing things down and analyzing thoughts, and for me it’s just terribly demeaning and intimidating and requires a lot of concentration. Anybody else find this?

    Tomorrow I start my second shot at ADD medication, for real, so maybe that will help me concentrate, but I’m still suspicious on the subject of CBT. Has it worked for people with ADD?


    Post count: 14413


    I would be interested if Dr. J. chimes in, but the above is what I found from a quick Google.


    Post count: 121

    I’ve done CBT as part of my therapy and I found it worked. Yes, it involves writing things down, but if it’s going to help you overcome the negative impacts of ADD, then it’s worth the effort. We are, after all, responsible for our own recovery and sometimes that needs work on our part. Skills, not pills: it’s the thing that will really change us.

    A lot of how we react to the world is automatic, like a script or recording. Something happens and we re-use these scripts mostly out of habit. But if we can re-write how the response is going to be, like re-program the response, we can alter the outcome of our reaction. A lot of us with ADD usually react to the world without thinking and we do or say things that may be inappropriate or hurtful. We get in our own way. Or wish we could take that moment back.

    CBT, I found, allowed me to stop and think for a split second and “change tracks”. A lot of the research I’ve read about ADD, CBT is highly recommended. I didn’t find it required a lot of concentration because you are really doing “what if” scenarios. Your CBT facilitator usually we guide you through the process. As far a being demeaning, it’s no more demeaning than when you do something you regret as a result of ADD.

    I didn’t want to sound all “tough love” or anything, but CBT can be worth the effort for you. Ass ADDers we need every advantage we can get to control ourselves.

    Just keep focussing on the benefits.

    Hope this helps…and good luck.


    Post count: 14413


    It’s just so terrifying for me, because I already second-guess myself on literally every thought and opinion that I have. Maybe CBT will help me regulate that.

    Plus, I think this forum is a good form of therapy too!

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