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Dealing with Anger / Crankiness

Dealing with Anger / Crankiness2011-06-02T14:22:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Cranky/Arguing/Frustrated Dealing with Anger / Crankiness

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  • #104655

    Post count: 14413

    LOL @ billd.

    I have exactly the same sentiments. we should hang together and maybe we could yell at all the stupid people in the world. Just push the people out of all the aisles that say “10 items or less” that have 30 items on the counter because we can’t handle the stress of waiting for them to fumble around with coupons and credit cards and checks. Or being stuck in traffic because there was an accident on the other side of the highway and we’re freaking out because our side slowed to down to a snail’s pace. wow….am I suffering that bad? I never realized how people can see me because I’m always the ‘normal’ one. guess I was wrong. or maybe the rest of the world is crazy and I’m normal………..


    Post count: 14413

    I hate it when I am blowing up about things that are so insignificant. Mainly I hate that I blow up at the ones I care about the most. I can scream and rant and rave about what… the fact that my pen isn’t where I was suppose to leave it? So magically it is my fiances fault. I can scream and cry and get so made over something that simple, then later when I think about it I feel so guilty and upset that I blew up over that. I don’t know how to stop myself from doing it.

    When I do try to stop myself it feels like I’m going to implode. I thought it would just disappear, you know fade away, but it stays there! If anything over the course of the day it gets worse and worse. The anger and frustration feels ten times what it was originally. I’ll stay feeling that way until I let it out.

    I recently was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD but I am not sure how to cope with these feelings. I am starting on Biphentin, but I’m still a hot mess sometimes as it wears off fast. Any suggestions as to how to control these impulsive crazy emotions?

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