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Emotional Rollercoasters

Emotional Rollercoasters2010-08-30T16:13:59+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Meds had help me move on from problems instead of getting hyper focus on things. Well I go to see the Dr today which there are going to start reducing every thing I just got everything going with school to get my G.E.D everything is going to go down hill All the fighting is going to return man this sucks. My first test went from 7/25 when I wasn’t taken meds to 18/25 that was able for me to slow down. I’m feeling sick about this my depression is worse than ever. The other Dr focus on the fact we move all the time and on my report card it said Yvonne is adjusting to the school, but on my report card it said that I had behavirol problems. failed grade one and four. All my dreams going at the waist side again and the confussion is going to come back. I feel that the Dr dos’nt beleive me no one that I know went through this to go on meds for add . Today I go in and talk about it again but the weird part about all this the Dr that wouldn’t support he has ADD himself and got focused on the fact that we moved allot and that is the reason why I didn”t learn. But he seen all the other stuff. I did find out that I have gonitive problems. Maybe I should just accept what is going to happen All I wanted to do is get my grade 12 so i can go to art school. the Dr said that one is going to happen because of my learning problems And maybe make a friend or two. I have lived my life up to this point with losing every friend I ever had because of my mouth and just being me. Well I’ll deal with it or I should say every one else will. and the fighting with my husband will return. Clamdigger


    Post count: 14413

    The struggle of not living up to what is believed to be your potential really hurts. Everyday I struggle even on the medication to remember to do simple tasks. But I also feel that knowing that I have ADD and being medicated is a positive. I feel the fact that I made it 17 years without knowing that ADD was the reason for my struggle in school, has also motivated me to work much harder. Having ADD has changed my outlook on life tremendously and I feel that its true that people with ADD make huge differences in the world because of the millions of thoughts going on in the mind.


    Post count: 14413

    I went in to see the Dr and I was just with her and told her how I felt about the Dr with ADD and got forcused on the fact that we moved alot.

    Plus he thought I was his age no wonder he thought I was lying. It was in the 70’s that he went though school. I was living on my own in 1972

    So he said that I also need my mother to talk to them when it was just the report card I needed before. I felt like I was being judged and i was lying. This was the first time I went after a Dr in mental heatlth. I told him my mother has ADD and Cognitive problems I lived in a abusive home my mother ran the roads I got pissed when they wanted to talk to my mother. So he went to get up to leave and I kept challenging him.

    So I asked my mother if she knew the type of kid i was and how I did in school. She said you were a good kid and you poked along in school.

    Then I blew up with her because I failed twice barley making through. So when I was sitting alone with this Dr I told her I asked my mother to call my mother went silent. She didn’t want to call the Dr. But when I laid everything thing out to her she diceided to lower the dose to the smallest amount . So it did make me feel better this was the first time in my life I fought for myself. I have never done that I would walk away before if there was a problem. It made me feel better I realized I’m worth the effort. No one else ever thought I was worth the effort. But it isn’t no longer about what other people think. This is about me and I’m worth it. I have been beaten down all my life

    these are pychrtic can’t spell that word and there telling me I’m not smart enough. And I realized something through all this. with people and Dr’s. there is differnent smarts. The smartest man in the world 175 IQ works as a bouncer at a bar. I bet his parents arnt bragging any more. We place so much importance on book smarts we don’t look at ourselfves smart in dfferent ways. I’m smart in other ways.

    My mother’s cousin grade 5 education is a millionaire can’t read or write good but he had commen sence. But at least there not going to take me of the meds tottaly. I’m glad I fought for myself. Don’t ever give up I’m not any more after seeing tthis out come. Clamdigger


    Post count: 1

    To BuddhaMan,

    All I can say is DO NOT GIVE UP!

    I suspected I had ADD for almost 10 years. Finally when my marriage was breaking down, I went to my GP, asked him to find a doc who was qualified to test me and I actually paid money for an assessment. That was 2007, but I still blamed myself, for not finding out sooner. All the times my Dad said I was not trying hard enough growing up came back. Part of me still did not believe the report, I thought I was a bad person, that I had demons in my head.

    I went on and off several meds, mostly for depression, and so they all did not help me get better, they were treating a symptom, not the cause! So I kept giving up, tossing the meds, getting mad at the Docs.

    Then I found the Dr I am with now, and for the last year I have been on Concerta. Things are still tough, but I see things are getting better. I am still working with my Dr to get the dose right.

    My career has improved a lot in the last 18 months, even more since I started the Concerta. My home life is still hard, I still have to do my part, work at learning new habits to be a better dad and husband.

    My point is, keep looking until you find a Dr whom you can trust and who KNOWS about ADD in adults. Do research on this site or check out CADDRA to see if you can find a clinic or even an adult ADD group in your area. A big part of my problems since finding out has been the feeling of being ashamed of what I am, I have ADD. I have just figured out recently it is not a curse or a death sentence, but it means I have to do things differently then most other people.

    Ever watch that TLC show Little People, Big World? Well the part at the beginning when the mom says Little People do the same things big people do, just in a different way.

    Well ADDers do the same things non-ADDers do, we work, we play, we love, we hurt, we just do it in a different way.

    One last thing, the meds by themselves will not magically fix everything, I had the same expectation, they WILL help you make changes to make things better.

    When you have been on them for a few days, start to look closely at each task you do, see how you do the task and how you complete it. Then think back on how you would have done doing the same task before the meds, I bet you will see some improvement. Also don’t pick a dreaded task like doing your taxes, look at your everyday tasks.

    I hope this helps you continue to seek help.


    Post count: 14413

    My name is Bob and I’ve had ADD or more like ADHD since birth. After 52 years of life, 2 marriages, 2 divorces, 2 bankruptcies, and 2 children who are doing very well (best part of the 2’s), the descriptions and symptoms I have are exactly what the videos depict. Being a retired Navy Man, I achieved the highest enlisted rank possible while in for 22 years, worked harder than anyone else, and been described as a real jack of all trades and a master at none. I could hold onto friends for life if I wanted, but most have gone by the waist side not because I lost their friendship, but because of this disorder of “connection” with others.

    The greatest hope I think we all have with this disorder is to not think of 50 things as we’re doing one thing, and help each other understand this difficult disorder. For me, I’m living comfortably from Retirement, but seemingly I do all the things that the videos describe. My friends can’t believe I don’t have a girlfriend or wife, people have labeled me a recluse as I spend a great deal of my time away from people and society these days, and often get the comment from people who I do associate with and have befriended..”so that’s the problem”…

    Living this way isn’t pleasant, but knowing that you are an achiever at the highest level if you find what works for you like I did with the Navy is the ticket. WE ARE ALL GOOD IN A CRISIS. Remembering this will help you figure where you need to be. Talking with others, I’ve learned that we all have the same knack to procrastinate enough to make things critically important in the moment and not when the task or event should have happened.

    I’ve learned with this disorder that it is an emotional roller coaster, but really believe we can all beat the symptoms one by one though it seems to take me 2 times before I get things done. How about you?


    Post count: 14413

    olimagic…… I feel for you but with this dignose it will help you understand your self better. Some one told me just a few weeks ago that has ADHd IT IS WHAT IT IS and there is nothing you can do about it. You can’t aloud the past or try to control the present that set’s you up for a down fall. I would of done good in the Arm Forces but I had a crimmal record from when I was 16 and it haunted me for years. But we do get forcused in a crisis and we are good at that point. In the way of family you have kids that you can love. I have been married for 34 years and I married some one who is oppiste of me. Married at 18 I can go at the drop of a hat I love adventures I hiked by myself the Hike through spain I did on my own. Love to paint out doors I’m full of adventure and love to fish my husband dosn’t like any of that stuff. He needs hotel’s showers soft beds. So it was me who took the boys fishing before school hikking and camping. But there is someone out there for you. Just take your time and make sure she is hyper and loves to do the same thing. Life can be long very long with the oppisite. I’m planning to go to Mexico and meet up with a Girlfriend from out west. I do my own thing. If I ended up on my own in life if I wanted to date again I wouldn’t find the oppisite I would find someone like me an ADHD person who loves adventure’s. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that many of us look for. My grandmother Lena was a bootleger and married five times. The last one stuck. Most of people I meet married 3or four times. I realized that we all get focused on looks and not if we have enough in commen. I only know one person who is happy in there marriage and found there soul mate when she was a young women. Which she is the only person I have meet that did Have a check list in your head in what you want in a women. And if you never meet her you can still have a good time in life. I do with out my husband.

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