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March 25, 2012 at 2:04 am #103743
AnonymousInactiveMarch 25, 2012 at 2:04 amPost count: 14413I was really addicted to exercise and food, which didn’t balance out as much it sounds like it would.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2012 at 3:13 am #103744
AnonymousInactiveMarch 25, 2012 at 3:13 amPost count: 14413Bellamom glad to hear you’re doing ok on it. I’ll look it up and see what my GP thinks. I guess he wasn’t listening when I told him stimulants didn’t work for me.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2012 at 3:12 pm #103745
AnonymousInactiveMarch 25, 2012 at 3:12 pmPost count: 14413Nicotine and learning every stupid thing that i can
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2012 at 11:16 pm #103746
AnonymousInactiveMarch 25, 2012 at 11:16 pmPost count: 14413Salty fat foods, this I have struggled with for many years along with a truckload of self doubt. Too many credit card purchases of books and food. Gained and lost 30 pounds over time.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2012 at 12:42 am #103747A steady stream of coffee throughout the day, sweets in the afternoon, and a glass or two of scotch or red wine in the evening. Hmmm, still sounds pretty good, but I must admit I don’t crave any of it now that I’m on Meds.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2012 at 2:21 am #103748Cigarettes and Diet Mountain Dew (by the gallon)
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2012 at 1:18 pm #103749Chocolate, tea, pop, sugar, cookie, and ice-cream. So good. I have none of those in my house at the moment, because they were eating. Yesterday, I had to go walk to get chocolate and now it is all gone. Really want chocolate now.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2012 at 4:22 pm #103750When I was younger, unfortunately it was alcohol. Once I started taking medication, I didn’t feel the need for it anymore, although sometimes I still overdo it when I don’t take my meds. These days, it’s just caffeine, but not too much of it. Just a cup of coffee in the morning and afternoon.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2012 at 5:10 pm #103751
AnonymousInactiveMarch 26, 2012 at 5:10 pmPost count: 14413Coke 2 or 3 cans a day and Cigarettes 1 1/2-2 packs a day at during High School! I would light one have a couple of puffs concentrate on task and forget about the smoke! I didn`t realize it at the time but it was my way of self medicating because I never really enjoyed smoking just the focusing after having one.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 26, 2012 at 8:12 pm #103752Let’s see….
I’ve struggled with addictions and addictive behaviour all my life, but had no idea why, until a couple of years ago when I was diagnosed.
Started off with addiction to migraine meds. Stopped that cold turkey, and then got into pot. Stopped that and got into wine. Then chocolate (actually chocolate is an ongoing thing). Keep finding new foods to obsess about. Sometimes slip back into the wine thing (occasionally stop drinking for a month at a time, just to make sure I can).
Addicted to adrenaline all the time. And reading books like crazy (has to be exciting stuff though – like hard and face paced espionage/action novels). I’m doing a self-talk thing with myself every day now – asking “what will make this day awesome”? I find it works because I know that my deliberate choices will always be interesting – and that keeps me away from passively addictive behaviour.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 27, 2012 at 2:15 am #103753Oh, yeah…forgot about the books. Lots and lots of books! As many books as I can get my grubby little mitts on! Fantasy, Sci-Fi, military/espianoge thrillers, anything about physics, astronomy, or cosmology (yeah, I’m a nerd LOL). Also love to role-play (tabletop, not mmorpgs–I DO NOT WoW) Also, designing things in my mind. For instance, I’m working on a Boba Fett costume for Halloween (and GenCon, and any other convention the wife and I happen to wander into LOL). Designed a backpack cooling system to prevent overheating while I’m wandering around Indianapolis in full Mandalorian battle armor in August at Gencon.
ALWAYS designing things. Tools, machines, costume props, anything with moving parts. LOVE that sort of thing! Guess that’s self-medicating too, eh? LOL
REPORT ABUSESeptember 20, 2012 at 11:33 pm #103754Wow, I’m struggling to come to terms with the fact that there are other people like me…I had just sort of thought of myself as an alien living amongst androids and robots! Addiction and procrastination have been my ballast…I knew grom a young age that ennui and boredom were my most mortal of enemies. Their close allies in conformity, drudgery, servility, and soul crushing ‘details’ conspired to make my life as wretched as possible…I tried all things. Alcohol, but I couldn’t stop at acceptable levels and it almost killed me before I was 21. I was afraid to try drugs because I knew that if I liked it, there’d be no turning back, but eventually I succumbed…pot just made me want to puke. One Saturday night I was still in bed drunk from the Friday night, and my mates nagged and nagged me to go out with them because they ‘needed’ my silliness to get girls and we’d arranged to meet some from the Friday night, so I relented and allowed them to mix half a teaspoon of ‘speed’ with a glass of coke to see if that could have the ‘Lazarus effect’. It did, and I was showered, dressed, and raring to go within 20 minutes. I was hooked! It made me feel normal, and I was more tolerant, happier, and was able to dance longer, and bullshit better, and I didn’t drink myself into my usual comatose stupour! From that point I did ‘e’, coke, crank, and acid. Anything that was an ‘upper’. It affected me differently to my mates. I didn’t get cranky, or short-tempered. Quite the opposite in fact. I don’t take those anymore, and moved away from areas if temptations were present. I have also had a long term fascination with gambling. I just got a buzz out of it, and it didn’t really matter if I won or lost. The buzz was the bet itself, but I’m most intrigued by seeming addiction to chaos. The more hectic things are the more ‘normal’, or alive I feel. If life is pedestrian, or dull I feel like the next step is rigour mortis….my mind is like a vortex, and I could spend all day every day just lost in my thoughts. It might seem crazy from the outside looking in, but it’s just lovely for me… 😆
REPORT ABUSESeptember 21, 2012 at 5:03 am #103755Alcohol and drug abuse is widely unreported by untreated ADDers. A group session of 10 people I was once part of did a survey on family history and genetics. 100% of the group had a family history of alcoholism and/or drug abuse. Many people are just in denial.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 21, 2012 at 1:49 pm #103756COFFEE!!! and lots of profanity. Can’t do the former, because of it’s interaction with my meds, and because of migraines, although I sneak it in on rare occasion.
Can’t stop doing the latter. I can’t help it. Seriously, I think it gets my adrenaline going, so between that and the lack of filter, it’s a harder fight than even the coffee.
Although, dammit, I really do miss my java.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 21, 2012 at 1:55 pm #103757@Irish10-
Doesn’t everyone have a family history of alcohol abuse, though? I’ve met maybe two people, and their religions prohibited alcohol, that haven’t. Even them, I think nobody would have told them if they did. I mean people go a long way back, and that stuff has been around since apes first discovered rotten fruit. There’s even a group of monkeys in Africa that get drunk off the fallen fruit of a certain tree- I saw it on Nat. Geographic, once- they wouldn’t lie, right?
I do find it interesting though, that the places in the world that have the highest rates of ADHD, also have lots of alcoholism. Either fetal alcohol syndrome is being misdiagnosed as ADHD, which is possible, or these people could be self medicating, like you suggest. Oh, somebody should do a study.