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I want to give up

I want to give up2012-12-24T06:05:41+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Sad I want to give up

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  • #117960

    Post count: 22

    I’ve tried all I know there is around here. One of the public Resources  said they bumped me to the top of the list. But that was over a weak ago and still no luck.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    You say you were diagnosed “with severe (it)”.  What exactly was your diagnosis?  If you’re specific, we can give you better advice, since different conditions will affect you differently.

    If you can give us more details, like where you live (town, state, country), we can give you direct contact info for services that can help you.

    Some drug companies even offer co-pay plans that will cover the entire cost of your meds.  If you tell us exactly what meds your doctor prescribed, we can give you the details of any plans for these meds.

    Hang in there, and help us to help you!


    Post count: 22

    I was diagnosed with severe ADHD, twice.  I cant tell you the State but I live in the United States.  She prescribed me with Adderal 20mg rx.  Really small county area, even smaller town where there aint hardly enough.


    Post count: 929

    Before I go into anything that sounds like a sermon I’d like to know if you’re interested at all in a spiritual solution. Waayyyy back in 1989 I had similar problems and it was spirituality that got me into the position where I could be helped by some awesome human beings very much like the community here.

    If you’re not, that’s okay too. Because it’s the Good in people in places like this web site that allowed me to find my own spirituality. It’s very fortunate in my case to have found that God as I understand God has always chosen to work through people like the ones here. Even people that do not believe in any kind of creator, or higher power, and even people that hate G0d have helped me when I was as hopeless and sad as most human beings can get. I’ve spent most of my life feeling very alone, scared, empty, and desperate for human attention. I don’t suffer like I used to any more. My life ain’t perfect but I can tell you this my new friend. I have never had it so good, this is the easiest life I’ve ever known, and the only good life that’s ever been mine. It’s mine all mine too. I don’t owe my happiness to God or any other powerful force that exists. I give back to the world because I want to. For free, and for fun.

    I get paid too. LOTS!. If you want to hear about the jewish carpenter I work for then you’ll have to ask me. This world is a very unfriendly place for a low down, selfish, and self centered prankster of a Christian like me. But I manage to eek out a fairly comfortable existence in this crazy mixed up world. I could go on and on and on. But I won’t.

    It ain’t easy. That’s the thing about ADHD. Once you get a dude like me started, sometimes it gets ridiculously difficult to get me to shut my chatterboxing mouth but once in a while. Not all that often, but sometimes. I do manage to shut the heck up.

    I was talking to my best friend about an hour ago and it’s kinda funny the way ADHD works, there are actually many very fun and entertaining things about our little malady that for some of us can make life either mortally painful and we go deep into the dark cold place of loneliness where some crazy folks find demons, monsters, and cannibalistic flesh eating bad people.


    Deliriously happy and entertaining enjoyment. Sweet soft warm puppies and kittens floundering around with me on my road of happy destiny.

    Sometimes folks have to tell me to “shut up and listen” when they have a problem with the way I can really go on and on and on about any given subject. But that’s just the ADHD infecting every freaking relationship I’ve ever had with boredom, restlesnes and bewildered confusion.

    I write pretty much the same way I talk. I know that because my best friends care giver who is also a member of our little club. (she’s got ADHD too) told me so about 6 or 8 months ago when I told her about this web site. (I can go on like this for an hour or two… heck, I wanted to start a new 12 step program called on and on anonymous. But I imagined how long the meetings would go on for and decided it would not be such a good idea) Anyways, my best friend and I were talking earlier and we really had each other cracking up because we both had this ADHD malady/gift (depending on my ever changing moods) (I’ve got many different moods that I switch around between) (I’m always added extra details to the things I talk about because even though I’m very forgetful, when I’m talkative lot’s of things I say remind me of other things I want to say, or even things I’ve said at other times) Do you have these same kinds of struggles?. Sux, huh?. It’s like I’ve got a terrible contagious disease of sumthin I think. Once I get started talking about any given subject it’s really hard to get me to actually shut up and listen. In fact my next door neighbor (she’s my best friend) and I came up with a bunch of new sayings for not just ADHD people. But fun folks in general tonight. She’s a real crack up. She was telling me about her dad and she said “He’s a real kick in the butt”. How funny huh?. People say things like “that dude’s a real character” or “she’s a riot”. But I’ve never hear anyone say “He’s a real kick in the butt” before. I got really enthusiastic about how much I like that particular new saying. I made a mental note in my head to write about it here. It’s a freakin miracle that I remembered. There’s a good chance that I’m getting less forgetful as a result of finally really dealing with this ADHD bull shit. (yep, like a lot of Christians, I’m a hypocrite) I don’t swear as much as I used to though. I haven’t told anyone to shut the fuk up for years. I can’t even remember the last time I did. But heck, it’s not like I would remember huh? I’VE GOT ADHD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!. I hope you’re forgetfulness is not as bad am mine man. Sometimes life can be especially miserable when we forget important things. I’ve got a daughter. She’s 24 now. But I remember when she was little. One time I totally forgot to go pick her up. That was when she lived with her mom. I was a single parent when she was 3 1/2, until she was about 5 1/2. So I can probably relate to some of your struggle with being a dad. Nothing hurts like disappointing our own offspring. I’m trying to stay positive here. But when I think about how much grief and sadness my little angel has had to go through because of my ADHD well crap man. I feel like I could just fuking die of sadness. So I ain’t going there man. Nope. Not tonight. Later maybe. There’s a time and a place huh?. Feel free to talk about any struggles you’ve got in the Dad department. I’m very sure lot’s of people in this camp will understand, even share about similar experiences they’ve had.

    A crap. I should have warned you about how much I struggle with the DGMS thing. (don’t get me started) Hmmm. I think I did… sheesh. Yep, I really am that forgetful. I’m also a little to lazy to just look up re-read my post and know. But I’m also sometimes a bit of an idiot. I think I’m gonna shut up now. That reminds me of what I was gonna say earlier about my conversation with my neighbor. I said “I can either shut up, or listen, but I CAN’T DO BOTH SO CHOOSE!. lol. funny huh?. Feel free to use that clever little thing next time someone starts rolling their eyes at you and looking at you like you’re some kind of crazy person. I know we’re not really Stupid, Lazy, or Crazy. But sometimes I can behave like I am. Kind of annoying after a while, huh?. Yep, I know I know. SHUT THE FUK UP! right?

    okay. I’ll shut my trap.

    If you actually read all of this. well, crap man. Thanks!, you’re very patient indeed.

    Later potater.

    Keep in touch okay?

    K, I’m dumb. I mean d0ne…

    Dumb joke, I know. But not all my stuff is polished high quality humor. It helps a lot if I pray. That’s how I found God.


    PS I didn’t proofread this tonight. I’ve got too many other fun ideas I want to do before I forget about them. So sorry about the typo’s I missed. (I actually do proofread as I write nowadays) Just not as well as i wish I could.

    PPS  LOL!, (I always read my posts after I click on… um.. Post? crap!, I can’t even think of the word we click on when we’re done!) Anyways, I read this after it posted and I got laughing so hard I had to wipe both eyes!. Sometimes I like the way I write. Other times, not so much. I’m glad this one came out fair decent cuz I’m like lot’s of folks here. I really want to help ya out man. If it will help I’ll change my name to “that guy” and maybe someone else will change their name too. To something like “the other dude”, or “he’s the one” but don’t feel like we’re making fun of your log in name. We’re nice people here. That reminds me. Here’s a really cool thread about this community. Just click on it. Later tomater. Ohhh!. “Submit” that’s it!. I can’t remember because I’m just not the kind of dude who can remember a word like “submit” I’m probably too prideful. Or just stubburn, or maybe I just don’t like that word.

    Love n Peace to you.



    Post count: 929

    Well crap!, I guess I can only click on edit one time… I looked for an old thread entitled “Were’ nice people here” but couldn’t find it. I used to be able to find an old thread just by using google to search this whole site. But nope. Not any more.  Hopefully someome else will know where it is and post a link to it. It was awesome.

    Thanks for being so dang patient.

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