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Inappropriate behaviour/comments

Inappropriate behaviour/comments2011-06-12T17:00:17+00:00

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  • #104939

    Post count: 14413

    You know….we process things differently than the linear crowd. Our world is much more random with more everything given equal weight….including the morbid, the under privileged, the challenged….whatever shit you wanna insert there. It is all fair ball and why not???? Really as many of you have said……your not malicious, or mean spirited….it’s just out there….where we live, so we use it. So what???

    Our random sense of hmmmmm…….connection or connectivity makes sense to us. Linear people, do not have this huge plain of images on-hand to draw from….we do. They (the linear folk) have everything put away in their drawers, neat and tidy….ours is out on the floor for instant use. We see relationships and connectivity in the most un-obvious of places….cool.

    Many great comedians have harnessed this random connectedness and taken it to an art form. One of my favorite all-time ADDers is Mr. Robin Williams……..if you have not watched him live give yourself a treat….you can learn a lot about how to make yourself more palatable without giving up who you are!!! Another is Big Daddy Tazz, ADHA and bipolar…comedian….great stuff, check em out on YouTube.

    Anyway……I think we are a riot…….great humor just not for the slow or the blunted!!!! I did get a handle on interrupting…….that is a pain in the ass for people…it takes time, but then we have the ability to hyper focus sooooo…….

    Make-em stretch……….keep on giggling, it’s good for the soul.



    Post count: 303

    @toofat “Linear world” LOVE IT! I’m going to steal that, if you don’t mind. Love the duct-tape comment, too.

    I went through a stressful autumn, this past year, and the mouth thing is what finally forced me to look into actually dealing head-on with my ADD. I was losing friends thick and fast.

    Unfortunately, the adderall I was on, while making my mind clearer, was making me more chatty. I just couldn’t shut up! Maybe duct tape is the only solution, but I’m going ahead and switching to ritalin to see if that helps better.


    Post count: 14413

    Steal away Geo…steal away…….



    Post count: 206

    When I met my friend V at work we finally became friends after a few months. She said a lot of people didn’t know how to take me. I can say the most outrageous things with a completely straight face. No hint that I am joking. Most people don’t know if I am joking until they have known me for a while. I am very sarcastic and tongue in cheek about life. I rarely take anything completely serious and if I am really nervous I start to laugh, even when laughter is the absolute worst response. Just the way my brain handles stress. So when the school started pointing these things out about pigheaded I said well it is just her way of processing it, and it certainly isn’t meant to be offensive. Who better to understand this then the woman who laughed at her last accident, in front to the police officer. Young lady, I don’t think you realize how serious this is. Of course I do, and in an hour or so I will be in inconsolable tears, but for right now my adrenal system has taken over. Get over it. You don’t know me, so get off your high horse and stop judging me.

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