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It's a Two-Fer. And they're both pretty bad (sources are the reason)

It's a Two-Fer. And they're both pretty bad (sources are the reason)2012-08-20T02:00:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard It's a Two-Fer. And they're both pretty bad (sources are the reason)

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  • #115702

    Post count: 14413

    My friends kept asking why I would label myself with ADD. So funny, its not a label! Its awesome! I finally have a functional explanation for my symptoms that gives me tools to prevent depression and work with other people. I’m delighted to find out what it is. Go team!


    Post count: 109

    Great thread! I love what you posted Todreamalife. When my son was diagnosed my mom’s immediate reaction was “I don’t understand why you would want to label a child.” I bit my tongue rather than point out that she had not hesitated to label me as gifted! While I am very thankful for the excellent education I got as a result of that assessment, it was a terrible burden trying to live up to expectations with my then undiagnosed ADD!

    When I shared the graphic from this site about the guy struggling to complete grade 8 as an adult because his parents were in denial about his ADD when he was a kid, I got the following comment from a Facebook “friend”.

    “sorry – that is crap. I have ADHD… no drugs, no special treatment, I got Cs and Ds until I learned to control it, then As and Bs. I have a good job and an excelent skill set… put some effort into your life instead of expecting someone else to do it for you.”

    another friend got my back before I had a chance to respond –

    ” glad you feel so wonderfully about yourself! I hope you aren’t feeling like you have been helpful here! You are suggesting that you are the only person with ADHD, that has put effort into their life? Why don’t you use your “excellent skill set” and turn on your spell check; and, learn how to use proper punctuation? Since your life is so peachy keen; I hope you are doing lots of humanitarian volunteer work with your “excellent skill set”! Truly wonderful meeting you here!”

    aww Facebook – the playground of the 21st century!


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Yeah, and Stephen Hawking should just pull himself together and set his mind to it, and he’ll be out of that chair and flipping cartwheels & tap-dancing while singing, “Happy Days Are Here Again”, in no time…

    I hope you UN-friended that clod!

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