The Forums › Forums › I Just Found Out! › I Suspect I Am › Losing control… Is this the answer?
December 31, 2013 at 9:43 am #123518
Hi all, greetings from London. 🙂
I lose everything,constantly.
I’ve flooded my bathroom five times this year.
My flat, car and desk are a MESS, all of this time.
I work hard and am busy constantly but never seem to get things done.
My mind jumps about.
I sleep well.
I have lots of good friends.
I am late for work, social events and roller derby.
I am a teacher and just got a promotion. I struggle A LOT with the paperwork.
when I decide I want to speak someone body I want to do it immediately. I don’t think I interrupt others but people say I do.
I was hyperactive as a child but don’t believe I am as an adult.
I have felt guilty for a long, long time that I can’t cope and struggle with the little things in life that everyone else seems to do fine. I have managed to get a good job and have good friendships. I find my battle a lonely one, I have to conStanley make excuses for what appears to be laziness.
oh and most annoyingly of all I double book things all the time.
Is it worth trying To get a diagnosis? I genuinely thought I’d grown out of ADHD and didn’t realise the problems were linked to those I had as a child. My mum refused to put me on medication – so I’d feel bad going on it now… But if something anything e helped I think I should…
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2013 at 9:44 am #123519Apologies for the poor typing… Autocorrect is going crazy!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 31, 2013 at 12:51 pm #123522It sounds like it can’t hurt to see a doctor and discuss it. My impression is that people who have ADHD in childhood don’t outgrow it, but it manifests differently as we get older. We might be more subdued externally, but still hyperactive mentally, and struggling with other symptoms like overwhelm, or trouble staying organized, focused, on-task, or on time.
You might find Sari Solden’s books Women with Attention Deficit Disorder, or Journeys Through ADDulthood helpful and relatable.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 3, 2014 at 6:19 pm #123569Thank you for your response.
I was totally convinced I had grown out of it… Then had these problems and researched them… And it turns out I need some help in sorting myself out. I will check out these books. Thank you 🙂
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 3, 2014 at 10:02 pm #123570Sophierose84 the best studies seem to show that about 60% of ADHD kids do not outgrow it. And some aspects of it, like the hyperactivity do seem to go down more than the inattention and impulsivity. As well, a lot of the hyperactivity gets internalized. We may not be jumping around during a long boring meeting, but our minds certainly are.
The losing things is so common.
Definitely get checked out. Do as much reading as you can on the site. Watch the videos. Take the Virtual Doctor test at Download the ASRS from the Tools section and take that test as well. It’s designed by the World Health Organization.
Our book, ADD Stole My Car Keys lists 155 common ways it shows up in adults–our beliefs, behaviours, weaknesses, strengths. I
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 10, 2014 at 9:03 pm #123705I just finished reading ADD Stole My Car Keys. It’s a very easy to read book that gives a short, simple explanation of how ADD/ADHD affects your life as an adult. It would be a good book to start with, especially if you are someone who doesn’t really like to read a lot or you don’t want to get into a lot of technical, scientific explanations.
In other words, it won’t make your brain hurt. 😉
REPORT ABUSEApril 27, 2014 at 8:42 pm #124992Im new and I’m 34 yrs old……. waiting for my appointment for an assessment! I purchased the book ADD stole my car keys….i’ve never been able to finish a book!!!! I READ this one in 2 days …. Its like they wrote this book about me lol It was really interesting and I felt alot better about myself knowing that other people are like me…I’m not actually crazy!! I have not been officially diagnosed but I’m 99% sure I am..and I feel better knowing this about myself! wow what a relief.. I actually thought I was just going crazy. haha… I find as I got older my symptoms worsened or maybe I just more aware of them now? not sure! but I can’t wait to start working with it..instead of always fighting with it! 🙂
REPORT ABUSEApril 28, 2014 at 4:28 pm #124995Hi @linzard, welcome. 🙂
“ADD Stole My Car Keys” is the only book on ADD/ADHD that I have ever read cover to cover too.
It is a good feeling when you realize you are not the only one and that you are not crazy. And it is a relief to finally have an explanation for all the craziness in your life.
It is probably that you are more aware of your symptoms now. The way ADHD affects you changes throughout your life and changing circumstances can make them come to the foreground more. For me it became much more noticeable when I had to take on more responsibility and suddenly didn’t have anyone to help me anymore.
There is lots more good information to be found here and lots of people who know what it’s like. So stick around and join the party.
Let us know how the assessment goes.