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My Sharpie pen has teleported somewhere.

My Sharpie pen has teleported somewhere.2012-01-12T19:47:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! My Sharpie pen has teleported somewhere.

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    Post count: 14413

    As some of you know, I have been working on a DVD labeling project to label all my years of putting stuff on DVRs but was too lazy/distracted to write a label. There were hundreds of them that I found in every room, and I am finally down to my last small pile. But I’m not here to talk about that. I’m talking about how a Sharpie pen can simply disappear when you didn’t get out of your chair, you were sitting in the same place the entire time, you had the pen in your hand two minutes ago, and now it’s simply gone. Checked my pockets, floor, under the keyboard, in the CD drive, everywhere. Seriously? Back to Walmart I go. They love me losing stuff I’m sure.


    Post count: 14413

    Perhaps you have a tiny rip in the fabric of the space/time continuum in which your counterpart in another dimension keeps stealing your sharpie pen from you without you knowing it.

    It could happen…


    Post count: 82

    I found it! It was with my gift card from Christmas 2010 underneath the unpaid water bill from May 2011 in the purse I stop using in 2009….go figure. (teasing :P)

    “ADDers’ keeping office supply stores in business since office supply stores were invented.”


    Post count: 845

    Years ago there was an old country store where you could stop and reach into one of several chests full of ice and soft drinks for something cold to drink on a hot summer’s day. In attendance was an old woman who remembered my now 92 year old father as a teen who would frequent the store.

    This old woman would lose her glasses and go to the optician, a neightbor down the street, for a new pair of glasses. She would turn the air blue with her cursing and swearing as she waited to be fitted, embarassing our neighbor and all within earshot.

    Finally, one day while draining and cleaning the chests used for the drinks, there, in the bottom of the chest, were all her “lost” glasses which had fallen from her shirt pocket as she leaned over to fill the chests.


    Post count: 14413

    It’s gone.. simply gone. It was two hours ago and it hasn’t reappeared. I certainly hope Jean Luc Picard enjoys my Sharpie. Data would probably like the fact that it clicks. (Sorry, nerd mode now off)

    .. and Monika if you have it, enjoy it! It was only a few days old. :-)


    Post count: 929

    I have a mantra that I say, not on purpose! when this phenomena happens to me… and it’s happened all my life.


    face in hands

    DOOM despair




    Oh I know! there must be an invisible pack rat living inside the couch!!! I will KILL IT

    Oh man…kc5jck I feel soooo bad for that little old lady… her pain is a searing awful kind of torture… unbearable, indescribable, intractable… compassion can sometimes destroy us…. what a strange kind of irony. maybe I’m too wrapped up in my own agony to actually be capable of compassion tonight.

    I was late to my doctors appointment yesterday… it was a perfect nightmare. Impossibly horrible. no hope of getting medication at this point. I understand what it means to “be at a total loss at what to do” I’m hopelessly without anything like a clue.

    I’m in hell… I’m very sorry other people have to come to this same place (ADHD hell) so much…

    It will pass….. It has to.


    Post count: 14413

    Your Sharpie has been teleported through the ‘ADD Donation Teleportal’ that donates our stuff to ADD’ers in other galaxies that have misplaced their stuff.

    Karma has chosen you to help someone else in a dire situation of need.

    It’s not lost…you’ve been chosen to donate back into the Karmic Wheel…………


    Post count: 845

    Can they send Saffron a horse?


    Post count: 14413

    You’re probably right MerryMac. I will expect a large bag of hundred dollar bills to fall in my backyard to balance the Karma and pay for all the stuff I’ve lost in 40+ years of life.


    Post count: 929

    +<<>Your Sharpie has been teleported through the ‘ADD Donation Teleportal’ that donates our stuff to ADD’ers in other galaxies that have misplaced their stuff.

    Karma has chosen you to help someone else in a dire situation of need.

    It’s not lost…you’ve been chosen to donate back into the Karmic Wheel…………<<>+

    How lucky!, I couldn’t sleep, but at least this morning it’s not a bad experience. I got a solid 4 hours or so. I feel lucky cuz I clicked on this link first from my profile.

    Life would suk without having people like the ones here that I can relate to. I’m pretty much way the heck out there mentally, but still. I can relate to the way the survivors of ADHD, (us!) are the ones who seem to always be able to find the pony when so many times people, us too sometimes, crash into a large pile of horse stuff, and only see the thing directly in front. It’s good to see past the current dilemma… A huge Steaming pile of it, it must have been 20 ponies standing around poopin for a few days. Those big ass horseflies biting n buzzing yer earz, The bike is wrecked and nearly buried in wet warm horse crap. Fortunately we had the quick thinking mind that made us lay down the bike and slide sideways into the steaming pile instead of having a nasty wipe out. But the stuff is everywhere. We just leave it behind and go off looking for one of the ponies to ride. And learn to live with the horseflies.

    After we get done throwing a temper tantrum and thrashing around like a dang maniac that is.

    Thanks for reminding me I have a good imagination, it’s one of my best coping tools.

    I hope I get my checkbook back pretty soon.

    That’s how my apt. gets cleaned.

    When I loose stuff.


    Post count: 14413

    Can you believe my well-intentioned husband bought me a multi-pieced elctronic devices charger set that must have at least 1000 pieces? Okay, so maybe I’ve exagerated a bit but what was he thinking?

    I had commented that I needed a second set of cords for my BB, tablet, laptop so I could leave one set at work and the other at home. That way I wouldn’t have to always remember to pack/unpack the cords for whichever ones were needed if one of the devices was nearing the stage for a recharge.

    Even though I do have a computer at work, I’m obliged to share it with students, hence the need for dragging the laptop to and fro on some days. The tablet is to facilitate note-taking at what seems like the gazillions of meetings attended due to the special needs of my students.

    A 1000 piece set of pieces will help me? I didn’t have the heart to tell my husband that trying to remember to gather all my cords (and to remember all the other stuff needed to do my homework) was a lot easier than to figure out which piece to plug into which AND how not to lose all the various small bits and pieces. Good grief! I need my glasses on to even identify which end piece is the correct one for each device.

    I want the whole charging set to be teleported away to the Land of the Sharpies! 😆


    Post count: 430

    I do this all the time. Watches, rings, knives, pens, pencils, erasers, batteries, keys, wallets, rolls of film, library cards, credit cards, finger nail clippers, remotes (how those disappear, I have no idea), cans of shoe polish, and lately, those maddeningly small zip drives.

    My solution?


    Once every year or so, I pack everything up, put it all into (not so) neatly labeled boxes, and move. Things I didn’t even know I lost start popping up. I have a whole box full of office supplies, glasses, glasses cases, those cleaning rags… the list goes on. Anytime I need something, I go to the box and pull out what I need. No problem. I will use it a few times and POOF!. It will get lost, eventually and who cares? I will find it all again during the next move and put it into the box.

    It is labeled “Worm Hole”


    Post count: 929

    More funny stories please…

    Anyone seen my checkbook? the cool thing is, I just finishing paying all my bills before it “got teleported” , I have more checks, I just don’t want to call the bank again to say I lost my checkbook in my apartment. One more dose of humility tomorrow when I call n solve that one, I only write checks for bills, so it’s a simple fix for the bank. I hope I don’t find it as soon as I finish the call. That one repeating scenario still kinda feels like a slug in the gut.

    We get over it tho, huh?


    Post count: 82

    I need to ask if @carsonky ‘s Sharpie and @Robbo ‘s check book have ever returned from their sci-fi teleporting romp to other galaxies ?


    Post count: 14413

    Right now my long underwear has been teleported. I hope whoever has it, really needs it. If so, I wish they would send a note back telling me, so I can stop looking and just buy a pair before I leave for Winnipeg.

    My good silverware got teleported a few years ago but they must’ve not liked the pattern cuz it came back. I lost the timer that was supposed to help keep me on task with various things, my date book frequently goes missing, my phone, power supply for my laptop, any piece of paper that I need right now …

    Strangely though, I always know that my keys are in my purse. Now if I could just find my purse …

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