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Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–2010-11-30T04:07:57+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

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    Post count: 14413

    “I suffer from fibromyalgia and Sjogren’s syndrome, which induce fatigue of their very own,” Wow I also have the two. Very tired!! I just did a sleep study and found I have a sleep disorder also. I read somewhere that sleep disorders are found in those with ADHD. I am even suspecting all my other symptoms may be due to or exasperated by the sleep disorder. My heart is with you. These syndromes make for daily struggles many do not understand.


    Post count: 14413

    Hi – just joined and started reading this post. Fittin right in with this thread. I’m 52! Yay! Not taking aging real well, and the death of my mother at what I think is a young age (not – 79) hit me really hard and I’ve been depressed and angry since that occurance. I’ve been diagnosed also as bi-polar; but after watching the show and also feeling bad when relating, I’ve begun talkin to a counsler about ADD.

    I also have FMS, and several nerve injuries and medical issues. I used to be really active, hiking a lot. Now I go into my shop and look at the multiple unfinished projects and just squeeze my arms around me, stand there and then leave. Totally overwhelmed. Can’t start a project, will be distracted within minutes of trying to start one thing. It’s like the joke, “how many add <persons> does it take to change a light bulb”? — — — — Answer: “Wanna ride bike????!!!!” HA — I like that one.

    Anyway — good thread and I am actually working towards getting bettter. I think I need to continue with this counsler and get directed in a better direction. There are great helps on this forum, I’m sticking around for a while. Boy is this scattered — hey, that’s why I’m here.


    Post count: 14413

    I saw the PBS show on tv early morning hours today and just took the test. So many things clicked and my husband and I just kept laughing when the dr asked the questions because it was like they were spying on me. I suffer from fibromyalgia and depression as well, but this might be the missing piece of the puzzle to why medicines haven’t fully helped me. I am 27 and my son was diagnosed with autism 3 years ago, in researching about his problems etc I realized I had to be somewhere on the spectrum, but I never thought of ADD/ADHD. My brother and his sons all have ADHD and my brother has epilepsy also, which I did read was connected in families with autistics, but it wasn’t until seeing the show it clicked.

    its also 6 in the morning and I haven’t slept yet! lol I must go force myself into bed and try to quiet the inner voice that keeps racing.


    Post count: 14413

    The question of fatigue for ‘walkwithfarmgirl’: I think we’re tired all the time because the every day stuff that non ADDers do without thinking much about it, we need to focus on it. It’s harder for us ’cause of the inattention. It takes more energy from us.

    As for ‘billd”s wondering about not panicking when injured; again not sure, but I think its got to do with adrenaline. We’ve got a rush of it when an emergency occurs and, in an ADD case, adrenaline helps us focus so we’re more rational.

    At least that’s my understanding of it to this point after reading on the subject. But I may have gotten it wrong.


    Post count: 14413

    Moka – what you said about fatigue makes eminent good sense. My brain is racing at 100MPH all the time, and I find it incredibly draining. Also, it can be difficult at times to fall asleep, unless I’m very tired. I find playing music in my head helps me to fall asleep, if the brain’s going to be active it might as well be something I enjoy!


    Post count: 546

    hi twwsmama,I have a ? how long have you had fibomyalgia . I have been treated for it and depression and fibomyalgia for over two years. after nerve damage in a car crash @ 15 and then awork injugries from adge 22 till now . I was to afraid allways to say i hurt myself so i just sucked it up .i was thinking every one wants to fire me. so over the years i would just quit. geting fired made me ask why and the problem was me,because i would let them to get to now how inscurei am. so its timeto try keep my mouth sut. back to my meds and yes i am all over the place.i take 2 plills for pain and 3 for depression and 3 for high blood presure to top it all off 1 every2 days for colesstoroll.i fell like a drugge. the thing is i still have lots of pain.thats even when iam not using my arms. the more i do the more pain i have,but i can do alot in the sort term. i sffer even more the day after. so is all this part of my adhd or just made worse by it. or is this something else. thanks for your input. my brain does not stop going all over the place tyiping i find hard because my brain wants to get ahead of me or it wants to go somewhere else,even after 72ng of concerta in the am and 36mg after lunch.


    Post count: 14413

    Bob L. – I hear you! Same for me, it feels like a gazillion things on my mind at all time (yeah, draining! you got it!) and problems falling asleep. Sometime I get out of bed to write something down so it’ll be out of my head. I think I read about someone else on one of the topic doing that.


    Post count: 14413

    trashman – I started having symptoms around 4 years ago now, and was officially diagnosed 2 years ago. At first I thought it was just the flu, or the winter being hard on my body, but it never went away. I only have 2 prescriptions right now but we are about to trial some new meds now that I have health insurance. But with all the pain pills I have to carry around plus my sons epi pen and my inhaler etc I feel like a drug store lol


    Post count: 14413

    HI EVERYBODY! This is awesome!! A place to come and I can feel like people understand me. I can feel like I don’t have to cover up my ways, or pretend to know what the hell they are talking about. This is my 2nd time posting on here! I just saw the special too 3 times this week and cried each time seeing it. I mean, it brings me hope that I TOO can help myself and try to learn the tools I need to cope, in turn helping my family, close friends and co-workers. I am tired now and need to head to ned. I took tylenol PM a while ago. I can’t help it, I never turn off! Gnight! Hope we can all help eachother with all this. I’m kind of excited about getting better now!! And im 50! More tmoro!


    Post count: 546

    HI twwmama, I have been given a drug called lyrica 300mg 2 times a day , for about 2 years now.I was told that it was made for the vets from the first golf war. tryed other drugs nothing as good as this . its pricey, but it helps. the ad i saw for this said it was to treat fibomyalgia. hope this helps


    Post count: 14413

    Hi trashman – I agree about Lyrica and I’ve been taking it for several years also. I take 100mg AM and 150mg PM. I think I retain more plasma levels then some people because of other issues. I tried to take a higher dose but it zombied me. In any case it really is effective and basically a re-formulation and more effectively designed precursor to that companies neurontin meds. Neurontin also went generic so that was some of the thrust for the development of Lyrica. So whatever – it is effective. One thing it does do for me is quell the anxiety associated with my ADD. I found this out lately because I was running out and getting crap from my pharmacy provider about filling the script. So — I reduced my dose thinking (incorrectly as ADD people sometimes do ;-0) that would make the dwindling supply last longer. In the interim my scattering thoughts and anxiety levels went WAY WAY up. When the script came and I started taking my directed dosage I felt much better. So — if you have FMS and/or some other chronic neuropathic pain, it does really really help. And stablizes mood. Good luck!

    PS: It is nice to have a place to share our common state, aint’ it!


    Post count: 14413

    I was reading down and came to callmecrazy’s post and I feel the same way..my dilemma now is trying to get a diagnosis…I have no medical insurance.. cannot afford it..by word of mouth I found a medical clinic free to the uninsured..made appt and when I went the nurse started asking why I was there. I told her was unable to focus…can’t stay on task..at times feel overwhelmed and its effecting my job..there was more but that is what I would discuss with the Dr..and when I saw her I gave her additional info in hope that she would suggest ADD as being one of the posibilities…she did want to get blood work done and see me again in a couple of weeks…lets see what happens.. she leaned toward bi polar


    Post count: 14413

    I’m going to be 54. I have not been diagnosed but as a child I had some learning problems and I was retained in 4th grade. Back then, you weren’t diagnosed with ADD and I learned to cope just fine. As I started going through the whole menopause process, I started to read all kinds of things since I felt like I was going crazy. I have always been organized and got things done quickly and on to the next task. But these last few years, its’ like “who am i?” The whole ADD thing makes so much sense for me as I read everything. I’m certainly not wanting to be a hypochondriac but it just makes me feel like “ok, yes”!!! So I’m interested to hear what everyone has to say.


    Post count: 14413

    HELLO AGAIN! I have not posted on here for a year! ALOT has happened since then. First off, every time I tried to log back in, it was the wrong password or user name, or computer problems……….you know the drill. Finally, I’m back! Since then, I got diognosed with both kinds of ADD. The inattentive kind AND the Hyper kind. Oh well and I’m 51 now. The Doc is also ADHD and went through Med school before finding out. Can you imagine? I really think she is cool! She told me all this helpful stuff to try and she gave me hope and confidence so I did all the stuff she suggested and it made a huge difference. Like EXERCISE every day, omega 3, multivitos, organized weekly pill box organizer, IPHONE, ask for help with stuff I’m not good at, do more of what I’m great at, etc. After a month, I was alot better, less headaches and better sleeps, then I tried VYVANCE! HUGE difference and I can organize a room with ease!! Alot of what this Doc taught me was to be myself, and see how amazing a person I am instead of seeing myself the way adults saw me when I was a kid (immature and stupid). I competed in many high level sports even through college, got married and raised 3 awesome kids, plus LOVE my job. To do all that with dyslexia and 2 kinds of ADD should count for something. So, the Doc giving me confidence to believe in myself REALLY HELPED! I hope I can help others who read this!! We can be AWESOME!!


    Post count: 14413

    After years of being “different” and off balance and square-peg-in-a-round-hole I am astounded to read all this stuff and find out it FITS ME EXACTLY. First thing – it has removed any anxiety that I was mad/had a brain tumour. I have been referred to a psychiatrist for an official diagnosis – don’t know how I’ll cope if I get a Dr who says “no, you’re fine”. My family are so used to me self-diagnosing in my search for “what’s wrong with me” that they rolled their eyes when I said it’s ADD. But it fits absolutely 100 per cent. Yep, sitting in the emergency room with my hand and wrist twisted like a pretzel, looking at it (no pain relief) and thinking “That’s just plain weird how it did that”. I tend to enjoy a good emergency. Leave all my work until zero hour so I make my own emergencies (could never work out why I did that). Drive too fast, read a book while watching TV and surfing the net and learning to play the ukulele. Talk too loud and too fast and come out with dumb stuff that makes people look at me funny and slooowly back awaaaayy…..

    Nice to know I’m normal (on this site anyway!) Lol.

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