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Sports, Anyone?

Sports, Anyone?2010-08-08T11:38:41+00:00
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    Post count: 14413

    Ok 48yrs old (young) now . Tried Golf a couple of times in last 3 years.. Even though beautiful courses. Didn’t relieve any anxiety.. actually stressed me out waiting for other foursome in front of us. Did biking that really seemed to work well but weather is sometimes an issue. Might try frisbee golf in the spring seems to be a little faster paced. I love to be in the water swimming I realize was a big outlet for me when i was younger. Never did formal swim team thing but I probably should have. It is very important to encourage others in activities i actually excelled in most sports i participated in but unfortunately sucumbed to a serious knee injury that suppressed my high school sports career


    Post count: 14413

    I did try a lot of sport, those are the ones I practiced at the competition level : Hockey, baseball, Soccer (european football), figure skating.

    Those are the one I tried on a less competitive level: Boxing, Self-Defense, Budo Ryu Jiu Jitsu (the way of the samurai, looks like judo mixed with self defense), American football, badminton, skiing, volleyball, some car racing at the drag strip…

    My friend’s suicide and my parents bankrupty lead me to several years of no sports at all, almost 10 years on my couch depressing with dark thinking, but 3 years from now I took my life back together and retook boxing lesson, ice hockey with friends and jiu jitsu… 10 years of no sport got me to 330 pounds, I’ve lost it and now am at 230 and still droping


    Post count: 31

    Yes. Sports are great for our racing minds. I’m a part time cyclist as well. And martial arts definitely helped me a lot. I was in Kenpo for years. and I ate it up! I am a member of two forums : this one (ADD) and my other addiction. It is an activity that I’ve discovered was perfect for ADD. Well, it is for me anyway. But I want to share it here because I bet a lot of you ADD peeps would love it. And it’s free. It is little known but has a huge community. Recreational Tree Climbing!. Yes, tree climbing. But.. it is NOT exactly what you think. It has come a long way since I was a kid. Now , you do it with ropes, harness and carabiners. You never hurt the trees and it is totally safe if done correctly. It is as close to flying as you can get from the ground. There is little that is more exhilarating for an ADD mind than hanging peacefully in the canopy of a tree, 60 feet in the air (or 100 or 200), and smelling, seeing and feeling the surroundings. If it sounds cool, look it up online. (or ask me! I need climbing partners!) There are plenty of cool sites. Here a good place to start.. http://www.treeclimbercoalition.org/whatistreeclimbing.cfm or http://www.treeclimbing.com/. Also… for ADD treatment, I think Paintball, Archery and Swimming are great therapy. Peace..


    Post count: 14413

    I cycle. It’s fantastic! I get the sensory stimulation I need, I get the exercise, I save on fuel, AND I get to look like a dork! :-p

    I also did taekwondo for years, which was good, but that was mostly because I had a good dynamic with the others in my club. It’s something I had to give up because of time constraints, though.


    Post count: 14413

    Contrary to the mainstream belief, riding my motorcycle is very invigorating and provides quite a good workout.

    I also get into resistance work outs without the use of any equipment .. does wonders for my mind and body…


    Post count: 14413

    I cycle — and this is the main exercise that calms me down. I also play adult soccer, ride my motorcycle, hike with my family, and ski. I like to swim in summertime. For most of these exercises it is the time when I am all in one place mentally. After three hours riding my road bike in the mountains, I often feel more capable mentally. I also feel less motorized and twitchy. Besides, once I tire myself out I don’t wish I was off doing something. I can chill with my family doing low energy things.


    Post count: 89

    Anyone else here play hockey? I love the game, and really enjoy playing. However, I find there is “too much going on” for me to focus and be effective on the ice. In ball hockey, I tend to just freeze up which could be my anxiety issues. Would love to hear tips if anyone has them.

    One time while playing recently I had my feet swept out from under me from the front — I did a face plant on the ice from 6′ upright. Only thing that saved me from breaking my nose and losing teeth was my visor. I actually hit the ice so hard my face was numb from the nose down for almost an hour. I was positive the guy did it on purpose.

    I was absolutely LIVID. Once I knew I was in one piece with nothing broken I jumped up, raced off after the puck, and decided I would smoke that guy somewhere on the ice before the night was over.

    I then proceeded to play probably the best game of my life. Incredibly focussed, in on nearly every offensive play, scored lots, and had TONS of energy (which I normally don’t). I also maintained my anger towards the guy that tripped me and played him aggressively at every chance. I waited for him to give me an “opportunity”, but it never came and my anger slowly faded.

    About an hour after it all started, my play began to return to normal.

    My doctor told me that what I experienced was because of an adrenaline rush. The great thing was I never felt “jumpy” or “fidgety”. I truly wish they could bottle whatever chemical reaction was going on in my body that day. I’d love to feel it again.


    Post count: 14413

    I found classical ballet at 8 and did not look back. I danced professionally until 24. I had a major injury and I had to stop. I have never found anything so freeing as the physical and artistic. I still miss the stage and the rush today.


    Post count: 14413

    I joined because i was sure my “learning dis-abled” daughter was A.D.D. and now after doing the virtual test I am going to my doctor for testing for me as well as my daughter! I have suffered from depression,, never feeling i was “good enough” or “organized” enough…. wow….. and then add a mind that wants to constantly create ,,,, and then have a hard time finishing any of the “creations” double WOW…. I find riding my horses almost always makes me feel so good! I have competed all my life ( and i am 45 years young!) with horses, and i think if i wouldn’t have i may have gone completly mad. My daughter also rides her own horse, and i definatly notice how much better her days go when she has had time to ride. I think the combination of caring (grooming etc) and then being one with this animal just makes for relief from our minds constantly go-go-going….

    I also have my daughter in a breakdance class, and she loves it! Dances her little heart out!

    I look forward to reading and learning on this site!


    Post count: 14413

    Golfing drove me nuts, could never see that as a relaxer. I played tennis as a high schooler. Also back yard football (American) and broom ball in college.

    I find that my focus or what my coaches called my will to win, would end before a tennis match. I kayak now. Really like it.


    Post count: 14413

    I am surprised that I have not seen rock climbing, unless I missed it.

    I took a trip to Spain and my Navy friends took me to a huge rock next to the ocean and introduced me to rock climbing. This was not a fake rock climbing wall with the mounted grips and footholds , this was in the outdoors and huge boulders.

    I fell in love with it right away! My thinking out of the box was challenged because you get to a point where you have no idea how you are going to continue going up. You all of the sudden see something take the risk and next thing you know you make it to the top. The whole climb was the adrenaline rush my body craves and at the top was the greatest satisfaction of accomplishment.

    Yes, an experienced friend climbed to the top first to attach the rope to a strong hold that they had put in place previously.

    Rock climbing for me was a whole body and mental workout.

    I love the outdoors so skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, scuba diving, snorkeling, and bike riding are other sports I really enjoy.

    Scuba diving is a great workout and you do not even realize just how hard you are working out underwater. It is a completely new world and amazingly beautiful.

    I have a eye-hand disability so miniature golf is a challenge. I have always wanted to try golf just because I love the outdoors. I have a feeling I would become too frustrated getting that little ball into the little hole. Maybe fo me just to get by it or onto the green would be good enough.

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