The Forums › Forums › Medication › Vyvanse › Taking Vyvanse every day or only when needed?

November 22, 2012 at 12:23 am #91181
AnonymousInactiveNovember 22, 2012 at 12:23 amPost count: 14413Pardon me if this has already been asked, I call myself searching but may have missed the topic.
I recently swapped from Methylphenidate 20mg to Vyvanse 50mg… recently being today! My Psychiatrist suggested to take them when I need that long day of focus. (Such as class days that start at 10am and get out of class at 8pm). Then he gave me more Methyl in case the vyvanse doesn’t last into the evening or I just don’t like it.
When I picked up the Vyvanse at the pharmacy, I told the pharmacist I had never taken it. She told me to never miss it because I could feel withdrawal symptoms!.
I, personally, and terrified of any pill that I don’t know exactly how it works inside my body. Even Methyl, when my Psyc bumped me up to 20mg per dose, I was afraid to take it… even though I knew how it affected norepinepherine and dopamine uptake. I’m guessing because I had never experienced it.
I’m rambling… to the point:
Should it be taken every day?
Are there negative effects when I skip a day?
Is my doc trying to get me hooked on Vyv for the recurring commission from prescriptions?
Maybe I’m being paranoid… ..?
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:15 am #117444
AnonymousInactiveNovember 22, 2012 at 3:15 amPost count: 14413Hi Mr. Banana! I’ve taken Vyvanse 50-60 mil almost every day for about a year and a half. Personally I find it hard to play the ‘do I really need to take my medicine today?’ game. However, it’s always best to call your doctor with questions like this. Speaking from my personal experience with stimulants – all of them effect me differently. Take for example adderall, it turns me into a zombie about 1 hour after I take it. It makes me really tired and unmotivated. That said, Vyvanse gives me a bit of energy at first. After, I just feel in a zone and able to concentrate on activities that would be hard for me to take interest in without meds. Take work for example, when I arrive at work, nearly an hour after I take my daily vyvanse, I hone in on my work and get a majority of my daily work done. My point in all this is that you may have withdraw and you may not. It all depends on how your body reacts to vyvanse. I feel like sleeping all day when I don’t take it, therefore, I will ask my doctor if I can taper off when the time is right. Good luck!
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:24 am #117445My dose is 60mg daily… I dont take it everyday. I take it when im working or have to deal with things like kids school etc. On days off I often don’t take it… The only thing that happens to me if I don’t take it for like 3 days… when I start again I seem to get the insomnia for a few days again where as if I keep taking it I dont have to deal with that. My psychiatrist said I don’t have to take it everyday. *shrugs* Ive been taking it for over a year now and don’t have withdraw… I do when I dont take my anti-depressant however. When I forget a dose for work or just decide not to take it to keep my “natural high” my co-workers think ive been drinking or doing drugs when the problem is I havent taken my drugs hahahahahahaha
The only reason I DO take it on days off is to help me stay motivated, control my eating and my husbands sanity. I tend to really bug him when not on meds… I like to start arguments and pick at him anyway I can… Or I just leave the house in search of adventure! Which is mostly watching TV at my uncles place across town and getting drunk… hahahahaha
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:27 am #117446 Your name still reminds me of this. Every time I read your name “I AM A BANANA!!”
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:31 am #117447
AnonymousInactiveNovember 22, 2012 at 3:31 amPost count: 14413Thanks for the info! I think my search for adventure is endless. They usually just consist of random drives that can end up anywhere. One recent one, I ended up walking around Nashville for an hour, then driving to KY, where I finally decided to turn around and head back home… 5 hours away in Alabama. haha.
I’ve never really gave it much thought, but do you notice any(Other than normal) effects from alcohol when you are on Vyvanse?
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:32 am #117448pffffffffff no. Im drinking whiskey as we speak! hahahahahaha No there is no problem with that. Don’t quote me. I know you shouldnt drink while on anti-depressants. Which I am… meh
Oh and thats the FIRST thing I always ask when starting a med “Can I drink? What will happen if I do?”
“My name is Carrie… and im an alcoholic…” hahahahahaha
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:38 am #117449
AnonymousInactiveNovember 22, 2012 at 3:38 amPost count: 14413Well, at least you aren’t in denial.
PS Whiskey is soooo gooooddd.. are you the Crown type? …JB? …JD? …WT?
…Personally, Crown Black for me. 50/50 with a dew.
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:40 am #117450CROOOOOOOOOOOOWN!! THats EXACTLY what im drinking now
REPORT ABUSEHAS to be on ice and with a wee bit of Pepsi. Im half way through a mickey now. Usually I drink about 3/4s of one. hahahaha I dont get sick or hungover. I havent had Crown in over a month. I tell you it tastes GREAT!
November 22, 2012 at 3:42 am #117451
AnonymousInactiveNovember 22, 2012 at 3:42 amPost count: 14413HAHAHAHA! That video is fantastic! Enough that I think everyone associated with my facebook should see it!
…It kind of reminds me of a time when I wore a banana costume and ran around campus! …I think it was snowing. =]
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:45 am #117452hahahahahaha Yes he is quite the animator. A GREAT one in fact. Every time I see your name I hear that in my head AWESOMESAUCE!
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:46 am #117453
AnonymousInactiveNovember 22, 2012 at 3:46 amPost count: 14413It Does! I’ve never gotten sick or hungover from crown! Even on those wild nights that over half a handle mysteriously disappears. …It’ll probably catch up with me one day though. haha.
…Speaking of half a handle of crown, a buddy of mine chugged half of one down a few weeks ago and decided it was a good idea to do a burnout in his tahoe… after a solid minute into his foot being on the floor, the transmission blew up and the whole tahoe went up in flames. His turbo even melted the plastic around his engine! … Smart move Todd… smart move… I can’t say much though… My jeep was stuck in the pond the next morning. Had to pull it out with a tractor!
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:47 am #117454no no no nooooooo!! Thats the wrong one!! THIS is the right one–hg43ybY
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:48 am #117455hahahahahahaha I havent done anything wild like that… I just tend to tackle people twice my size and want to arm wrestle… though I always lose but I put up a good fight! hahahahaha
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:50 am #117456
AnonymousInactiveNovember 22, 2012 at 3:50 amPost count: 14413HAHAHA! As son as he said “spoon,” I thought of this:
REPORT ABUSENovember 22, 2012 at 3:51 am #117457HAHAHAHA DAVID FIRTH!!! YEEEEEEEEEEES!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOOOOOOME!!! YES!! Good ol’ salad fingers