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totallyADD.com Crew………..We need to know CANADA or UNITED STATES

totallyADD.com Crew………..We need to know CANADA or UNITED STATES2011-02-03T22:20:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community totallyADD.com Crew………..We need to know CANADA or UNITED STATES

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    Post count: 14413

    Ok, let me ask again Is there any harm in TotallyADD.com in publishing the country we want to tell them we are from/ live? ……. Not anything else! Just a flag or symbol. Alot of people, No! not all give out alot more info than that on facebook! I do not at least not to my knowledge but in todays world who knows! The fact is there is much info to be shared A TON There are many issues and aspects involved in ADHD. Some of us might be more knowlegeable or experienced in certain aspects of ADHD than others.If i am new to ADHD no problem there are many posts and forums and other venues here on the site to navigate through. But as we become educated and want to move on we often as in most educations need to finite our research.

    I am trying to find out what the great Govt of the united states has to offer me…. Yes offer me!…… There are many programs out there that can help me and even use my ADHD disability for the greater good of humanity. I used to call alot of things benefits……. But to be honest as I become educated If the Gov’t has things to offer me as UH OH entitlements why not use them as long as I am not creating fraud! That is why they are there. And yes because I am ADHD and my head is not falling off but spinning inside that should not preclude me from assistance. How much does ADHD cost the Govt if left untreated? What about other disabiliites…. OK enough. At least totallyADD.com please give me a search option. Or how about a forum link for Gov’t assistance regarding the disability of ADHD instead of having to look at every post (oh and there are tons of them some which are repetative and not related to my circumstances) but yes I read them and I never criticise them (at least not on purpose). What is more frustrating is not having the time to look at and read every post to seek out urgent and relevant info for me…..

    Funny I have found a ton of resources off the web more than from the beaurocratic agencies then run them. Have you ever looked where they burry entitlements that are included with the passage of legilsation. I have missed out of some just because they used the words in the title of a program that I construed as a female only program but in reality there were many benefits for all genders that had ADHD and other issues that were related to me and my yes my DISABILITY! I AM A PERSON WITH ADHD and PROUD!!!!!!! I was thinking to create a mascot for my ADHD profile pic but if I made a two piece costume I know I would forget to put on the head of it and take the picture and post it exposing all the world to see who I really am…… Hey I wonder if there really is a Rick or is that a costume


    Post count: 22

    Hi Folks,

    Indeed – it is for reasons of privacy that we don’t publish the countries of members. You are welcome to pop a wee flag on your avatar if you’re comfortable with it, shout it out loud and proud!

    We’re always looking to incorporate your feedback – so keep the suggestions coming!


    Post count: 430

    I think my avatar gives people an idea where I live.


    Post count: 206

    I don’t know about the United States but here in Canada, Mental Health is a Provincial Matter. So every province handles it differently. So the links page would be endless and would have to have a search option just for them. The web allows you to conduct searches a lot easier because it is indexed and although you may find a lot of irrelevant information it will help you drill down to what you are looking for.

    Mental health in my province alone has dozens of regions all offering different options depending on where you live. Although we now have 1 official health board they still divide the province into different health regions that are manned mainly by doctors and nurses working in tandem with volunteers to look after the “clients”. Depending on income level, education level, severity of symptoms and a whole range of other sorting criteria you will find the options available to you. I live in a city of over 1 million people that only has a satellite ADHD Adult clinic from the sister city 4 hours away. There are no phone numbers just an email address where you can send your concerns. For instance if you have a mental illness paired with drug and alcohol problems the sister city has a concurrent disorders clinic that will treat both problems at the same time. So does the Provincial Mental Hospital but nothing in the North or extreme South of the Province. Today the Premier of the Province announced in his Throne Speech that there will be more options for Mental Health. No specifics and they have been promising this for 15 years.


    Post count: 913

    Country: U.S.A

    State: Confusion



    Post count: 14413

    i dunno… if people are asking for specific help and don’t think that they might wanna tell people what country- let alone area- that they’re in as part of their request… yeah. good luck.

    its like posting that your car is making a funny noise, without describing the noise and saying what kinda car you have, and then expecting everyone to know exactly whats going on and promptly direct you to the closest garage to you that specialises in squeaky seat spring repairs in manual transmission classic VW beetle imports.

    ie: unlikely to go well.

    if people don’t tell me where they are and i need to know, i’m just gonna bug them by asking them where they are and waiting for a response before answering their question appropriately. that way they might think to mention it themselves after the thousandth time of my asking. :D


    Post count: 14413

    I’ve always found it very helpful to at least know what country a person is from. Knowing, and not having to ask constantly makes it much easier to tailor responses appropriately, especially when it comes to questions of health care and/or benefits.

    I just adjusted my information to be as specific as may be necessary for others to tailor their responses to me, yet as private as I would prefer.

    All one needs to do is place a region where it says “Province,” and something generic where it says “City.” My profile is now public, says I’m from New England (which is true, by the way), and the city is “Crossroads.” Anyone from my town would know where that is, yet it is still generic enough nobody from my home town would know who I am from it.

    It isn’t that difficult for the webmasters to include that information above or below avatars in the forums, provided the poster’s profile is set to public. Personally, I don’t find it all that cumbersome to simply LOOK at people’s profiles before answering if I their location might change how I would answer them.


    Post count: 546

    well I am a praire dog loud and proud I am fromm winnipeg manitoba canada. I know half of you are going where’s that and the other half is going hoo cares. I’ll tellyou hoo me thats hoo or I would be more lost tham I am. if that is possible. lol


    Post count: 546

    now remenber this awnser it will be on the TEST. lol


    Post count: 546

    and why is this strange guy looking at me. Tell him to stop stairing at me. lol


    Post count: 14413

    “well I am a praire dog loud and proud I am fromm winnipeg manitoba canada. I know half of you are going where’s that and the other half is going hoo cares.”

    Not me. I’m not a canook exactly, but you could say it’s sort of in my blood by way of the CBC, and a ton of Canook music from the Seventies onward. I grew up on the RCAFarce, was enamored with Triumph, April Wine, Saga, and, my all time favorite band for the past twenty-plus years has been The Hip. Never lived anywhere but New England, but my mind and spirit have been heavily influenced by Canada, having lived only an hour from Montreal, and many visits there, especially for concerts at the Forum.

    I know exactly what a prairie dog is. Bring on the test! :P

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