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Utterly sick of being this way

Utterly sick of being this way2012-05-29T15:06:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! Utterly sick of being this way

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    Post count: 14413

    I’m glad this Adderall is helping, First Nations. ADHD is not an easy thing to get help for, and I’m glad you can. Here in the US, it costs $500 out of pocket to go for a diagnosis, and so many people in our area just don’t have the money to go for a diagnosis. I did, and I’m grateful I could swing it. I have an undiagnosed adult son who needs diagnosis now, but has so many problems with addictions, job loss, etc that he doesn’t want to face that he is ADHD on top of everything else, even though I feel it is what is causing his Life Problems, too.

    Besides, folks with this tend to become impatient and discouraged easily, so that makes getting a diagnosis doubly hard; everyone who has stuck through that long process, should give themselves a pat on the back and a high five for doing that.


    Post count: 226

    @firstnations I know exactly how you feel in the first post.

    About three weeks ago, one of my friends invited me to go the show. I was so excited. After rarely getting invited to things, I had something to do.

    My mom asked if I wanted to help her with something but I informed her I had to go to the show.

    So, I was told to show up an hour early, because the line was going to be out the door. I did good. I was twenty minutes early, waiting two stores away from theater. Then I was the first in like and my friend was there. She texted me to go save four seats and go ahead. I did.

    My favorite seat is the front row, but I have another. The theater divides into two sections and there is a bar. I sat by the bar, it is far enough from the screen to see.

    Well, the three of them came and complained about the seating. One of them found only three seats. Guess what happen?

    I sat alone sitting with four seats open and a woman who felt so sorry for me.

    My mom texted me and asked how it was going.

    I texted that it would have been better if I went by myself.

    After the show we formed back together and talked about the show. I smiled and stated that the third one was the best. I got one of them staring at me.

    The next day another friend invited me to help at her Zumba class. I was still a little hurt about the theater, but went to her class. She took me out to brunch after the dance class. She stated that she was happy at how I could still be me after what happened a few days ago.

    The one who stared at me told people about the theater. To think that I helped her boyfriend who got tested with ADHD and then dumped her. She has been against me since then. That and I asked the other guy she had a crush out. We aren’t really friends, but she hangs out with my friends and so it is hard.

    Anyway the dance friend was amazed at how I handle the situation. She didn’t know that I cried for three hours when I got home. My blood still boils when I think of how I was treated. I mean it was sixth grade all over again.

    Can I at least act like I’m 25?

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