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    Post count: 14413

    My 8 year old son has been on it about 15 months and his improvement has been incredible. Went from nearly failing 1st grade to straight A’s in 2nd and now doing just as well in 3rd grade. One downside for him is loss of apetite. After learning more about it via his experiences and seeing his improvement I finally decided I needed to do something about it myself so I am going to see my doctor in hopes of getting on Vyvanse as well.

    So my question is; is anyone here on it and if so, please tell me your age and how well its worked for you.


    Post count: 14413

    Comments are welcome.

    http://www.caddra.ca/cms4/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=97&Itemid=142&lang=en will help to understand any appetite concerns.


    Post count: 14413

    What is the difference between Vyvanse and Adderall, I was on Adderall for several years taking 60mg two times a day. I had to switch doctors and I am not on Vyvanse, the new dr. said she did not giving something that was short term Immediate gratification(forgot words she actually used but that was the implication)


    Post count: 14413

    I’m 20 yrs old, diagnosed in 1st grade, and I have been on Vyvanse 30mg for a year. It’s worked wonders for me!

    I had dropped out of school in 5th grade, this year I earned my GED and have kept straight A’s and B’s in my two semesters of college. I think the medication is part of the reason why I’ve done so well in college.

    When I started it I noticed the loss of appetite as well. I’ve just learned to cope with that, and try to eat small snacks if I notice that i’m not really hungry. I was on the 40mg dose, but after noticing excessive sweating my doctor decided to drop my dosage down. Just something to keep an eye out for. :)


    Post count: 14413

    I have been on Vyvanse for 2 years. I was on a 50mg extended release for the last year and half of my undergraduate career. It worked wonders for me as well. I switch from Adderall to Vyvanse because Adderall made me to anxious and aggressive. The 50mg Vyvanse was a little bit too much for me, I felt anxious pretty often but now I am at 40mg and I think its the perfect dose for me so I can still be productive but not pushy and anixous. I had always had a terrible time in school and kept dropping out of college, but after getting on medication I became an A and B student and was on the Dean’s Honor roll my last semester of college! :)


    Post count: 14413

    I’ve been on Vyvanse for about a year. I’m 49 now. Truly saved my life. It also relieves a depression issue I have had over the years. I do note that I get quite irritable when it fades off at night, however, that might relate to the depressive issue. I must say though that I don’t feel it is helping anymore. I find myself stuck in a rut and overwhelmed by everything I need to be doing. That hasn’t been a problem over the last year. On top of that my insurance carrier just removed it from their formulary. So I’ll be looking for an alternative. Bottom line – while it worked, it was a miracle drug for me. I wish I had known I had this problem way before my late 40’s.


    Post count: 31

    I just posted about this in another thread. But I thought I’d share here too. I started Vyvanse a month ago. The Dr is still trying different dosages on me to see how much I need. But I will say, so far, I love it. My body feels the stimulant, but It calms my mind . My mind is not racing as much and I don’t become instantly overwhelmed at times like I used to. My focus problems still need some work. I like the time-release aspect of it too. Sometimes, it lasts a good 12 hours or more. I have not experienced any negative side effects. It does suppress my appetite, but that is a good thing, for me anyway. I have no problems with irritability or insomnia.


    Post count: 14413

    I tried 30mg for a month, then 50mg for another month, then 60mg for a third month. Each increase seems to help a bit more. I definitely notice a loss of appetite. I find I can eat smaller and more often to fix this, but I have to tell myself to eat or I’ll forget. Also, insomnia is a problem if I don’t take it early enough. If I want to be asleep by midnight, I have to take it by 8:00 am. If I drink coffee with it, I get a bit of a buzz as though I’m excited or anxious. Also with coffee, I experience feelings of euphoria and I kind of am in love with everyone. Not lust…just love. I’ll drink decaf I think.

    I have been increasing the dosage because I am only noticing some increase in focus. People tell me that I still talk a lot, and loud, and fast. I’m going to try more effort on the organizational side of things to see if the combo works for me.


    Post count: 14413

    Be careful with vyvanse! My 12 year son improved greatly at first then became agitated, angry and aggressive. I know of many others this has happened to. Took him off and the old happy kid came back within 24 hours!


    Post count: 31

    I am now on 50 mg, The change is amazing. I can focus much better on conversations. I can stay on track with tasks (mostly). It does make me a little speedy for the first couple hours but it levels out after. And it last at least 12 hours. I am sure some people have problems with it, but for me, it sure helps.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m on 40 mg/day right now and have been for the past month or so. One thing I can see is that my body gets used to it very quickly. I started at 10 mg (I think) to test it. Within a week I was up to 20 and within another week up to 30 and so on. I have noticed over the past couple of weeks that the effects are wearing off earlier each day so I may bump it up to 60 mg/day or try another medication. I am 33 and was diagnosed when I was 25 but my own stubbornness wouldn’t let me believe it. This is the first medication I have tried so I am not 100% sold on it yet especially for the ridiculous cost of it. My car payment is less than my prescription is! There’s no doubt it has had played a major positive role over the past few months though. I’m not saying it’s just the med’s that did this but in the past month I have quit drinking, smoking, started hittin’ the gym and eating healthy. I was very underweight for my height and in the past few weeks have already put on 12 pounds. I have not seen any decrease in appetite but that could be as a result of not smoking.

    And yes Orion, I agree it makes me a little speedy too after a couple hours of taking it. I have also noticed that coffee and stim’s DON’T MIX! I keep trying to drink my morning coffee (it’s all I have left dammit!!!) but find myself even more wound up than I would be off the med’s. Not to mention I have dramatically heightened anxiety and I’m sweatin’ like a bastard on top of that. Coffee is next on the kick-list to give it a true clear-headed diagnosis.


    Post count: 14413

    I take 50 mg of Vyvanse and it works better for me than Adderall. The main thing that I notice with the Vyvanse is that I don’t get that sudden jolt of “I’m ON” and the crash “I’m OFF”. It is a more gradual warm up and slow down process than the Adderall. I also noticed that the Adderall made me sweat more and I didn’t like that.

    The two drugs do have one thing in common for me though, and that is, when first starting on them or increasing the dose, there was an initial adjustment period in terms of feeling increased anxiety. The anxiety eventually decreased significantly and is only a problem occasionally now.

    I was diagnosed with depression as a kid and for years took years antidepressants that never really did the job and would eventually quit working altogether. I was not diagnosed with ADD until my late thirties and when I was put on stimulants my depression improved significantly and my antidepressant dosage is small compared to previously. I also notice that since taking Vyvanse I have an improved frustration threshold and I am no longer prone to getting irritable quickly. My Doctor felt that I was misdiagnosed as having depression as a primary diagnosis, when in fact, it was the ADD that was the main culprit and this proved true once I started meds for the ADD. It is apparently not uncommon for a mood disorder to accompany ADD (depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc) and when the ADD is treated the mood disorder symptoms improve. It really is quite interesting and does take patience to try different medication dosages and combinations until the right balance is achieved and sometimes this process can take months.


    Post count: 14413

    Has anybody tried both Concerta and Vyvanse? Anybody notice a difference between the two? I am experiencing a strange almost sadness, I get tearful during the day for no reason. It’s strange because I don’t think I have ever had any issue like this before, just seems to be some days and only once I hit the 72 mg dose of Concerta. I was wondering if there is less of this with Vyvanse?

    Also I noticed when I started Concerta that every increase in dose I would feel like a hero and a little speedy for 2-3 days then kinda settle back to normal. Now I hit my sort of goal doss and that has gone away, I am getting all the subtle benefit to the med but not the speediness, which is good because the speediness also came with a tonne of anxiety.


    Post count: 14413

    I have an appointment with my physician next week to get my script for Vyvanse and have been reading all the posts in here regarding people’s experiences with the medication.

    The only experience I have to this point when it comes to stimulants is when I’ve taken a couple of my son’s Concerta meds (tried 18 and 36 mgs.). Although I’ve only taken them on a few occasions (to see what it feels like to have the fog lift ;)), they certainly were effective. It’ll be interesting to get a medication into me on a daily basis.


    Post count: 14413

    Vyvanse has changed my life. I have been taking 30mg/day for over two years. It is very expensive and my insurance company refuses to pay much (they only pay 30 a month) so we are paying 150.00+ a month, however my husband says he will do whatever it takes to make sure I can get it. It has made that much of a difference. I have noticed that I have to eat a very large protein filled breakfast every day or I get very ill and shaky. I love that it has no dramatic up and the plateau lasts for 6 – 8 hrs and no crash, so I function evenly at work and can sleep at night. In the past I have been on numerous different add/adhd meds and anti-anxiety/depression meds. I now only take the Vyvanse and have only the norma(to normies)l occasional blues. It seems that correctly managing my ADHD has helped with the depression.

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