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Waking up in the morning

Waking up in the morning2011-09-14T10:24:15+00:00

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  • #108296

    Post count: 1096

    Larynxa – that takes some serious will power! I’m impressed!

    Have a great time in England. Be warned, the weather is wet. But it wouldn’t be England if it wasn’t!


    Post count: 229

    Larynxa, if you don’t mind my asking, how did you end up getting prescriped Seroquel? I was on it many, many, many years for Bipolar disorder, which, I don’t think I have, but sometimes I miss it for the sleepy time effect.


    Post count: 12

    ashockley, I really struggle with sleep too, and two things work really well for me. 1) exercise. My sis reports no benefits but if I work out before I go to bed I sleep lie a baby. And 2) for waking, I set an alarm to go off an hour before I have to be up, and take my morning dose. Then, at the appropriate time, I pop right out of bed, ready to start the day. I can’t believe it; it’s such a weird feeling, having plenty of time to get ready in the morning! I used to sleep until literally 10 minutes before I had to be out the door, take 20 minutes to go, and be late everywhere all the time. Taking the meds an hour before I have to get up was DEFINITELY the answer for me.

    Also melatonin. It’s what our body produces naturally as we fall asleep anyway but our bodies may not produce enough for us to stay asleep. So you give your body that lil push and I can usually sleep uninterrupted. If I manage to do that and exercise I’m havin a good night. (and a productive morning!)

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