The Forums › Forums › What is it? › Benefits of ADD › What are you grateful for today?
June 27, 2013 at 1:44 pm #120697
Hey!, write down three things you are grateful for. Then have a great day!
Here’s my list for today:
1) I’m grateful for my friendly neighborhood. This morning I got to talk with Marylynne for about 10 minutes. She’s a friendly 86 year old lady who seems to have a great attitude about getting older. It’s really lucky to have neighbors who are friendly and positive.
2) The morning sunshine was perfect this morning too. After a few days of cloudy kinda humid and sticky weather, it was great.
3) My coffee turned out great today!, I make it just one cup at a time. But it doesn’t always come out that good.
Sometimes it’s hard to come up with 3 things I’m grateful for, but making a decision to come up with at least 3 every day makes me appreciate the little things. This is an old trick I’ve tried to make work for me a bunch of times. I’m gonna try to stick with it this time. Maybe it will be easier if some of you guys also jumped on the bandwagon with me. So, how about it gang?!
I won’t kill you ya know!
Thanks in advance for participating you our gratitude club.
Got some gratitude?
June 27, 2013 at 2:40 pm #120699@Robbo, today, I had an amazing private character voice lesson, by Skype Video. I played with some of the characters lurking in me, and I already have several that will be great on my demo. And my voice teacher thinks that I’m such a fascinating, entertaining, quick-thinking talker, that I should have my own radio talk-show! (Yes, but is the world ready for that?)
And I left my parents a voice-mail message as one of those characters, which was so convincing that they haven’t called me back to say, “Why did you leave us that weird message?”. If I can fool my family, then I know I’m completely in character, and my disguise is perfect.
Plus, I found out that the 10:30 pm to 3:00 am shift I thought I’d have tomorrow night, has been cancelled. The money I’d have made would NOT have made up for so severely buggering-up my internal clock, blood sugar, and brain-functioning, by staying up far later than I have in over a year.
And, of course, I am VERY grateful for being a part of the TotallyADD community!
Which reminds me…
It’s time to make this month’s donation!
REPORT ABUSEJune 27, 2013 at 2:55 pm #120703Right arn Larynxa! Good job 🙂
REPORT ABUSEJune 27, 2013 at 4:33 pm #120709What a nice idea Robbo. We should do this each day. It’s so easy to think of negatives that it’s good for us to be positive.
Larynxa – you do seem to lead an interesting life!
I am grateful that I have helpful colleagues at work
I am grateful that I could afford an Indian take-away tonight so I didn’t need to cook or go shopping
I am grateful that I have thought about going to bed now so I have half a chance of not being too late assuming I don’t lose that thought (it’s night time here!)
June 28, 2013 at 12:34 am #120715There’s one I can think of. I know it sounds a little corny but it’s the feeling like I’m being watched out for. Like someones got my back. I haven’t really felt that for some time now.
REPORT ABUSEJune 28, 2013 at 8:27 am #120719@Seabassd, that’s why we’re all here. It feels so good to be looking out for others, and to know that they’re looking out for you, too.
If you can, do click on the orange “Donate” button at the top of the page, and make a donation to help keep the site running. It may be free to us, but it costs Rick & Ava a lot to run it!
REPORT ABUSEJune 28, 2013 at 5:40 pm #120728I’m grateful for my ADD husband. Life is seldom boring!
REPORT ABUSEJune 29, 2013 at 9:09 pm #1207331. I’m grateful that I was able to have a civilized conversation with my mom this morning. She’s an A and I find most of the time when I’m around her I’m angry at the disease not her.2. I’m grateful that I have such a kind hearted boss who is willing to call me and talk. He did this last night. 3. I’m grateful for even the difficult situation I’m dealing with at home, I know that God is helping me through it. 4. sunshine is a beautiful, wonderful thing. 5. going to the store at 8:00am, and having an older gentleman in front of me allow me to go ahead of him.(I was buying 2 protein bars and he had 10+ items… generosity isnt dead! :)).
July 8, 2013 at 4:49 pm #120875Three things today.
1) I’m grateful for my brother-in-law who has given me “three hots and a cot” …as needed.
2) I’m grateful for the continued freelance work sent to me by my previous employer.
3) I’m grateful for my relative good health. Despite the fact that I haven’t always been kind to my body.
That’s it for today.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2013 at 7:59 pm #1208861. Reassuring myself that starting out a Statistics class with a 97% and then dropping to a 89% is frustrating but it’s a passing grade…so far…I still have 4 more weeks to go.
July 9, 2013 at 9:25 pm #120889I’m grateful for the help I’ve received with my writing, and for the great novel I just read (that’s 2 things)…and that I have a natural talent in writing.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2013 at 9:32 pm #120891I’m grateful that my boss doesn’t mind that I spent half the day talking the trainee’s ear off about every topic under the sun (probably at a rate of 5 topics a minute) instead of doing any real work. That, and everyone’s still asking me about my vacation. And I can also be grateful for my successful container-gardening which every day or two yields a handful of beans that I eat right off the bush. Yum!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 10, 2013 at 9:24 am #120903I am grateful that I am here.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 20, 2013 at 8:16 pm #121006Even though my boss and I had a very frustrating day together-communication or lack their of..I’m grateful that he can help me verbally shake me and wake me up and realize that I need to let bad situations go, move on and learn from my mistakes.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 20, 2013 at 8:25 pm #121007@phoenixmagicgirl, Thanks for reminding me that even in frustrating situations gratitude can be found.