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What Happened to the Site??

What Happened to the Site??2011-04-19T18:17:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other What Happened to the Site??

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    Post count: 929

    That search idea works great! thanks agen billd.

    Are you still the spelling police billd? it’s a miracle I remembered that huh? hmmm maybe it was Toofat, that joked around about giving me a ticket when I joked about my goofie spelling. I think that was my first post here. Wow! I just remembered where too. It’s a miracle! I found it. I better finish proofreading this and get outa here, the ritalin will soon wear off… I think slowing down my brain helps the memory too. I hope that wasn’t just a fluke, flukes happen a lot to me. The fact that I could find it without the search trick, and in less than 2 minutes is proof to me that the methylphenadate works. And I’m not craving more. So I’m not as worried as my GP doctor about it being a stimulant, or addictive. I could complain more about that, but I’ve already done that here.

    http://totallyadd.com/forum/topic.php?id=1869 (the first post)

    ><<Google – use it to search this site only.

    sleep site:totallyadd.com

    for example, will get you anything on THIS SITE ONLY containing the word sleep.

    If you want to focus on sleep disorders, you would type:

    “sleep disorder” site:totallyadd.com ><< (billd’s search trick.)

    I ran a search for “feedback about this site” and this was the first page on it! amazing! huh? I have a new idea that I want to put in the suggestion box, so to speak. This thread kinda looks like the closest thing to a suggestion box.

    my search result.


    This is the new thread I decided not to start:

    ______There’s a new sheriff in town, YEAH RIGHT…____

    SO, *turning down volume*** Greetings fellow uncomfortably struggling miss-fits, superstars, up n comings and not so thrilled to be here peoples.

    That title was just for fun, and attention!. I got the idea from Reggie Hammond. (Beverly hills cop) Ya all be cool, it’s just a joke.

    I’ve started feeling a little bit more isolated and lost in the shuffle than my normal state of outsiderness lately. (The Outsiders, great movie!) even here. I don’t like religion, it’s the one word besides politics that makes most people even me, turn on their heels and RUN!. Nowadays a person can get blown up believing the wrong religious dogma. Literally!.

    I prefer Darma, rather than Dogma. Look it up if you don’t know what Darma is, even Darma can sound, look and feel too much like control and dictation. It’s one way to live. A choice. I’m not here to preach.

    I’m looking for more connection with other people here. There are more than 20,000 folks that have come here to talk, n talk, n talk, I’m one of em. I can really type! On AND ON! huh? please don’t answer that, it’s rhetoric. I’m rhetorical, lot’s of people with add symptoms. PWADDS. put an A on the end and we can have yet another 12 step program! Yikes!’ I hope nobody takes that seriously. ADD anonymous?

    I’ve talked once before about a chat room here, I think it could work well. I’m willing to purchase a few of the fridge magnets and maybe an adhd shirt, to help with the additional cost, a chat room is a whole lot of code to write. Way beyond what I’m capable of. I can’t even remember java script.

    If not a chat room how about a way for people who have more in common being given a way to interact more on a one on one basis, but still maintain privacy. I’ve been to a website where we could send, and block private messages to each-other, that way it’s more safe to talk to each-other with less risk of misunderstanding, and what can sometimes end up a flamewar on an otherwise very successful web site and recovery place. And removed.

    Any ideas? suggestions? is it already hear and I haven’t found it? I’ll be on the edge of my seat with anticipation… Here, there, everywhere.

    I are not different, We are! get it?


    all be bok.


    Post count: 285

    Robbo – I have a heck of time getting all the way through your posts, but they just crack me up! Keep ’em coming – you have a truly creative mind :) Ah-nold!

    I’ve always been kind of scared of chat rooms – I can be sooo impulsive if I don’t take the time to think before I hit SEND!!!

    I know – we could have an “I’m on meds right now” and an “I’m NOT on meds right now” chat room. That way we would be chatting with “birds of a feather” and know what we’re in for :)


    Post count: 14413

    Or maybe a 5 second delay?


    Post count: 40

    Actually, Robbo, it’s Dharma. I only recognized that because I’m Buddhist. If you use Firefox to post, it will spell check for you as you type. On those eastern words, just throw an ‘h’ in there somewhere, and you’ll do just fine :o)

    Actually, I’m just off a 12 hour shift and coming off my meds with the help of a couple roast beef sammies and a shot of Jack Daniels.

    My only survival technique is habit/routine. When the bright and shiny (squirrel!) distracts me from the habit, I lock myself out without my keys, I end up at work without my pass card, or end up at the store in the checkout without my wallet.

    Space cadet. Airhead. Flake. No, just got distracted.

    Spent my youth hearing: “if only you would apply yourself” … “you’ll never be half the man your older brother was in this class” … “what’s wrong with you” … “are you listening to me” …

    Also qualified for mensa at 16. Nine misdirected years in college. Countless jobs. Three marriages, though the last one survived 22 years, the only woman who could understand me died of leukemia. (When I saw Patrick’s wife on the ADD and Loving It movie, I thought of my wife. What a sweetie.)

    I don’t do body language, I don’t understand subtle hints. I live about a full second behind everyone else. That’s my lot. I’m a single parent of three teens that are essentially of the same mold. One self-medicates. One goes to my psych with me. One refuses to admit she needs assistance. Every horizontal surface in the house has something stacked on it. I work to feed us. We survive, and are, for the most part, happy. We put the ‘fun’ in ‘dysfunctional’ …


    Post count: 40

    One more thing, Robbo. I’m also a successful lead software engineer on a web development team. Looking over your suggestions for ‘chat’ room, I’d think that if I could click a ‘reply’ button at the bottom of your post, it could put a ‘to:Robbo’ at the top of my post, and at the same time, put an entry (with a link) in your profile that you have a post from me, and maybe even a big red “You have replies” at the top of every page you visit, until you visit your profile page.

    This isn’t rocket science, just some jQuery, a new action class, and some sql.


    Post count: 929

    Wow, what a smart gang a maniacs! hehe,

    “OH I know!” that’s how we think huh munchkin? great chat room ideas, and we can have a side bar for the chat room to keep each-other up to date/up to the minute on how the meds and our moods are affecting us! hehe. We would need a highly specialized format. Sounds like a project for billd.

    agnoscet, Great ideas! hehe. I bet you and billd could work together and come up with an awesome and unique chat room, and additions to this whole forum complex. I hope some of the folks here take your ideas seriously. You could also consider starting a chat room at another place. Allow a minimal amount of advertising, ya gotta eat right?

    They already do an excellent job, that’s for sure. I struggle too much with syntax. But that may change when I get my brain chemistry correctly adjusted. I mostly had fun with graphics with I was more of a geekster. I gave up keeping up with all the new html codes…If that’s actually possible… It’s hard for me to endlessly write/correct/test/write more code… and on and on… I used to have a big complicated web site, too complicated and too many different topics. Then browsers started reading my code differently… keeping a web site like this one running is a massive job. Way beyond what I can even remember! I just like to make freaky artwork.

    The h is a good way to remember on the eastern spelling. I tried on the Hindu n Buddhist ways for a lot of years. The philosophy still works some, but I agree with no-dopamine about religion, n philosophy (even though I’m not religious by my definition) they’re risky topics for a place like this. If I understand what she said on the high five thread.

    I found a path I can stick to. It comes out in my posts from time to time. Meditation apart from any religiously rigid discipline, or tradition is what works for me, that includes prayer. I just do whatever I can to get/stay connected with you, me, us, n them. Make it all one. Labels just mess up my ability to find myself. Finding myself without being selfish, n self centered is so dang hard!.

    I’m glad other folks like the idea of some kinda chat room. If we keep talking about it. Maybe we’ll get one, at least a temporary one… I’ll bet they’re working on it, along with a ton of other projects just like us. So as I try to be patient with them, I’m also learning to be patient with me, and all the stupid idiots in the rest of the world. :-P

    This place is great even as is, we just have lot’s of ideas. Ideas are not a crime!.

    I ain’t no termite!


    Post count: 929

    I ain’t no termite is just a meaningless thing I came up with some time within the last couple years or so, it cracks me up. It’s fun to see how people react. Sometimes being a weirdo is great! I like it when people look at me like a dog with it’s head turned sideways, curious and sort-of amused/intrigued, and also a little confused/bewildered.


    Post count: 285

    I love the termite and hippo sayings! I’m normally way too serious – I need a few more “dog with it’s head turned sideways” moments in my life – THANKS!

    My best joke was when they tore down a portion of the strip mall by my house (I didn’t know you could do that without tearing the whole strip mall down). What they tore down had been a bingo hall. So I kept saying we got a “bingo-ectomy.” I couldn’t believe people found that hilarious. (Me? Hilarious?)

    I think humor is like one of those social cue things I suck at – but I sure do like it when it happens… I’m the kind of person who would buy some academic book on the linguistics of humor… ugh!


    Post count: 929

    “Funny” is in the eye of the beholder. Or belaughterer? In the same way that people enjoy scary movies. Sometimes things are funny simply because they catch you by surprise. For example. I was showing Misswho how to find information here by using Google to search this site only on another thread. I naturally came up with a fun topic to search for: “maniacs”. What cracked me up the most was that google only had 3 results in the search. The first 2 led directly to a post by me. The 3rd was a thread that I posted in!… So I got a good laugh followed by another dose of humility… That’s a good thing. It’s just hurts my pride a little bit looking at what a nut I can sometimes be. So even though I have tons more “thoughts” on the subject. I’ll just be done.

    “There’s a time and a place for everything” That’s just something people say, probably. Maybe I should try to let it sink into my brain anyway, huh?

    Actually… No.. never mind.


    Post count: 845

    I’ll bet if our name and avatar were not attached to our posts, that most of us would see some of our earlier posts and think “Am I glad I didn’t write that.” Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to edit months later? Perhaps here is a way for the site to make money: For $$$ we will delete your post over which you are so embarassed. They could make some money off me. . . . Or maybe we could get our name removed as the poster and reassigned to someone like . . . Jack Harrison. 🙄


    allan wallace
    Post count: 478

    I don’t know how to put an av in next to my name, and anyway, what was uttered yesterday is rendered redundant by today’s thought of the moment, no? :)


    Post count: 929

    Yep, no kidden kc5. They could easily squeeze a good chunk of change outa me that way. LOL. Maybe that’s another part of why I sometimes put a date at the end of my posts. I’m also realizing lately that Sept. is my least favorite month. Some years it feels like doom. No need to focus on the negative any more than that though. It’s part of why some of my posts have been a lil wonky lately. I’m also thinking about stopping the ritalin. Haven’t taken it for a couple days. Can’t really tell a big difference. I bet taking the prozac may have been making some of my symptoms worse. We shall see…

    It just takes a lot more than a year to get my brown stuff together completely.


    go to your profile, don’t click “edit profile”. Instead, just to the right of your name you’ll see a little blue field with white text that says “upload an image”, click on that. Then you’ll be able to click “choose file”, that little round rectangular box like window thing: It will let you search your own computer for the image you want to use. That might be the part that confuses people. clicking on “choose file” lets you choose the file from your own computer. I keep it simple by scaling down the size of the image I want to use and making a point to remember where it is before I open my profile. Hope my wordy directions don’t insult your intelligence. Ya never know. It’s not like we have a lot of experience reading or writing directions :-)

    Oh, just in case… You have to be logged in to do this.

    HA Ha!! Bingo-extomy, I get it now!… funny one Munch!, (sometimes Ima lit el sloughew) Isn’t it weird how reading my last comment made the words happen in slow motion in your mind? hehe. Did I just freak you guys out?



    Post count: 802

    kc, it’s not so long ago that I wrote a big ‘woo-hoo! I do that too!’ post in reply to…wait for it…one of my own posts! And it was a very recent post too.

    If there was no picture by my posts I’d have no clue whether I’d written them or not! lol


    allan wallace
    Post count: 478

    Robbo, you’re a blast lol…yep, I am that stupid. I will revert to the sanctuary of my procrastination and have a crack at the av thing some other time. That sounds really hard, and well, I don’t have a good track record in getting things right :). I don’t even know if i have any little pic avvy thingy’s in there! :)

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