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Worst "You might be Bipolar" by dad

Worst "You might be Bipolar" by dad2010-12-08T23:01:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Most Hostile/Ignorant Thing I've Heard Worst "You might be Bipolar" by dad

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    Post count: 14413

    After a crisis during hurricane, while caring for mother-in-law on oxegyn, when 5 months post-partum for my first baby whom I was breastfeeding. When being comforted by my step-mom about my mom having to relocate during the storm, I lost my cool verbally to the insensitivity of my brother’s mother-in-law who was dragging up her old hurt feelings from 5 years prior. Afterwards dad suggested that I needed to take antidepressants and be evaluated for bipolar. Which I did not qualify for by professional diagnosis. Sweet Support from Family! Blah!


    Post count: 14413

    Hmmm? I saw a Psych off and on for 7 years, who diagnosed me as 1) depressed 2) bi-polar 3) unmotivated and a serial procrastinator and, best of all: 4) “just menopause, you’ll be okay in a year or two.”

    After watching the video ‘Got ADD’ last night on PBS I cried…with relief! I’m going to be 66 years old this month (June) and now I think I might not be a lazy, crazy, drama queen!

    My father,was a wonderful, funny man who I’m certain, was ADD. My two oldest sons (and their father) and one grandson, will also pass this test (or is it flunking this test?).

    One son was diagnosed as hyperactive in first grade, ( couldn’t keep his hands to himself or his mouth shut and very impulsive) put on Ritalin and never had his dosage adjusted. He was a zombie. I decided I’d rather have my hyper, sweet, and exhausting little boy back than one who couldn’t sleep and had lost his sparkle so I stopped the meds.

    Wild horses couldn’t make me dose him again, even though it was suggested to me several times by his teachers. This was in the 70s and the drug was getting a bad rap. Many regrets and now some hope for him, his brother (class clown, loud mouth and totally disorganized) ,and his son who has all the above symptoms.

    Is it too late for me? I hope not.


    Post count: 29

    There will always be people who prefer to pathologize any behaviour they don’t like. It’s a tool of manipulation, whether they realize it or not.


    Post count: 14413

    Actually, ADHD and bipolar often occur together. I have both. I’m glad you didn’t fit the profile because it’s difficult to deal with. Bipolars are often just as sane as ADHD folks and feel the same frustration with stereotypes and stigma that ADHD brings except that we get called “crazy” to boot. Impulsivity from either condition can cause some outbursts that aren’t pretty. I have PMDD as well. Anyone else out there with multiple diagnosis?


    Post count: 9

    You have my permission to face him up on this. Ask him to present his psychiatric credentials before the next time he decides to dress up his opinions with psychobabble, and tell him to back off. People get angry for real reasons and react angrily when pushed past their boundaries, particularly in situations where there is already a great deal of stress present. That makes you normal, not ‘bipolar’. Good gravy Marie.

    I hope things are better for you now! All that and a hurricane on top?!

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