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WOW. This is mind blowing!

WOW. This is mind blowing!2011-08-31T20:07:11+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am WOW. This is mind blowing!

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    Post count: 39

    LOL with the notebooks and the stationary store!

    Well, I am beginning to have faith in our medical system. I have an appointment to begin the assessment through a learning centre in 2 weeks. This is great – although expensive, I have some insurance under me and my hunny. I went to a Dr. that i have seen through the years on a walk in basis, explained my thoughts, how my family Dr. is not the greatest, and all of the symptoms I have experienced through the years. He agreed that the learning centre was the perfect route, because a referral through him would take years (literally). He also said he would treat me for it right away, so I don’t lose this job, ruin my marriage and start down that slippery slope of hell. After he went through many questions, he recommended Concerta 18mg and gave me the prescription.

    I have found that my “sense of urgency” and “quick start” behaviours have kicked in again and have been able to get the ball rolling on this. I am still in amazement that there is an explanation for all of the crazy behaviours that I have always chalked up to being stupid/lazy/irrational/hyper… well, you get the idea! Feel more empowered for sure!


    Post count: 14413

    Good news Lucky. You are on your way. I think the spent will be worth it. Good Luck!


    Post count: 14413

    Ayahyah! Tiddler: yep drives my hubby up a wall, then we saw that m night shamalan movie and i said “see!”.

    Filmbuff1984: was it the adhd that you were able to get disability for. Ive been trying to research it.


    Post count: 27

    I hear ya Lucky77, I feel the same exact way!! I gave up on the note books, I traded ’em in for two white boards to make to do lists, when I first started adderall all the chores got done too…..for the first time in my life!!


    Post count: 285

    Me 2 – housework done – 1st time ever – thank you 2 wks on Concerta. Hmm I think half those boxes in the garage are notebooks and journals wi about 3 pages used… Get rid of those and maybe I can even get my car in!! Mind blowing is right you guys :-)


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    dafiloola> Filmbuff1984: was it the adhd that you were able to get disability for. I’ve been trying to research it.

    My case was so extreme, I was fairly sure I would get it. It was about multiple complex issues. Bear in mind, you are severely restricted in term of how much you can earn. They allow up max limit of income to qualify. You can warn up to $65 per month, but after that they take half of any income you earn. Without section 8 or private low-income housing(USA), your basicly screwed. Food is a real problem, let alone basic bills. Rent is about 2/3 of it in CA. It will take about 3-5 years on waiting lists to get section 8. Private(if you can find it) low-income housing is just as bad. Medi-cal coverage is decent. Unless your rent is paid by someone else, it will be rough.


    Those medi-cal cuts directly effect those who can least afford it. If I go to public clinic, I pay nothing. I go a private doctor. I pay a $1 co-pay?? I said, “That cuts into my food budget. Why don’t you pay for it?” I get this smug, “No we can’t.” If your a doctor because of the money, you SHOULDN’T be a doctor! In general, co-pays discourages people from going to the doctor if they can’t afford it. The concept of co-payment is based on just plain greed by private insurance companies. Dumping people because they are costing the company too much money. Private insurance is about company and ceo greed. Lets go back to mid-evil era where only the rich had great healthcare. Wait were almost there! :p

    The poor class shouldn’t pay anything for health care. It’s the right thing to do. Why is “medical bills” an issue at all. Raising money to pay for that operation. This is just wrong.

    “They have high taxes”, but they have a great social safety net. And people wonder why we have the highest murder rate in the industrialized world?? Vote for people who will “Cut your taxes.” And people wonder why we have overcrowded classrooms and badly rated school system in the world? And people wonder why my house got robbed since the police don’t have enough people to my cover the area? And dam why are those fire trucks late? Etc. Were not a socialist country? hmmmm. Then why do have a police, fire, national parks, public roads. WE ARE ONE! geez. Socialized Medicine is not a dirty word.

    The Wisconsin anti-union mess, the people VOTED them into office. They are clearly anti-union. What did you think was going to happen??

    “Cut your taxes!” So, you can spend spend spend on all that worthless trash. Once your out of money, get into debt to get more worthless trash.

    Buying a house by getting into debt IS NOT a investment. Saving up to buy a house cash IS an investment. Debt is negative net-worth. For you non-business types. The value of all your assets minus all your debt. So, a house debt IS NOT an investment. I hate it when the media calls buying a house(via debt) an investment. For most, it’s making your net worth negative, NOT an investment.

    Through fancy lawyer tricks, the rich and corporations pay less taxes than the middle class and poor. Guess who we voted for who created that mess. Don’t even get me started on democrats. Third parties like, progressives, don’t win because WE DON’T VOTE FOR THEM!

    IMHO, most Americians are a mountain of stupid….

    WHAT IS THIS BS SOME AMERICAN SAY: Greatest country in the world?? We ranked really really really low. Norway is #1 They can truly say, “Were #1! Were #1! Were #1”

    Got off track a bit…. end rant


    Post count: 913

    Sorry, they are not anti-union – when a state is broke and has no money – where should it come from?

    They only wanted to limit certain bargain rights of the public unions. This would have no impact on non-public unions. Nope, there’s more misinformation going about now than there is truth or the full story.

    I know – I’m deeply involved – I happen to work for the state here…………..

    The badly rated classrooms are not for lack of tax money. come to where I live – I’ll show you one of the richest school districts in the state – and yet they have a pretty poor graduation rates. It’s not what they spend – it’s what they spend it on. Instead of teaching HOW to think, they teach WHAT to think. Students who do make it through are helpless to think for themselves…

    The fancy new buildings, the fancy glass halls and ceilings – how does that help? And the teacher’s unions here have things REALLY screwed up badly – can’t get rid of bad teachers or reward good ones, the school year is a mess. Luckily I went to school in a REALLY basic brick building and no AC and good teachers – before this “PC mess” all came about. I learned basics, I learned reading skills to the point I could read at any “grade level” by the time I hit second grade. Try that today! And let’s not let little Johnny feel badly that his big brother graduated HS – so we’ll spend money on a KINDERGARTEN graduation…….

    OMG! PC gone amuck.

    When I went to school, students could be punished, flunked, given letter grades that included F and D, and no one was warped or did poorly because of it.

    Let’s not blame lack of money……….. they spend more now comparing apples to apples than ever before……… and yet things are falling apart. Anyone here go to school where they had no air conditioning?? did it cause you to be a failure?

    We had more kids in our classes then that they do in many today………. so what’s up with that? We seemed to do ok.

    Let’s put the blame where it belongs, and on politics. Political infighting just like today existed over 200 years ago – little has changed, only the way it’s REPORTED has changed.

    MAYBE what we need is for schools to teach correct history, not PC history, but FC history (factually correct, not politically correct)

    You have a lot of pent-up anger there, unfortunately, it’s working against you.


    Post count: 14413

    forgive me for posting something unrelated … but your help is needed

    I am doing a research paper on attention deficit disorder (ADD). The core purpose of this research paper is to present information and data from a whole different perspective: a positive one. This research paper is dedicated to those who have ADD and are constantly being put down by researches that focus primarily on what they lack rather than what they have.

    If you have attention deficit disorder (ADD), kindly fill out the survey





    Post count: 14413

    Hahaha notebooks, YES! I have kept my job for nearly 12 years though….being a journalist means doing something different every day. Mind you in our company I have worked for 7 different papers in 5 different offices….Deadlines keep me going too. I hate them but without them I would never even get started.

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