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  • in reply to: NJ-Employer's comments #116156

    Post count: 6

    If your son does have at least two impairments listed by the ADA from ADHD its in his best interest to inform his employer. It is going to save a lot of hassle in the long run with employment.

    People get upset. Thank goodness your son is an introvert because that can cause problems when you have a jerk of a boss.

    As long as your son is a proletariat and providing his capable services for compensation then to err is human. There is no excuse for not rational approaching a problem in a collective manner to discuss what may have happened and seek out remedies to prevent future occurrences.

    Your son cried from the confrontation. That could be social anxiety, lack of ability to delineate thought under pressure, or stress. It happens to the best of us. Reinforce the positive is the best a mother can do. You got a job, your trying your best, you not stooping to his level of aggression shows a lot on character. On the other hand it could be from your sons subconscious that he doesn’t have it under control completely or feel he is master of his mental domain. Sometimes we forget we struggle or to give ourselves pats on the back for the positives until we hit the wall and its to late. This could be a good thing for him in a sense of refocusing on the important things within himself. :)

    Cryings good. Not letting it out is troublesome… Good job though. Supportive loving parents make all the difference.

    in reply to: Just want to say hi #116179

    Post count: 6

    @ Jules

    I liked it till the last part… I dismiss my extreme sever damage of multiple head tramas being a culprit; unless were talking about cowlicks. ๐Ÿ™„

    OP, 58 is as good a time as any. You made it past the dangerous ADD/HD age of 40. That in itself is a monumental acheivement undiagnosed. It is a shame about your vision loss, thank goodness you maintain site. Did you have sensory enhancement before in hearing, touch or smell? They are common traits but if you did they must be even stronger now.

    Welcome to the forums also. I found a good place to scratch out conversation without the negativity of some other popular forums. you should stick around a while. :mrgreen:


    Post count: 6

    (Al~Anon Legality) This is all a fictitious story or imaginary ramblings from a nonexistent character

    So sorry everyone for not ADD blocking text. Also everything I have written has been it the highest of upbeat appreciation and gratitude. You guys just can’t see it so no more apologizing. I’m good at reading facial expressions just not using them… Same for speech.

    Some may say ‘aww that is just so sweet of you to express your care and concern, you sweetie pie’ (or something like that) ๐Ÿ˜ณ I usually fill that with a blatant statement like ‘sorry for the grammatical errors blah blah blah blah” followed with the thanks though… I do better in person by patting on the back with a smile. I’ll work on written responses here one day.


    It’s just if that hypothetical character were involved with the court system and felt like writing things down. It would be beneficial to express that it could be of fictitious nature. Perhaps like when you receive an email from a lawyer with advice but not under client privilege.

    “It is not all the ADHD” in-lies my problem. Also partly why I wrote on here. It is still only the beginning of adjusting and I really need to get back to see another doctor. If I had two of me I could be normal like everyone else. By saying I’m doing better than ever before just means that I didn’t subconsciously repress, run away or detach myself from responsibility.

    The always present ‘floating’ physiological stress is just kicking my a$%. It cripples my ability to do a lot of things like make a list, call somewhere or even finish homework. The only thing I can do at this second is keep juggling as many of the pins as I can instead of stopping; I guess would be a fair metaphor. I don’t have all the anger issues, backlash at authority, inability to pay attention or lack of not knowing many of the things I do that are maladaptive.

    Until the places I’m contacting get off their butts I can only try to maintain at this point. Although writing back these responses is quite a bit of progress. I’ve set the last of all this stuff relying on the USPS to be on time… That could drive anyone mad.

    *Edit: That isn’t a cop out by any means. I thought most of it was okay because I was the one getting effected at the time. I wouldn’t lash out but would go inside for 5 minutes then be quite fine and over it; as far as normal is for me. I provided financially and was emotionally supportive as best I could be.

    The only harm I did was letting people down who had faith in me to be on point 24/7 as situations or things would demand. Not only is it normally a struggle but sometimes external influences put the adhd inability to delineate and competently focus on a single task or thought and the physiological ever present “floating’ stress, into a moderate panic sensation. Causing a train wreck of human capabilities. So going to any doctor once was a triumph in its own accord.

    It is hard to explain really but I can tell you it would be easier to ball up in a corner and stay there than to try and do something such as following a five minute 3 step guide. Or planning and calling and setting a second appointment, to then over analyze and ruminate to the point that if you had a prescription pad the appointment wouldn’t be necessary. I had whatever conversation we may have already if not more then once.


    So sorry you went through the same situation I have been for the last 7 to 8 years. Props to Sydney for maintaining a system for the best interest of preserving family values. I wish the same could be said here but the economy is shot, parks are close, websites taken down, and legal aid (equivalent of what you mentioned) has closed 60% of offices has 20 staff and refuses any family issues.

    The state is currently doing tours of poverty for every news and federal group. The economy is dire but I never was to good at taking handouts anyway. I attempted temporary low-income type of support but the 5 to 6 year wait cause the application to get thrown away. I won’t complain about sympathy or empathy I just don’t handle accepting them like NT people would. I myself just responded to someone at the very start of a dissolving partnership just after I wrote here yesterday.

    It takes people getting to know me I guess. My way of expressing human emotions is peculiar at best… :mrgreen:


    I wasn’t going to say anything about what you wrote about what I wrote because you wrote it like I would have written it. (tongue twister) I’m in a talkative mood though, displacing my attention away from things I keep wanting to ruminate about. These post could surely use better formatting but they have been coming in the witching hours as I keep ending sleep before 12:00am….

    I love the idea of meditation. In theory, if I had to pick and debate a stand point from a religious aspect I would take a lot from Buddhism. Like the response above, as soon and my fight or flight cuts off. Only diversionary works when its like this. Getting up to clean or take a walk outside. The brain is doing is either biologically or subconsciously and I can’t do much but keep chit chatting with myself when it gets more than a 4 on 1-10 scale of comfort. For anyone else that reads this it is the same as the early stages of a panic attack as if your body was responding to danger or an emergency. Not just the typical stress one might experience.

    On that note the situation I was in at the time of the original appointment is why only ADHD was accessed without the other underlying causes. That was suggested to be revisited and is currently what I’m trying to shift what funds I can around to get something started. The spine is driving me mad with pain. Not to mention the constant fidgeting/bouncing coming back; it was soar enough when I stopped the first time. Now I’m soar from starting again. Good exercise though.

    I agree with the sadness that comes with the burdens of late treatment. Our causation may not be the same but the correlation of effects on the physical and mental aspects share common traits. I couldn’t just go talking to someone with, for example, schizophrenia and compare conditions but the effects of both ADD/ADHD are sprinkled on every “cupcake” I’ve met.

    I’m not exactly sure if Behavioral Health will do me any good. In theory, or course it should but application of knowledge obtained is still going to be a problem. I most certainly can type extremely fast making it easier even with elevated stress.

    It will either come down to a psychologist practicing behavioral theories or neurological. I’m counting on the same thing I was when I approached treatment in the first place. When the comfort zone is obtained then I will delve into the old attic and do some spring cleaning. I just want a little bit of normalcy and comfort in my own skin. Perhaps then I can practice things thru repetition or application.

    The explanation of how I saw turning ADHD back into a positive is still the same. It is like being stuck sitting looking out a window . You can see it, hear it, even sometimes smell it. You just can’t touch it no matter how hard you try.

    Its good to know therapy is working out for you guys though. Hopefully I will get to the point of mastering the beneficial capabilities of the coined ‘disorder’ here in due time.


    Post count: 6

    (Al~Anon Legality) This is all a fictitious story or imaginary ramblings from a nonexistent character.

    I had to check in and can’t believe you guys read that entire post. It was a rushed hyper-focus that took a lot longer than I expected, and ended up cutting it close to being late to school…


    I posted here when I came across it again in Google. I previously made an account here to comment on some articles and seemed like an appropriate enough place. Sorry if there are any grammatical errors and about the poor sentence structure. It all comes so fast even typing +80 wpm isn’t fast enough; at 5am on a sleepless night. Thank you for the encouragement.

    I actually went through the entire process of extensive testing and got the diagnoses from a psychiatrist and have been doing better if not okay on medication. I’d like to go through the behavioral therapy or something to that effect but not right now. Once some stability is achieved and I get the comfort zone back I will most certainly attempt to continue writing things as a form of processing instead of storing in the mental locker.

    Oh being dependent is what got me into the mess I am currently in. That was one of the first things that was tackled. I’ve since cleaned all the negative friendships and acquaintances out of my life and have taken to independence. If not only because I already can’t complete everything I have to do but making sure I have no excuse my lack of determination to blame. There is an appropriate time to socialize and hang out in your free time, and I do not have any at this time. I know it all comes from wanting to help everyone or trying to see the good in everyone. While I can’t completely change it I most certainly can learn to properly distance myself from harm. “You must be the change you want to see in the world” ~Ghandi …. Could never stand human suffrage. It is not that the terrible childhood and parenting caused me to suffer because I never let it. Its that I wonder how bad my condition would be if I hadn’t always had the instability. The free floating anxiety that is always present makes environmental stress, depending on severity, that much more of a challenge. I would definitely benefit from anxiety medication at this time but it is blacklisted at my current provider, and I need to wait for the finances to see another provider.


    @Ricochet Rabbit

    I most certainly can not say I wouldn’t change a thing in reverence to my childhood. It has made my nerves want to strike, wonder why I don’t have grey hair and exacerbate my condition to an extreme problem. It has filled me with knowledge and experience though. Perhaps why I didn’t fall behind in intelligence or from an educational standpoint. I’ve read posts from all over the internet from personal experiences to scientific information to an unnecessary point. Its the application that turns out to be the hardest part. Could I make a list of One Hundred Things I Should Do For My Benefit; of course. Can I turn around and do that list; most definitely not. One day…. right.

    I most certainly am the most logical and analytical person in the room. I certainly wouldn’t be irate, yelling or aggressive. Handling the situation is another matter. I’m working on not saying things as they are directly with no “fluff” which make me seem blunt or unemotional. I get a lot of complaints about “You’re absolutely right” but “you could of lied to me a little just to make me feel better, jerk.” As well as people that I interact with in public sometimes react negatively because I am too direct or may sound aggressive; I have to character myself with a certain charm and personality to deal with people. As long as its not an aggressive confrontation because my fight or flight is broken in extreme situation; while I most certainly haven’t been in a physical confrontation in a lot of years I did have a problem with sensory protection of blacking out but yet still functioning somehow. I became good at avoiding those confrontations because of it. I wouldn’t want to harm someone when I don’t have any control over my actions.

    I will certainly keep fighting the good fight though. Thanks for responding; sorry if you read all of the post ๐Ÿ˜ณ


    Thanks mate, whether it really is strength or the fact I can’t turn off anymore and don’t really have the choice of giving up… I’m on it


    Post count: 6

    wow, that is quite long. Oops ๐Ÿ™„

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