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  • in reply to: Strattera? #92121

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    I am on 40mg Prozac and 40mg Strattera. What say, Dr. J? A bad combo of meds? I’ve not been diagnosed yet. My GP and psychiatrist are suspicious of ADD and/or bi-polar and/or brain injury. The GP started me on the Prozac earlier this year after an accident, and the psychiatrist introduced the Straterra.

    I’m still not able to stay on task as well as I wish I could. But my rage has disappeared. And my drinking is down. However, I think the Straterra is causing me to bite the insides of my cheeks and the sides of my tongue. As well, I believe it is allowing me to act out my dreams (at least with my hands and feet). I have a second session with the psychiatrist at the end of the month.

    Side effects I’ve noticed about Strattera – besides the diminished sleep paralysis and involuntary self-cannibalism – are very dry mouth, upset digestive system, and burning in my lower esophagus. I’m trying to quell the latter with famotidine tablets and half a dozen Tums with calcium, something my body needs anyway… to no avail. I’m fearful it might affect my vocal chords and I’m just now starting rehearsals for a part in a musical.

    Regarding aliens, I don’t fear them. Rather, I used to fear for the inalienable rights being trampled upon by the U.S. Federal Government. But, now with the meds, I can reason that I can always flee to Canada.

    By the way, neither of the meds has done anything to allay the anxiety I feel when I see misspelled words such as, say, the word “seperated” which I see below this Reply posting box.

    Written tongue-still-in-cheek. Hopefully.

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