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  • in reply to: Attorney with ADD/ADHD? #127455

    Post count: 4

    Anyone know of a support group specifically for attorneys? Especially in person group in Northern California?

    in reply to: Any interest in forming a Group for Attorneys #122340

    Post count: 4

    dithl – thanks for passing it on….

    in reply to: Any interest in forming a Group for Attorneys #122255

    Post count: 4

    Thanks for all the replies.-

    Here is my (abbreviated) info.  I’ve been a civil trial attorney for 20+ years.  There are actually aspects of law that fit me, but a lot that don’t.  Those that do:  the rush of a trial, the hyperfocus that comes with being in trial, the constantly changing landscape, the people interactions, and more.

    The problems: PAPER WORK, keeping time and billing, drafting briefs during regular hours and on a planned schedule (yeah, right), the boredom of discovery, the deadlines (which both freeze me up, but ultimately give one of the only motivations to get things done…that is of course when the deadline is tomorrow…or even today), trying to juggle and prioritize so many things in any given day.

    My idea in asking is something I heard at the CHADD conference this last spring (?) in SF.  A speaker mentioned a group of people that had started a “check in” support group for their daily tasks.   I thought that would be useful.  I also thought having an attorney group would be good because every profession/career has its unique aspects, and law is no different.

    I will continue to monitor this, but it looks like there either aren’t many attorneys on this site, or there is no similar interest.


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