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    Hey ya’ll 🙂 my little Lucian is the center of our world.  He’s 6.  He was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 5.  Since then he has been taking Adderall XR and Adderall IR in some kind of combo/dosage ever since he was diagnosed.  He started with 5mg of XR upped it to 10mg then upped it again to 15mg and finally bounced it back down to 10mg.  He has had a 5mg IR prescription to use on an as needed (if he is going to need to focus beyond school hours) basis.

    Folks, let me tell you…I never wanted him on any medication.  My mom eyes saw a vibrant creative artistic soul that had absolutely zero problem shining at any time.  He wasn’t shy.  He wasn’t nervous.  He wasn’t anxious.  He wasn’t abnormally moody.  He wasn’t Up and Down and all over own.  He didn’t struggle with ‘special’ days (we could go to dinner, change our patterns, have company or visit with friends) and even though YES he wiggled, he squirmed, and needed a considerable amount of redirection and lists of instructions couldn’t be followed…but he was Lucian, I felt like the harder parts were there just to remind us to pay attention those super amazing parts

    Teachers are SO pro-med.  They loved when he was taking his 10mgXR morning pill and the 5mgIR afternoon pill.  They. Were. Happy.  I was miserable.  They had this medically stimulated uber focused kid.  I had this kid that flipped out constantly.  The only way I can describe it is that I was left to deal with a kid crashing hard daily.  The come down was way too much.  No more free spirit.  We had to follow his routine to a T.  We couldn’t do anything spur of the moment. He was miserable.  The tension was out of control.  I broke and refused to give him the 5mg IR and felt like it was still a one sided compromise; yes XR no IR.  They have been getting the best of him and leaving me a much different boy then the one that I have spent 6 years cultivating and raising.

    Today we had an appointment and thankfully his doctor is UH-mazing and actually listens when Lucian or I speak.  After hearing me nearly breakdown in tears, and listening to how much this is hindering Lucian at home he suggested that we try a new approach.  He gave us some samples of Strattera, an if big IF we feel like there is a positive change then we’ll switch.  He wants to start at 10mg.

    I’m probably in the wrong place to be asking questions.  I’m sorry.  Does anyone have any experience with Strattera and short people? Does it suck? Ya’ll I hate the effects of these drugs on my kid.  Does he focus better? yes.  Have I noticed a huge positive change with school work? yes, that is the only reason I have stuck it out at all.

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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