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  • in reply to: Nutrition, Supplements and Vitamins #118665

    Post count: 2

    Hi Everyone. I am new to posting in any forums although I have benefitted from reading all your comments for a couple of years now! This is a very interesting thread! I have been using coconut oil because of the fact that it raises HDL cholesterol and is fabulous to cook with because it can be heated at a higher temperature than olive oil. Reading all your posts I was reminded that when I first started taking omega 3 fatty acids, I also had the sensation of clearing the fog from my brain. I noticed the positive effects within ten days. I think it was wild salmon oil then. I was encouraged to try it by a Dr. Michael Lyons who wrote a book called Healing the Hyperactive Brain. He has ADD, is a medical doc and researcher, and has a son with ADD. He wrote a second book called ‘Is Your Child’s Brain Starving’ where he gave account of his entire family going on an elimination diet (he keeps it simple) After two weeks they began re introducing various foods back into their diets. When wheat was reintroduced, his 17 year old BMX champ son developed eczema on both arms. Previously he had eaten wheat at every meal without any visible symptoms. Staying off wheat was a key for his son in his management of his  ADD. Dr. Lyon understands that there is a place for drugs in treating ADD, but also treats with nutritional plans and elimination diets and often the meds are reduced or eliminated.  I went to Google to make sure that I had his name and title of book correctly spelled for you, and I found a gold mine of information at the link I have posted below! I have bookmarked it for myself. There is an 80 min talk by Dr. Lyon there as well as a way to access the parts of  his talk that you want to access in a hurry later. He is a very entertaining and informative speaker. I have a great deal of pleasure sharing this information with you all. http://archive.org/details/ADHD-IsYourChildsBrainStarving



    Post count: 2

    It’s like each tab is a window on the world and I am hanging out saying You Hoo?! Over Here!

    whatever did we do before we had computers……or maybe there are some here that don’t remember a time when we didn’t……..yikes!

    I used to drive myself crazy writting papers in uni. All those rough drafts………all those dead trees!

    I really appreciate the posts on all these forums. I laugh and I learn, what could be better?

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