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Very good poem and sounds familiar
REPORT ABUSEWow that is sure a lot on your plate. It’s already hard as a parent to not feel inadequate when you are raising a child who struggles with ADHD, but to have others berate you, that is very unfair. I have no idea what you can do, since I don’t live in the same area as you. It may be beneficial to see what parent’s educational rights are and then when you have that knowledge it can be power in communicating and requesting things from the school. You also may want to try to speak to someone else at the school, such as a counselor, or the principal to voice your concerns about how you are being treated. Can you look at a different school? are there any private schools that may work with you better? You also may want to consider going to a medical professional instead to get your children assessed independent of the school. OUr schools here won’t often do the testing to diagnose add/adhd. We took our child to a pediatric neurologist for diagnosis and treatment. You could also search out a child psychiatrist. Usually children can learn both languages well if each parent speaks one of them in the home. I wish I had more to offer you. Good luck with everything.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 5, 2011 at 4:47 am in reply to: ADHD diagnosed for 10 yr old girl who picks at skin on fingers #98786Our daughter went on medications and she was then experiencing anxiety type things -deathly afraid of bugs, even ants and little nats flying around. She then was doing picking at her skin. Once she went on the prozac and we got to a good dose, these subsided. She also used to pick at the end of her nose, causing it to bleed. She no longer does these. Also clonidine was added to take off some agitation, and to help sleep at night -she was a horrible sleeper, it’s a lot better now.
REPORT ABUSEOur daughter was diagnosed at age 3 1/2 years old and started taking medication. Some signs where that her being rambunctious wasn”t just moments, it was almost all the time. She would wear out 6 adults around her for a few hours. I felt like the energy was constantly sucked out of me, and I was exhausted. She also displayed the same behaviors/symptoms in a variety of settings. Our pediatrician didn’t feel comfortable diagnosing her at that young, so he sent us to a neurologist whom we have been working with.
Good luck.
REPORT ABUSEI too am struggling with a daughter with ADHD and a husband. It can be very difficult and trying. The good thing is that at least hopefully things will continue on a better path now that he is on meds. It sounds like he had to have a pretty hard reality check to get on the right path. I know you are probably still angry and resentful and it can be hard to let things go, but you will work through it and then hopefully you can both work together towards a better future. I know that things are still difficult on my end, but after seeing “Add and loving it” and my husband being willing to pursue medications, I have hope that things will get better, and that it will be only better things to come. Hang in there and good luck with everyrhing. Unfortuantely I don’t have any advice on the work thing.
I wish I had some good advice, but all I can offer is support and that I can relate to what you are going through. I have been married almost 10 years and we have two children, 4 and 5 1/2 years. I feel like I”m at the end of my rope and am always one day away from ending up in the “loonie bin.” My oldest daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and that is when I got (and him) the aha moment that he was ADHD as well. I didn’t get it earlier because I knew how to recognize it in kids, not adults. Some days I feel like my marriage is not going to work and I can’t handle it anymore. My husband, while he does help out more than some husbands around the house, I still feel like I”m stuck doing most of the parenting, because either it’s constant yelling, or he has to go and put the headphones one and “tune out” to keep from losing it himself. He does not have the ability to filter a lot of things. The saving grace for us (and what gives me hope) is that I happened to come across the “ADD and loving it” on pbs. I recorded it and watched it and my husband asked me to keep it recorded so he could watch it. It wasn’t until he watched that movie that he became more open to going on medications. He has started the med journey and there are moments of “good” but still those difficult moments. I am hopeful though that things will get better. Maybe you can suggest you watch the DVD together. I found it was better for my husband to hear it from someone else than just feel like I was nagging at him about something else again. I know the exhaustion you feel. I feel it every day. I hope things can look up for you. I would also suggest sitting down and just having a heart felt conversation, without accusations. (I know it’s hard when you feel a lot of anger, resentment and exhaustion). Good luck and keep us updated. As I have mentioned, I’m hopeful things can get better on our end as well….
PS- Another thing that helped my husband have more understanding about how it was for me, was the book “Is it you, ADD, or me? It is focused on how AD(h)D affects relationships and from the perspective of the partner without ADHD. You may want to purchase that for yourself and leave it out for him to see and maybe read?
REPORT ABUSELIke by the remote? hehe sorry had to add a little humor