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ADD boy

ADD boy2012-11-13T13:00:41+00:00

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  • in reply to: New Guy vs Ritalin #93582

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Hi Dianew. Part of the reason I stopped taking ritalin (the genereic brand of ritalin acutally -methylphenidate) was because at times I felt edgy and well, just edgy. I have heard some say that the generic brand of ritalin can cause this.

    I started taking methylphenidate again this spring because, un-edgy as I was, I was acomplishing absolutly nothing without my medication.

    One thing I have discovered is that the 20mg I was taking each time was part of the problem. I now am taking 10mg each time, just a lot more often. Kind of a manual slow release. My doctor is fine with this and it seems to have solved that edgy thing.

    Talk to your doctor about the thump thump.

    Good luck.

    in reply to: No Friends #93955

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Hey Just Me.

    I don’t think that finding good friends, or even just friends is a problem that just us ADDers have. Like some have mentioned, society today has alot to do with it and I know alot of “normal” people with the same struggles. That doesn’t make it any easier.

    I don’t have much time to explain my lot in life right now ( got to go out for an early mothers day dinner with my Mom) but I will say there is one thing that has made a huge difference in my life and in having friends to hang around with. Church.

    I can imagine many people running for the doors after reading that one word, but i can say with confidence that our friends that don’t belong to a church family feel pretty isolated and alone in this big world, which is a big difference to the feeling of belonging our church going friends have. I’m not trying to cram religion down your throat, and I’m not part of some cult recruiting team. I’m just metioning it because I see what a big difference it makes it our lives now. I always use to take it for granted but there are many things that have made me see how fortunate my family and I are.

    At the risk of being late for dinner I will say that many people have a bad opinion of the Christain church and I can’t say it is without reason. Most people think of the church as judgemental, hypocritical and anti gay and thats nobodys fault but the churches. I’m a poor excuse for a Christian myself and am embarassed at the damage I can do to peoples view of a beautiful thing, that being God’s undonditional love for us. ( us being you included.)


    Babysitters are alot easier to find too. See ya.

    in reply to: New Guy vs Ritalin #93579

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Thanks turkeyspit. Thanks for setting me straight on the “wall of text” thing. I didn’t quite understand the four hundred other people who told me the same thing in a different way. In case you didn’t read my reply to others comments on the same thing,….. I get the point. “Really though”.

    Well, alrighty then. All my misplaced sarcasm aside, I do appriciate the time you took to reply. I do not have any insurance that covers any medication so the low cost of ritalin is a big consideration.

    As far a being self aware I know that It takes about 15 min. for things to kick into gear and one dose only lasts about 2 to 2 1/2 hrs. Im not sure if its the physical aspect of my work but I seem to burn up any goodness of ritalin faster than some.

    Because I have been off my meds. for the winter ( sort of as a “do I really need these chemicals running through my veins” thing ) my family doctor has set me back up on half my regular dose of 20mg x 3 to 10 mg x 3. (Thats because I found I really to need those chemicals.)

    I have found they make a big difference when I take 10mg, but only when I take it twice as often as I’m supose to.

    Does anyone find that a lower dose more frequently is more effective than a heavy dose less often? Is that even an option? Other than the incovinience of having to take medication 6 times a day it is kind of the same thing as slow release if you think about it.

    Oh, and turkeyspit., one could also say constructive critisizm vs. overly sensitive add boy = a bad thing, but thats not at all your problem, its mine…………….so my bad. I’m working on it and I bit my tonge the last bunch of times. Did I mention that when my medication wears off I sometimes have a kind of edgy feeling? Thats one of the reasons why I stopped taking them. I felt like a drugie having a bad come down off of a high. I’ve heard some say that the generic version can have that effect on people. ???

    in reply to: conversations #93299

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    It all brings a tear to my eye. Jump-man rules! Yehaw

    in reply to: New Guy vs Ritalin #93577

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Thanks for the reply Rick. You will should probably notice a lot more spaces in anything I post from now on.

    space space

    I should also mention I just celebrated my 14th anniversary with my wife today. I did remember to buy flowers. Also, when I made mention of flowers and cancelling I was actually refering to the “good boy” points from buying flowers being cancelled out by the “bad boy” points earned from arguing.

    I’m happy to say that the score right now is good boy 1 , bad boy 0.

    I also agree with the danger of shooting your mouth off. Almost every single time I’ve done it I regretted it. Eg. The crabby customer who’s wife is going in for by-pass surgery, or the crabby customer who’s son just died of brain cancer, or the person who cut in line but was just getting there order that they were already waiting for. I hate it when that happens.

    Well I have to go play Mario Cart with my kid. Bye.

    in reply to: WOW! What a revelation #92205

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Larynxa, I’d be happy to help you out and play the part of the pirate if there is one. Arrrrrr. Thanks again for looking out for me. And just look at all these spaces.

    I’ve been reading though other threads for hours and am finding your previous comment on one thing not working for all to be very true. I’m kind of stuck on the idea of staying of ritalin despite reading posts on how it should be banned.

    The pros. — It lites a fire under my butt, I get a lot of stuff done when Im on them, I can juggle multiple projects at once, I don’t fall asleep during chuch services

    The cons — I sometimes get edgy and snippy when they wear off, I feel lost when I forget them

    I thought that the snippy thing was just a me thing but after reading around I see that its a problem for a lot of people. Has anyone found a trick to keeping upbeat when the medication wears off?

    A beer or two?

    A warm glass of milk (barf)

    This is one of the reasons my wife didn’t really like me taking ritalin. I wasn’t a bear or anything, just not my usuall smooth sailing self. After six months without though, both of us are looking forward to me going back on them. Man did I ever get a whole lot of nothing accomplished this winter.

    in reply to: WOW! What a revelation #92203

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Thanks Larynxa. I will make a point of writing the pros and cons down before rushing into any decisions. I was sort of doing that in my head but I’m sure its more helpful seeing it in black and white. I guess there is no such thing as the perfect medication and bearing that in mind, Ritalin is probably a good match for me. Im just not sure about the slow release one.

    Larynxa, I also appreciate the way you handled my first big scary post. I can see how some might not know where to start with a blob of information like that. Truthfully, on going back and reading it myself its hard reading my own writing. Thank YOU for pointing that out in a considerate way. Lesson learned.

    in reply to: New Guy vs Ritalin #93575

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Now that you mention it I guess that is a pretty intimidating run-on sentence up there. I’ll try to remember that for next time. If anyone has the time to read it I would appreciate some feed back.

    in reply to: WOW! What a revelation #92200

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Sorry, I just noticed that I was way way off topic. I re posted this under the new guy vs ritalin. Like I said. New guy.

    in reply to: WOW! What a revelation #92199

    ADD boy
    Post count: 11

    Hey everybody. I just became a member here a week or two ago. I been reading your posts and have found them to be both very helpfull and very overwelming. I went through the typical ” not living up to his potential” child hood but was not diagnosed with ADD until the age of 25. My brother who was studying to become a teacher noticed I was a literally a textbook case from the child behavior classes he was taking. Enter Ritalin. Its been 13 years and Ive been taking it on and off. Usually my prescription would run out and it would take me 3 months to book a Dr. appt. My question for any who might care to answer is…….am i on the right meds? Let me give you my thoughts on my go-go pills. I have found that they are very helpfull in keeping me on task, remembering to by milk on my way home and doing the little things I would normaly blow off until the next day. I remember to do nice things like buy flowers for my wife, remember someones name when Im talking to them and don’t find the couch as magnetic as usuall. These are all great things that have made my life better in many ways. Here are the things that have concerned me. An example is if I go away for the weekend, say camping, and I forget my meds at home, or I’m going to a boring as sin family party. Its hard not to feel like I don’t need my “high” to function and it worries me that I’m so dependent on medication to get through the day. Contrast that to right now (i’ve been off them for the whole winter) where I’m managing OK. If I look back at the last 6 months, I have accomplished absolutly nothing, but I could still go to a social gathering and not feel like it will be a total bust because I don’t have my drugs. Another thing I noticed is that while taking my go-go pills I do not put up with crap from anyone. My natural tendency in a confontation is to shut my brain down. I can to this up to a point and then I totaly snap and scare the crap out of people. When taking my ritalin I find myself more argumentative. This may be a good thing if it prevents me from going off like a preasure cooker but there have been many times when it canceled out the flowers I bought by wife. I should clarify that my medication has acually been methlephenidate. I have read in another discussion that although there is supose to be no difference, some found the generic brand to make them more edgy and aggressive. That could be my problem. The turbo charger comparason I read about was also great. You can almost count down to lift off. So long story short I’m not sure if ritalin is the drug for me and Im just as sure that my doctor won’t have a clue. Most of you people seem pretty knowlegable to me. I have an appt to get my prescription filled in a few days and would like to go in more informed than ever. A last thought. Im the kind of person who by nature hates preventative maintenace because you cant see or feel the results. Money I spent maintaining my car is money that I could have spent fixing it when It broke down for real. Yes yes yes I know that it won’t break down as often if I maintain it. Maybe a better example would be a car i use to have. I ripped out the little four cylider and put in a big v8. I put an aftermarket carb on it that could be adjusted. When it was ajusted right the acceleration was smooth and strong, but when it was a little out of wack (the secondaries kicked in a little late, for the car guys) you felt a kick in the pants when it they finally opened. This felt really cool, but at the end of the track (side street) the car was going slower. I still liked the slower runs with the kick in the pants better. I know there are medications available that are a slow release without the highs and lows through the day, but I kind of liked the kick in the pants with the regular ones because I knew they were working. I already sort of know that the “kick it the pants” is not what I should be holding out for but ………………..So heres where I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please, be gentle. Ha.

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