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About Dr. Sarah Cheyette

Dr. Sarah Cheyette MD graduated cum laude in Cognitive Neuroscience from Princeton University, and received her medical degree from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in Los Angeles. Following specialty training in Pediatrics at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and Pediatric Neurology at Seattle Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, she settled with her family in the San Francisco Bay Area and established a private practice. She currently has a pediatric neurology practice at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, where she focuses on the treatment of ADHD. She has two books out on ADHD: ADHD and the Focused Mind (coauthors: Ben Cheyette and Peter Johnson) and Winning with ADHD (coauthor: Grace Friedman).

Posts :

Women & ADD/ADHD

How Women Can Win with ADHD

By Dr. Sarah Cheyette

Winning with ADHD describes how to remove some of these rocks from your backpack so we can perform at our personal best. So what does it take to lighten the load?