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Re: Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?

Re: Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?2011-01-17T18:17:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Organization Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now? Re: Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?


Post count: 14413

13. And it’s only that low because I had to reboot the other day. I usually try to cut myself off when Firefox starts bringing up that scroll button for tabs, because it can’t fit any more on the screen at once.

I then go back and realize that I’m totally done with about half of the tabs. While writing this I was able to cut it down to five.

I guess this answers my question about if other ADDers are Internet-obsessed!