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Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?

Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?2011-03-24T13:48:36+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?


Post count: 50

Okay, okay, okay! I have a new one! And it’s HILARIOUS. I got a number of Indigo/Chapters/(BOOKSTORE) gift cards for my birthday this past Monday. So I went out to buy myself “You mean I’m not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?!” at Indigo all excited. I made sure to bring my wallet AND the gift card, heck, I even made it out the door with my coat, shoes and other clothing on, along with my cellphone and car keys. I was on a ROLL.

So then I drove to Indigo… went in, looked up the book on their system, went straight to the correct section, found the book, and then went over to the cash feeling pleased as much. Here is what happened next:

Cashier: “Oh hey! Good to see you again.”

Me: “Yeah, you too, what’s new?”

Cashier: “Same old, you know.”

Me: “Isn’t that the truth.”

Cashier: “So, that’ll be $24.60.”

Me: “Awesome, I have a gift card for twenty right here!”

At this point I confidently reach into the pocket I remember putting the card and… (you knew it), it’s not there! So I start casually patting down all my pockets and then it dawns on me! I’m a very tall man (6’5) and I drive a Nissan Sentra (small car), so sometimes when I drive I take things out of my pocket that distract me. I laugh, and look at the cashier.

Me: “Totally ironic… I left my gift card in the car. I’ll be right back!”

The cashier laughs too, pleased that I’m amused… and I go out and grab the gift card. I come back in, and a line has formed, so I wait patiently in line, congratulating myself at all the good work I’m doing with my cognitive behavioral therapy (I HATE LINES). I get to the front, and produce my gift card.

Me: “Alrighty! Let’s do this.” – I proclaim.

Cashier: “Excellent, so that’s just… $4.60.”

At this point I reach into my pocket for my wallet. Which I took out of my pocket. And left in the car. And laugh nervously.

Me: “You wouldn’t believe it…”

Cashier: “No!”

Me: “Yes!”

Cashier: “The car?!”

Me: “YES!”

At which point we both burst into hysterical laughter. The other two people in the store look at us like we’re crazy, and I go back out to the car, wiping away tears of laughter. I go back in, complete the transaction and make a joke about how it looks like the book is a good purchase after all.

Honestly, it was one of the funniest things that’s happened to me, ADDwise, in awhile. Totally an ADDventure of my own!