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Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?

Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?2012-02-02T05:56:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?


Post count: 14413

Well my most embarassing would have to be between two things: A) one ofthe many times im zoned out but ilok like im staringi.tently atbsomething and that “thing” is a mentally/phiscally disabled person or a breast feeding mother or a busty womans chest orsomeones crotchetc..

B) the time our health teach was teaching about either heart disease or something and gave an anecdote about her close friend who ate breakfast, said bye to his fam, then opened the door togo to work and fell flat on his face dead instantly…ibusted is HYSTERICALLY llaughing, thowring my head back ngrabbing mysides overcome with laughter onlyhearing bits n pieces ofthe the story that whenid putit together inny head amounted to a funny storry bout so me one being dressed in bussiness atire readytogo run some fortune 500 company with briefcase in tote and as soon as they tryn step outthe door they somehow freeze and hit the floor. It was more lije a cartoon in my head. It was until 30 pairs of eyesburned an ozone sized hole into my soul that the lil DVR in my head did a quick instant replay of what the teacher said and then i realised, she was talking about her friend dying…that was 7th grade…im 23. Everyniw n then i think about that and other stories n i STILL get embarassed all over again for it…and i am NOT easily embarassed lol

of the story