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Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?

Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?2012-02-02T10:11:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? Re: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours?


Post count: 1

Where I live there is a guy who is called knuckles (?). Maybe because he gets in fights all the time. He has done some jail time. One day he was walking past my house and my two Scottish Terriers started barking at him as they usually do whenever people pass by. I said off the top of my head not even thinking, “Will you knuckleheads quit your barking.” I had never called them that before and they bark quite often at the people passing by my house. Go figure??

Another time, I was at meeting which was held on a second floor. There were a couple of things needing to be done on the first floor, when I realized that I had left my keys upstairs, so I asked the security guard if he could open the upstairs room so I could get my keys. And lo and behold, I was holding them in one of my hands. Talk about feeling foolish.