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Re: ADD T-Shirts

Re: ADD T-Shirts2011-10-22T03:00:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Funny ADD T-Shirts Re: ADD T-Shirts


Post count: 929

Yummm, dang, I’ll need to write down my recipe for marinated petite roast beef. Screamin good you guys.

Anywayz, I came up with a good T-shirt idea, I hope no-one had already thought of it.

What are “dendrites”, that post above me is fascinating! it’s an awsome art project and possible tattoo forming in my brain.

Back to my idea.

“ADHD, the diabetes of the brain” It’s not exactly funny, but it is strangely interesting for some reason I can’t quite nail down. Possibly because even at 84 year old friend of mine has heard about all the new awareness about Adult ADD. This man is a wise extremely valuable friend. Full of experience and wisdom. Yet he doesn’t see it as some new reason for a doctor to hand out medication some drug company representative wants him to hand out. Too many doctors with a fair but too much amount of prudence are fighting to keep this genie in it’s bottle.

It’s amazing how brilliant we can become when we get enough sleep. Huh? Just M.H.O.