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Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers

Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers2011-11-29T22:35:47+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! No One Believes Me ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers Re: ADHD Journeys and the Unbelievers


Post count: 128

Forgive me but I would like to return to the title of this thread.

Last year during the holidays, my family members were all unbeilvers.

What a difference a year makes. My youngest sister goes from saying no one has it to trying to jump on the ADD bandwagon (she does not have it). My brother has figured out that he has it but is ok because we both think he picked the perfect profession and has done very well for himself. My other younger sister did not join in this conversation and I don’t know if she has it or not. She has had a wonderful 2 years with her new husband and is very happy so we did not push her to join in. I still don’t think my oldest sister has it. I know my mother and older brother both have it. I was in heaven. I finally had the support from my family I was looking for and needed.

I hope this happens for everyone on this site that your family will turn the corner and realize what is going on. I just didnt talk to them, didnt try to convince them of anything. Educating yourself on what ADD is and isn’t seems to be the best weapon in our war against ignorance.