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Re: GAMES! Goals?

Re: GAMES! Goals?2011-07-22T20:05:36+00:00

Post count: 128

Carrie, reading your post reminded me about the “shoulda, woulda, coulda”’s. I listened to a Tony Robins CD before I found out about my ADD and he talked about “shoulding all over yourself”. I thought the CD was hysterical and started watching how often I said I “should” have done this or “shouldn’t” have done that. Essentially I was beating myself up every time I used that phrase. Then my daughter told me that she had heard the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” stuff somewhere, like in a movie or a song, I don’t remember which, but it started something. I became very aware of all three words and how often I used them. I can’t say that I don’t ever do it anymore but being aware has really cut down on how often and how bad it gets when I slip and do it.

I’m sorry to say I’m not ready to join a thread about goals and cleaning at the moment. It is too hot in my house since we have no air conditioning at the moment to even think about cleaning and I am still trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life and how to motivate myself to get there. I did have an idea this morning so I will develop the idea and report back later. Keep cool everyone! Heat index in my area is 118 degrees.