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Re: Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?

Re: Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?2010-12-07T18:40:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Most X-treme! Organization Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now? Re: Quick: How many tabs do you have open on your browser right now?


Post count: 913

9 firefox browser instances, 12 tabs on one of those instances, a couple the others have 2 or 3. So about 25 total tabs in Firefox

6 tabs open in IE – one instance of the browser.

Uh, uh-oh – I suppose this is all related…………arrrggh!

So that’s 10 browser windows, 31+ tabs between ’em all.

(edited for darned spelling again…………… instanced instead of instances)