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1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago

1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago2011-02-24T14:57:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin 1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago

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    Post count: 14413

    No headache last night, so it might have just been a headache (coincidental).

    I feel a TINY bit guilty because I wanted to start getting my place cleaned up today. I took my pill and now I just want to sit here farting around on the internet. I’m actually enjoying the fact that I don’t feel like I’m facing an overwhelming task.

    In other words, I’m not surfing the ‘net because I’m avoiding doing something else; I’m doing it because it’s what I really want to be doing right now. I have no anxiety whatsoever at this moment. That’s huge for me.

    After all those years of wondering why I was constantly having panic attacks even though I was taking Zoloft and Ativan, it’s clear to me that those were just symptoms of a larger problem, and not actually the problem in an of themselves.

    I feel better now than I have in years and I wish the same for all of you who are newly diagnosed or are having trouble finding the right treatment.


    Post count: 14413

    Hey brentitude, I’m in a similar boat…have the desire to check out this site and others frequently but am still getting stuff done. my usual obsession with food is certainly lessened but I’m currently making a nice veg soup to aid my sensitive tummy. I”m just checking in on and off as I am doing a bunch of things at once without getting overly sidetracked. have taxes to do later and a pile of house work to do now…we’re renovating one house to move from and another to move into….crazy. I think the meds offer us a great opportunity to change some old habits, and I’m determined to not waste another day…

    Enjoy your day.


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks, and you do the same! Good luck with the house work.

    You know what’s really great about this forum? People don’t always respond right away, so it’s not as distracting as some other sites like FB or Twitter where I can really get stuck to the computer for hours and hours.

    I’m still envisioning the end result of getting my apartment cleaned up, but the difference today is that I don’t feel overwhelmed by it. I know that if it takes me a month to do it, that’s what it takes. It didn’t get this messy overnight.


    Post count: 14413

    PS It’s amazing to me, after having so much experience with antidepressants that take weeks to start working, that this medicine has changed me pretty much overnight. It’s like a miracle–no exaggeration.


    Post count: 14413

    Brentitude, I took 10mg 1st time last Thurs. Since then I’ve only been dosing at 5mg to avoid the buzziness of my first dose. Today I feel like the 5mg isn’t doing much of anything. is that normal? My doc had originally recommended 10mg so I think I’ll try that again in an hour, for my 2nd dose today. I’ll let you know the difference. I’m sure it’s still doing something, just doesn’t feel as significant. Later.


    Post count: 14413

    From some of the posts I’ve read on here, 5mg is a very small dose. I would try the 10mg again. I didn’t have nearly as much buzziness on my second day of taking it. I think you get used it.

    I had a wonderful day yesterday, even though I didn’t get as much housework done. Just the fact that I’m not beating myself up over that is a huge improvement in my state of mind.

    Have a good one!


    Post count: 14413

    You’re right…definitely getting use to it. I took 10 this aft and didn’t really notice it. You know what I mean, I notice it but am still trying to figure out all the differences. Like you, I’ m not beating myself up over what i can’t seem to get done and I am getting more done than usual. Haven’t even lost my keys once in three days : D


    Post count: 14413

    I just joined this forum, but I have been taking Ritalin for a bit. I take 40mg a day over all, but the effects I have to time out just right or else I ruin the rest of my day. I remember my first weekend where I was up pacing for 5 hours in my bedroom trying to make myself tired to fall asleep. Then I was just taking 20mg a day. But, I don’t drive my wife insane any more so I guess it is a plus.


    Post count: 529

    Oooooh! Anascarsa!! I LOVE your profile picture!


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks. That was the best picture I could find that would be fitting for this forum.


    Post count: 14413

    Six days in and still no increase in blood pressure. My only complaint is that I’m having trouble timing my doses so that I’m not awake all night or falling asleep at 5pm (while I’m still in the office)–but that’s not a complaint about the meds, it’s about ME! :)

    I’m really enjoying being able to focus on my work and getting it done in a reasonable amount of time, even if it’s boring.

    I was going to say something else, but I can’t remember what it was. Haha–must be time for bed.


    Post count: 14413

    I am glad to hear it. The timing of the doses was what took me the longest to get right. As long as I take mine within that one hour time frame I am, for the most part, good. Every now and then I take it to late, and I just get drowsy for awhile before it starts kicking in. But, keep it up. It feels good getting things done, finally, even if it is boring.


    Post count: 14413


    The weekends really mess me up. I’ve always been a natural night owl, so when I know I don’t have to get up for work the next day, I tend to stay up until the wee hours. I do some of my best thinking on Sunday mornings between 1 and 3 am. That sets me up for insomnia on Sunday night and the week begins with a sleep deficit. My favorite work shifts were always the 3-11s and the graveyards. Unfortunately, there aren’t any of those in the company I work for now (unless I’m working on a special project with a ridiculous deadline, and then I have been known to work all night to get it done).

    Hey, true story, btw: Back in early 2001, the company I worked for decided that all of its offices in North America needed personnel coverage from 7am to 7pm. I don’t know why they thought we needed it (because at the end of the day, we didn’t) and it was after about 8 months of doing it that they were talking about doing away with that and going back to the previous schedule. But at the beginning, my manager gave our group the choice between a rotating schedule to cover the 7am-3:30pm and 10:30am-7pm shifts or a set schedule with one person who would always work the early shift and one person who would always cover the later one. For various family commitment reasons, a couple of the people would never be able to cover the late shift and since I am not a morning person and would HATE having to be at work at 7am (even for just a week at a time), I volunteered to cover it.

    This schedule saved my life. The company I worked for was Aon and my office address was Two World Trade Center, 98th Floor. The two ladies who had to work the early shift both perished that day; one of them had become a friend who had helped me navigate the pitfalls of working for such a large company. I will always miss her smile, her compassion and her pleasant demeanor. Her death left me feeling massive amounts of survivor’s guilt, which time has helped to subside. If I had been there that day, I would have been right there with her and I would have perished too. There is no doubt in my mind about that. It’s a lot to wrap your head around.

    I think that’s why my current employer never gives me grief for being late to work.


    Post count: 14413

    OMG, Brentitude….so sorry for your loss, so happy for your life. My wife and I are both struck by this. I can’t imagine. anyway, not much to add to that but just wanted to say “hi”. Have a good night. BTW, I’ve been having bouts of insomnia this week; 3 times. Anything like that happening to you. I’ve woken up about 4-5 hours into great sleeps and then can’t turn the damn machinery off. What’s up?


    Post count: 14413

    Insomnia is my middle name, but with me the problem is falling asleep when I go to bed. I usually don’t wake up in the middle unless a noise wakes me up. Or cats and dogs deciding to play chase on the bed in the middle of the night. I like to play games like solitaire or mahjong on my iPhone after getting into bed. I play until I can’t focus my eyes on the little screen and then I know I’m ready to fall asleep.

    I remember having trouble taking naps as a child. I couldn’t close my eyes unless it was night time and pitch dark. I wonder if that was related to ADD or if it was just me being the weird little child that I was.

    Thanks and good night. :)

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