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1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago

1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago2011-02-24T14:57:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin 1st dose of Ritalin taken about an hour and a half ago

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    Post count: 14413

    Carrie, I take 72 mg of Concerta every morning and have been given 10 mg of regular Ritalin to use in the evening when I have late night events to attend (although I don’t usually bother to do so).

    My psychiatrist even asked me on my last visit if I felt a higher dose was needed. I think my dose is fine and told him so. I’ve noticed on a Cdn site that a professional counsel of doctors (ADD focussed) even support the doses higher when effective and monitored as per usual).

    Of course, the different doses must be necessary for the different rates at which our bodies metabolize the meds.


    Post count: 14413

    zsazsa – Do you know if taking two 18mg Concerta pills together is the same as taking one 36mg (if their is such a size?)

    I’m asking because I decided to try taking two Concertas this morning to see if I felt differently than when I only take one. So far, I think I do.

    I’ll be going to see my doc on April 5, so I want to have a good idea of what to suggest to him. I hate this process of trying different things–I went through it with depression, anxiety and reflux disease.

    Thanks for all your insights.

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