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Bedtime – Why do the demons come once I lay down?

Bedtime – Why do the demons come once I lay down?2011-03-24T20:47:14+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    In the book “The Artists Way”, one of the things that are suggested is to write a journal. But not just any journal, a beginning of the day brain dump. What ever comes into your mind, simply write it. And do this for 3 pages. It can be likened to a meditation in effect. I tried it out and found it to be very useful to me – in unexpected ways. She calls it “Draino for the Braino”, which is a very good description. I do my 3 pages before I get up.

    It helps in getting things out of the mind. Give it a whirl.


    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473

    A couple of nights ago my wife and I ‘treated ourselves’ to the first Season of Mad Men. When it’s a good show, the episodes are like potato chips–once you’ve had one, you want another and another and another.

    So we stayed up late on a work night… cause we felt we deserved it. We finally stopped after episode 5. It was almost 1:00 am.

    And the next day we were toast.

    Which we then resented and felt we didn’t deserve. Well, that we didn’t want. We probably deserved it for staying up way past our regular bedtime. And then, with all the story lines buzzing in our heads we simply didn’t sleep well.

    What works for us is to read in bed. (Among other activities.) Reading something, especially if it’s not too scary or stimulating, is better than a capsule of Melatonin.


    Post count: 929

    <<” have one of those Obus Forme Sound Makers. I usually put it on White Noise and after a few nights when the sound goes on I go out. I have no trouble going to sleep. “>> Yeah, that just reminded me of 5 CD’s I’ve had for years. All whales, dolphins, sea mammals, n ocean sounds. I’ll listen to those and do a little writing like Rick suggests.

    TV off at least an hour before bed, that sounds extremely difficult. That’s when some of the best entertainment/news is on, but Rick’s right.

    Get the problems off my chest and on to a piece of paper, FORGIVE period!. There is something about actually writing with a pen or pencil that’s better than typing. Typing seems to stimulate. After offloading the problems list, make a gratitude list. Take that gratitude list, stick it under you and sleep on it!. Seriously.

    I gave up on any kind of medicine or food to help me sleep about 22 years ago. Even the one inch of good strong coffee thing I’ve tried recently has a 50/50 chance of working. I’m gonna do that right now though. It does taste really good!

    Demons are real… REALY A WASTE OF TIME! to even consider blaming my problems on. I do pray, my faith does help me sleep sometimes, faith is more powerful than any placebo affect. But for God’s sake you guys. If you’re really suffering from insomnia go see a very good doctor. Get second, third, or even a seventh opinion. There are lot’s of really good doctors helping people like us these days.

    Depending on your spiritual solutions is really smart. That’s the best solution for me.

    Read this Desiderata a couple times. A good way to get sleepy.

    Ear ya go-

    GO PLACIDLY AMID THE NOISE & HASTE, & REMEMBER WHAT PEACE THERE MAY BE IN SILENCE. AS FAR AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly & clearly; and listen to others, even the dull & ignorant they too have their story. — Avoid loud & aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain & bitter; for always there will be greater & lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. — Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. — Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity & disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. — Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue & loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. — You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. –There-fore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors & aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. — With all it’s sham, drudgery & spoken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. — —


    Watch these if you’re still not sleepy. or just bookmark/add to favorites these links.




    Post count: 802

    I struggle really badly with sleep problems. I put a Frasier disk on and listen to that every night. It’s extremely familiar to me so the voices are soothing – like friends are talking in the background.


    Post count: 226

    When I have trouble sleeping. I read a good book, but then I get tried and throw the book the ground. Do not even have to get up to turn off the light, because the switch is by my bed.


    Post count: 227

    I use guided visualization recordings. There is nothing like a soothing voice to help me drift off. And I’m down 3 pounds as well.


    Post count: 14413

    I dunno if this will help but my cognitive therapist also has a certificate in art therapy. She has provided me with a sketch book and requested homework of drawing something…1 page. Dosn’t have to be a picture. Just put something on the blank page before bed. color, black and white, dosn’t matter. I have 2 weeks between sesions and of course I havn’t tried it yet. next session is in 2 days. She asked for 5 pictures. Remarkably though I still have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep for a few days. Then I crash and sleep for 20 hours and can’t seem to wake up. Amazing how not doing your homework isn’t helpful.


    Post count: 14413

    One option that is helpful for me is to begin reading a boring, dry textbook. My least favorite subject to teach is math so if I’m having trouble shutting my brain off (well, for me that would be every night!), I pick up a textbook on the theory behind teaching and voila! My eyes are soon rolling backwards and I’m gazing at the back of my skull.

    (I’m betting that there are a group of you out there that are going to come back and tell me that you find Math (or Physics) to be one/some of the most rivetting subjects out there.) 😆


    Post count: 53

    My whole life I had a hard time sleeping before about 12:30 at night and could never really ‘rev down’ before bed. If my husband turned a light on or made a noise I would be wide awake and mind racing again. I was always a light sleeper and never felt well rested.

    I was diagnosed with ADHD combined type in January this year and since have tried a stimulant, then another stimulant and both made sleeping worse! I am on Strattera now (non stimulant) and I have been sleeping like a baby! I’ve consitently been going to sleep by around 10 and sleep SOUNDLY! And am super well rested when I wake up! Plus my mind has never been clearer and I’m more patient/tolerant and feel settled for the first time ever.

    Maybe Strattera is worth a try if you’re having sleep issues? It’s nice that is’s not a stimulant. I really like that I’m still myself and don’t feel ‘altered’ at all.

    Good luck to you :)


    Post count: 14413

    I noticed that I didn’t have Insomnia when I decided to use a fan or Air Conditioner before going to sleep. I’m assuming that I just need some noise going otherwise I get paranoid and freak at every little noise. The racing thoughts however I never found anything that stops that, I think it’s a symptom of ADD and without meds i’m out of luck.

    I’ve also noticed that if I try not to think about something that 600,000 of those images rush to my brain (don’t think about scary movies) and bam all those images of every single Michael Myers, Kruger, Chucky,, you name it rushes to my head then I get paranoid even though I know it’s not real lol. I think because I watched tons of scary movies real young (7 yrs old) parents fault, that it might be a reason for that fear.


    Post count: 1096

    I sleep better too with some background noise as long as it’s a constant like air con or a fan. Ear plugs don’t work because my paranoia comes when I can’t hear – even though a fan does the same job!

    Not sure how you get rid of scary images in your head. Maybe you could somehow mock those characters/scenes so they become stupid rather than scary?


    Post count: 929

    It’s great when older threads like this come back up. Tonight I’ve decided to write down a bunch of the solutions here that work for me. Maybe even do it like an art project with lot’s of color. Then I’ll make a few copies. Kinda let my impulsive side run free. That same impulsive thinking can contain some brilliant stuff if I just keep a pen/pencils and anything to write on next to my bed.

    I think the trick to dealing with the not sleeping part of adhd is also to get my butt outa bed early enough and exercise. The rest, simply remembering to do all the stuff I learn about here. Just following through on my list idea can be a little hard. As if my adhd is fighting to keep it’s place of making my life suck more. Mired in procrastination and feeling paralyzed from the neck up!.

    None of these solutions work for me when I forget them. That’s one of the crappy parts of adhd. And maybe dyslexia a little bit.


    Post count: 28

    My girlfriend’s naturopath doctor recommended a product called Calms Forte. It is a natural herbal supplement that shuts off the chatter in your head so you can go to sleep. The stuff is cheap online ($5 bottle lasts me a month). Been using it for about 2 years now. Great stuff. It does not make you drowsy, just quiets the brain. I take melatonin in combination with it to help me fall asleep.

    If I take only melatonin, I am tired, but I struggle and fight to stay awake thinking about a million things. If I only take the CF, I lay in bed, but takes forever to fall asleep.


    Post count: 929

    Hey!, I know. When you make the gratitude list, n stick it on your chest to sleep on it. Maybe if you’re like me and sometimes sweat a lil when sleeping, the ink will transfer onto your chest. You can read the gratitude list in the mirror when you first get up. Brilliant!

    Heck, maybe even a things to do list. Just carry a mirror around and wear a button up shirt, you can just undo real quick. Hmmm. Unless you’re a woman and the mail man comes at the same time you’re checking your list of things to do. He might start ringing twice!.

    I got a million of em…

    Here’s a real one, one of my pairs of reading glasses are sun-reading glasses. If I’m on the computer like usual at the end of the night, I’m putting them on, maybe that will trick my brain into thinking the sun’s going down. Also I turn out all but just one or two lights.


    Post count: 596

    I just saw this video by Dr.J about sleep tips while I was looking for something else so thought I’d post the link


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