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Hoping other's can add to the positive's having ADD.Here are a few I have found!

Hoping other's can add to the positive's having ADD.Here are a few I have found!2012-07-15T03:04:31+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Excited/Relieved Hoping other's can add to the positive's having ADD.Here are a few I have found!

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    Post count: 14413

    People with ADD typically are creative, intuitive, original, and full of positive energy. They tend to be independent thinkers. They are persistent to the point of being stubborn. They usually are quite sensitive, but often cover this over with a kind of bravado. They are big-hearted and generous. They often have charisma or a special something, a twinkle in the eye, a zany sense of humor, or an ability to inspire others. With the right kind of guidance, these people can become hugely successful in their lives. I am learning about having ADD,and at first was so discouraged i had to find some hope,so I looked,and so far have found this!


    Post count: 229

    I must say that all sounds just about right. :D


    Post count: 546

    Hi, if you learn to control any or as many of those characteristic’s then the kind of success that you seek will be in your hands. just please don’t change who you are for that success, or you will not be happy with it! and you will still feel unfulfilled.

    Best of luck!!! Trashman


    Post count: 445

    I don’t believe I have ever come across a “condition/disorder” that is considered by some to be so debilitating and by others to be such a blessing. It’s remarkable. We have eminent researchers like Dr. Russell Barkley stating categorically that ADD is a SERIOUS, potentially life-destroying disorder with no real upside whatsoever. And then we have other eminent mental health clinicians like Ned Hallowell proclaiming ADD’s many benefits. It’s just remarkable.

    Here is the International Consensus Statement on ADD: http://www.russellbarkley.org/content/Consensus2002.pdf

    Now here’s Ned Hallowell’s take: http://www.drhallowell.com/add-adhd/

    You’d think these guys—both highly qualified professionals— are living on different planets.


    Post count: 162

    It seems there really is a spectrum in terms of severity, and type of ADD. Intelligence appears to play a large role in outcomes from what I have read, but it also seems to be a taboo subject. Co-morbidities are common and range in severity. It seems to me that circumstance and chance are huge factors in how people end up in life even with an early diagnosis. Developing coping skills and a lifestyle that compensates for the deficits, and allows the creativity, conceptual thinking, and a degree of hyper-focus is very often left to chance.

    Just as in the regular population where there are people who believe a pill is all you need to loose weight, or control diseases, there seems to be too many with ADHD who rely solely on medication. I think the factors above may have much to do with this. Unless you can see that things you have done in the past led to improvements in your ADD, it might be hard to give the other therapies a fair chance. I know that if I could not look back and see where various mindful activities had been directly responsible for improvements in my life, it would be hard be so enthusiastic about embracing such activities now. Medication for me is a way to enhance and speed up that process.

    I had an uncle who was a brilliant engineer. It took him 2/3 of his life and much torment to himself and his family before finding a lifestyle that suited him. He became a consultant and would problem solve engineering for National Companies. He was offered executive positions, but by then he had learned his limitations.

    So yes there are benefits for some in the way that our brains work, but there are also cost. I believe those cost can be overcome, but it requires determination and ongoing effort.


    Post count: 1096

    ipsofacto – I think your analysis is spot on. It’s a spectrum disorder.


    Post count: 929

    Holy Moly!, another long one, sheesh. I need to take a vacation from this web site.

    Great picture Trashman, :-) I tried blowing it up. What dies the text say?

    There’s a good video by Dr. Jain here http://totallyadd.com/your-personal-strengths/ I’ve watched it probably about 4 or 5, maybe more times. I’ve had a tendency to be too hard on myself for a lot of my life. One of the worst things I can think of people saying to me is “don’t be so hard on yourself” It’s not fun to hear because it’s the painful truth. They’re right!. I’ve heard it too many times in my life.

    My attitude, and my perspective make a difference in how I see ADHD. I can only see and experience mine. It’s hard work, but I see it more positive than I used to.

    There’s a poll on that page with the personal strengths video that I copy and pasted the question from, and the 5 choices.

    If you could snap your fingers and make your ADHD/ADD disappear, would you?

    Definitely yes!

    Probably yes

    Not sure

    Probably not

    Definitely not

    I always have answered Definitely not. Because overall, even though my life has not been a picnic. I have managed to squeeze a lot of adventure and happiness out of what can seem like a hard life. With the variety of human experiences that are possible on this planet; when taken in perspective, I have to say that I’ve got a lot to be grateful for. In the largest possible perspective. My life has been good. I wasn’t born in a 3rd world country and I’m not worried about where my next meal is coming from. With my attitude, I can let that exact same sentence make me feel sad, grateful, compassionate, or angry. I have more control over my attitude than I did before getting helped with my ADHD. So I’m more in control of my own happiness.

    Here are the results from the poll answers from everyone here who has taken the poll. Definitely yes! (44%, 378 Votes)

    Probably yes (16%, 138 Votes)

    Not sure (15%, 131 Votes)

    Probably not (14%, 117 Votes)

    Definitely not (11%, 96 Votes)

    It’s hard to remember, but I think the results have been very different in the past. I wonder if it’s possible to find out?. It could be dyslexia, but I thing I remember the results being the opposite of the results today the last time I took that poll. It does sometimes suck not having a very reliable memory. Unless I’m watching an old rerun of X-files.

    I agree with ipsofacto, it’s a spectrum disorder, and an extremely wide and varied spectrum. There are no typical ADHD cases. I think it’s human nature for us to generalize about ADHD as mainly good, or bad. It’s not either. There’s a whole lot of grey area.

    We have a choice, I think maybe that’s the point of this whole project. (totallyadd.com) The question mark with and exclamation point. Is it possible to have ADD and Love it?!. That’s why I call the original documentary art. Because art is open to interpretation. We all see it with different eyes, different minds, different temperaments.

    For me the goal has got to be Yes!, we can enjoy it. It is possible. But it’s an extremely difficult struggle to make friends with my ADHD, and maintain that friendship. I’m kinda fed up with my ADHD tonight to be honest. If it was my girlfriend/wife, we would probably be having an argument about something stupid. But of course we’ll make up later, we are stuck with each-other after all. I can’t divorce my ADHD! Ack!. ugh…

    I’ve been wanting to stay away from this site lately, maybe take a vacation. Maybe because I feel like I’ve gotten too carried away with thinking about ADHD. And in particular my ADHD. When I focus too much on myself, it hurts the way I relate to other people, my ability to have good relationships. Of course it’s not a disorder of selfishness. It’s definitely not that simple. But selfishness has been a large cause of a lot of the problems I’ve had in my life. I’ve been called selfish many times. I think it’s been true, oh maybe about 70% of the time. It’s hard to really know.

    I’ll bet this one topic might be one of the most discussed and sometimes disgusting subjects/topics we spend our time analyzing. It’s going to take a very long time for me to understand this thing. I’m glad no-one considers me an expert.

    I think I want to take a break.

    I need some space.

    LOL, so again, if my ADHD was my wife/girlfriend, I would say “I need some time alone, just need a break. I’m tired of the struggle”, I need to go surfing, or take a long drive through the mountains with just me and my car stereo. Giant redwoods, flashing past me at about 95mph, a death grip on the steering wheel as I reel through a long blind curve, adrenaline pumping full throttle.

    This was hard to write, mostly because I’m tired. It’s a long strange trip we’re on. But it ain’t boring, that’s for sure!. Hopefully I’ll sleep good tonight, and dream strange dreams.


    After posting, I read this one last time, and realized that I accidentally clicked on Definitely yes by accident, that’s why I was puzzled about the answer being the opposite of the last couple times I took that poll. So it’s definitely no, I wouldn’t want to make my ADHD disappear. I remember clearly because I was very much the minority in the results the other times I took the poll, and that always puzzled me. Maybe I like struggle, that could be why I procrastinate, the exitement/victory of last minute barely making it on time pushing myself as close to the edge of the cliff as possible. Like catching a massive wave at the last possible second and having an enormous boiling mass of white water chase me down like… something really tiny. When you wipe out, it’s like being a spider in a toilet. Violent, powerful, turbulent, and Dark. And God decides my fate.



    Post count: 546

    Robbo you should be righting adventure novel ! sometines it is just a great read!



    Post count: 14413

    Hope Others Can Add To The Positives Of Being ADD (not having ADD)…………….yes I can!!!!

    Yikes……this has to be.”deja” something or other. Yes Sedona…..if you hang around here long enough you will get the “Toofat Two-bits” on the Marvels of ADD or being an ADD type! FACT……. every time some unsuspecting soul posts a “positive” thread…..you will get “YES” and a “Gifty” rant… from me!!!

    I agree Sadona… with a few slight mods/builds/add-ons to your statement but, here is my take once again………ADD folks (hmm….maybe not typically but, can be) startlingly creative and not just artistically, but in every aspect imaginable, amazingly intuitive, and have an uncanny ability to see the whole picture “Immediately”….. and all of the thread connections within… and, bring it right back down on point….IMMEDIATELY!!! Yes, I agree we can be original, independent thinkers, to the point where, were we scare, amaze, anger, and frustrate the poor “Linear World”…..we can in fact make the Linear’s very uncomfortable, because they don’t get it, it is their limitation, just as we have ours!!! We can be focused and be determined blocking all else except for that which is the point of our focus. We can also be quite sensitive, and easily crushed, but, often we also come ( yes) with larger than life bravado, that for some reason attracts people to us….or we can cut to the chase, be very blunt in our responses……not intentionally hurtful but….sometimes it happens. We can also be big-hearted and generous….and charismatic too, or have a special something, (what did you say)… a twinkle in the eye, a zany sense of humor, and an ability to inspire and attract others…..people magnets, social attractions, fiercely loyal…..and here is the kicker…….it’s all effortless…….it natural……it’s how our world is…..it is just who some of us are….not all but… yessss…….some!!!

    Yes (I believe strongly) intelligence does play a role, I believe it has to…..same as it does in the ‘Linear World’, or any other walk of life….no different!!! I was diagnosed late late in my life……but from childhood I was always aware of my difference from the majority. I had some turbulence in my life…it mostly stemmed from being around people who were LINEAR and set in their thinking and processing….so doggedly set in toeing the existing line that what I saw, and how I processed, was a frightening entity…..they saw me and my processing as a problem (for them)….someone that didn’t fit (for them)…. and in some cases….needed to be gotten rid of!!! Yet……there were others who saw…were open….who got it…and let me fly and for them……they were amazed!!!

    So….. ADD sure…..there are so many positives…..but the Linear World (because it’s Linear)….struggles, judges…. alienates… persecutes… labels……and generally does not get us….will not……THEY CAN’T…..it is not who they are…..it’s not wrong, it’s just the way they process and view life. For some of us, life circumstances…..have provided a path that allows us to exploit what traits we have in life, and when we are enabled or experience positive results, we label our traits as “Gifts”……for others hmmmm…..the path has been different, and perhaps more difficult……but isn’t that true in both the Random/Visionary World AND the Linear/Compartmentalized world???

    In the end, if my life has experience scale is tipped way into the positive (and it is) my perception of my life and my ADD traits will likely also be positive……and the converse is also likely to be true. It is my take on things that the much of the negative of our traits comes from listening to and accepting the Linear take on life…..they see what they see, they process how they process…..and they DON’T, WON’T and CAN’T fathom many of us people with ADD traits…..it is just the way they are wired!!! So where then does that leave our critcal parts of our selves….our self image, self esteem…our positive perception of ourselves and our traits…..and why would we leave the most important part of our selves to another group to judge and deliver to us, and for us???

    These are just my thoughts…..what I believe to be true (for me)…….I am happy content and have no regrets…….it has bee a good life so far…….for me…….and I have many things to be thankful for, including my ADD processing brain. I love the difference and what it has delivered……. :)

    Hey Wg as for Barkely and Dr. Hallowell………..seemingly living on different planets….I believe there is no “seemingly” about it!!! Interesting I wonder how Barkely rationalizes Dr Hallowells…..SERIOUS….. potentially life threatening existence……and I wonder if the good Doctor Hallowell is aware that his life has no Up-Side ???

    ….try remember it is not the Linear World’s fault they are trapped and held captive by their frontal lobe.



    Post count: 845

    The difference between Hallowell and Barkley may be in their jobs. Barkley is doing research into ADHD. As such, he needs funding. Putting forth ADHD as a serious disability will probably curry more cash than Hallowells “racecar brain with no brakes” take. Barkley, by the nature of his work, must have a serious tenor to his views. And quite rightly so because ADHD is a serious disorder.

    On the other hand, Hallowell is running a practice, seeing patients and trying to help them, perhaps many of them children. His view should be more optimistic for the benefit of his patients, as it will improve their outcome. (If you had cancer, would you rather have a doctor like Hallowell or Barkley? Barkley would be like having the grim reaper for your doc.)

    Both Hallowell and Barkley are well known and respected, and I am sure they are excellent in their field. We can learn from each.


    Post count: 229

    Good point kc5jck! Thanks for putting it in perspective.

    I wonder, has anyone ever found a discussion between the two, or at least somewhere that one or the other mentions the other?

    I just wonder what they think of each other, or, rather, each other’s take.


    Post count: 929

    I wrote a big long post, but decided it just didn’t say what I meant after reading it. It’s a bummer trying to just write instead of really communicating. So I just delete it.

    never mind :-P


    Post count: 845

    I wrote a short post earlier which said pretty much what I wanted. It got lost or deleted somewhere between “send post” and this forum. This has happened several times in the past month. It’s a bummer being told by the system that your thoughts don’t matter.


    Post count: 128


    Solution to the disappearing posting problem-write your posts in Word or any other word processing software and then copy and paste to the site. I learned this the hard way. I became very inspired months ago and pored my heart into a post that took me 4 hours to write. When I went to post it…It had disappeared. I was so frustrated that I cried and just turned my computer off. Another advantage to copy/paste is the spell checker. The spell checker is my friend. Another thing that helps to keep posts from disappearing is to make sure the curser is in the post somewhere and blinking.

    I agree with your analysis of the difference between Dr. Berkley and Dr. Hallowell. I also believe that the fact that Dr. Barkley’s twin brother had ADD and basically died because of it also colors Dr. Barkley’s focus.

    In general, I have noticed that the successful people with ADD tend to be the hyperactive type with the naturally positive attitudes and the less successful mostly inattentive type are more prone to depression and allowing failures to influence future successes. I, unfortunately fall into the second category.


    Post count: 445

    I went back and looked at Hallowell’s video, linked above. What he says is this: ADD can indeed be bad, bad business (he even uses the word “curse”)—until you get it diagnosed and treated. THEN, he says, all sorts of opportunities will open up. While Barkley is loathe to ascribe to ADD the various upsides Hallowell does, I’m not sure Dr. B would object to that main point. The purpose of treatment is to mitigate the symptoms of the disorder… or “trait,” or whatever. Once the symptoms subside or go away, so does the danger. Who could fail to see the logic in that? What I don’t understand is why Hallowell refuses to call it a disorder, but then turns around and admits that without treatment, catastrophe can, and often does, ensue. If it’s just a benign “trait,” why not just let it be?

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