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Loud noises???

Loud noises???2010-12-17T00:20:50+00:00
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    Post count: 14413

    I work in a Emergency Room and before being diagnosed and not on meds noises and moniters beeping in the chaos didnt bother me I didnt really notice. But when I would go up to ICU the the beeping or the moniters would drive me nuts. Now if I take my adderall and work in the ER the beeping moniters stand out to me in the chaos and drive me crazy.


    Post count: 14413

    Wow! I thought I was alone. I feel like clubbing people when they pull up to a light with a loud bass…. I’m not a violent person… but I feel incredibly agitated by that noise. It’s very distressing. I’ve thought maybe my medication made the sensitivity worse.


    Post count: 14413

    NO! you definitely are not alone Isabel, I feel the same way when someone goes by the bustop I’m standing at and like you I’m not a violent person but boy… do I wish I could destroy the source of the noise.



    Post count: 14413

    I used to be INCREDIBLY sensitive to loud noises when I was young. I couldn’t go to a parade without freaking out, car horns and sirens would put me on edge, fireworks scared me, lots of things. I grew out of it though somewhere down the line… I think it was around the time I started playing the drums! :) Now I’m around loud rock shows all the time and it doesn’t bother me. I still cover my ears though when a fire truck goes by… gotta protect your ears.


    Post count: 14413

    I have always been bothered by loud noises as well; especially by the sudden ones like balloons popping or fire crackers. I love motorcycles but not the really loud ones. I also had to spend some time in a large city a little while ago and the constant squealing brakes of the cabs and the buses really bothered me. I don’t spend alot of time in malls either; I find them really noisy. I took my daughter skating at our local arena recently and the noise level there was a little more than I could handle.

    I also find that I get irritated by the oddest noises too. For example, the sound of ripping fabric when I am shopping at the sewing store drives me insane! Cut it with scissors please! I’m getting chills just thinking about it!

    But noises like jet engines running or the rumbling of a big diesel engine don’t bother me at all. Of course I wear ear protection when I have to work around them.


    Post count: 14413

    i’m ok with loud noises as long as there are plenty of them, and they’re busy/complex enough. then i can tune them right out and actually think clearer than i do with total quiet. if there is just one noise- especially a quiet one, it’ll bore into my head and drive me insane- like a dripping tap in the distance- i just can’t tune it out and it calls for my attention like a whiny child. i’ve done some horrible things to dripping taps before. :D

    i love bass- really loud and hard so it hits you in the chest. i can’t listen to music with lyrics easily- it has to be fast paced dance music with a lot of bass or i get incredibly bored and fiddle with the buttons until something else is playing.

    the one time that i only want just one noise, or no background noise, is when someone is speaking. i’ve got a little bit of hearing damage from childhood, and i struggle to tune out background sounds from voices enough to make out some of the word sounds- let alone to focus my attention on whoever is rambling on way too slowly about something or other thats usually very dull. and everyone gets sick of hearing “sorry what?” after the sixth time- myself included.


    Post count: 14413

    Several of your posts I could have written!

    I have in the past studied exactly like Megatron! Can’t stand loud noises. Can’t stand high-pitched or repetitive noises. Put the last two together and you’re aiming for a fist in the face.

    I have the same tactile issues as Tweetergor.

    And OH the chewing and slurping. For heaven’s sake, why didn’t people learn to chew with their mouths closed. And just WAIT until your tea is cool enough to drink. GAH!

    My husband is a huge fan of white noise. He has to sleep with a fan on. No fan, no sleep. I have become very accustomed to it and find myself turning it on even if he’s away. But I still like sleeping in silence.

    I love silence. Sometimes when I’m home by myself I turn off his computer (that thing makes a massive racquet), the TV and anything else and just sit and read or knit. It’s a glorious vacation.

    I hate the sound of my husband rubbing his feet together. It makes me mental.

    For some time we had a trunk in the living room that functioned as a coffee table. Friends would come over and flip the handle up and down with their foot. Metal on metal. I’d loose it every time. Just snap. They thought it was funny. My husband thought I was irrational. I didn’t know I had ADHD. I moved the trunk.


    Post count: 14413

    I almost forgot to mention the sound of high pitch sounds like the electrical humming sound from the old stye floresent bulbs in department stores bother me, still does; I use to hold my ears because it sounded like finger nails on a chalk board. I enjoy the quiet of early morning hours or the holidays when traffic sounds are at a minimum. I do some of my best work then; as for sleep- I need complete quiet.



    Post count: 14413

    I’m curious. I know I have very good hearing, particularly in the high ranges. I used to work for a hearing aid company and they’d test your hearing. I was told I hear like a dolphin. I can hear deer alarms and those horrible things they use to keep teens from loitering. I can hear brakes squeak before anyone else can. My friend and I were walking down the street and I had to cover my ears because someone’s brakes were causing me pain. My friend told me that she felt rather than heard the noise. Other times with the anti-loitering I run and other people I’m with just shrug and catch up. They haven’t heard anything they are thankfully used to me doing some strange things and consider it one of my quirks. It’s great to have friends who not just over look the excentricities but find them entertaining.

    Back to being curious. Does anyone else find they have a better sense of hearing than others?



    Post count: 14413

    Kazuo… I can really relate to your sound sensitivities…

    In the past, I have stayed up all night to write term papers when it was completely quiet.

    I hate those bulbs too…

    Just a few days ago, after walking through three rooms to find the source of the noise, I turned off the lights in my bathroom because I could hear a really faint, but annoying sound coming from the bulbs – they’re not old though?

    I hate the sound of the dishwasher too, and paid a lot extra to get a really quiet one.

    I tried going to the doctor once for ear pain, but they said I had no infection, and gave me an unconvincing spiel about it possibly being caused by air pressure changes? I didn’t get any help.

    Gert – I can hear the annoying teen alarms too… and find them downright painful.

    I have wondered about having better hearing also… or if I am possibly hearing tones that other people don’t? I knew a woman like that when I was a teen, so I know it is possible. I also have difficulty distinguishing what people say at times when there is background noise – so I am not sure?


    Post count: 14413

    isabel- the ‘air pressure changes’ thing is about your eustachian tubes- they join your middle ear to the back of your throat- when you swallow or yawn they open up and allow the pressure to change- they’re what can make your ears really hurt and pop when you go through a steep incline/descent in a car or plane, dive and swim back to the surface in a swimming pool, or when you blow your nose with a head cold. they can screw up for numerous reasons (thats called eustachian tube dysfunction) and it does hurt like hell. they can go into a sort of spasm of opening and closing repeatedly too, and that’ll make this weird clicking noise in your ears that drives you totally mental after a few days (i say this from experience!) which is kinda like tinnitus, but with a full, pulsating feeling.

    /ear nerd ramblings :P


    Post count: 14413

    I use noise cancelling headphones to drown a lot of things out.

    Also very rarely go to the movies, maybe once a year because I feel like my senses are being raped. The sound is too loud, the screen too bright, etc etc. The movies will be very dark and quiet one minute and the next…bright and loud! Yikes!

    When we go to concerts, you’ll be able to spot me..I’m the one with tissue jammed in her ears…quite funny since I own a few sets of earplugs, but do you think I can remember to bring them?????


    Post count: 24

    I work in a Emergency Room and before being diagnosed and not on meds noises and moniters beeping in the chaos didnt bother me I didnt really notice. But when I would go up to ICU the the beeping or the moniters would drive me nuts. Now if I take my adderall and work in the ER the beeping moniters stand out to me in the chaos and drive me crazy.


    Yeah! If I’m doing “my thing”, rather than trying to do “a thing”, I don’t really notice things as nuisances or irritations. Get me to a situation where nothing is happening, and I seem to devote myself to cursing and ranting about those little stupid things, garnering the ‘What’s his problem?’ stare. Meds have never helped with my feeling toward irritation, although, I do find I deal with it creatively.

    As always, I hope I’m making sense.


    Post count: 14413

    It is nice to know that I’m not alone with various sensory sensitivity issues. I had otosclerosis that progressed as I got older to the point that I HAD to have the surgery to correct my hearing, now I have acute hearing. A lot of times when in public I wish I did not have the surgery (stapendecomies) because I used to be able to take my hearing aids out and tolerate the noises around me. The worst place for me is the United Center in Chicago – a torturous nightmare be it sporting events or concerts.

    I can relate to the person that has sense of touch problems. I can not wear sock to bed and sometimes I just want to jump out of my own skin when anything is touching my feet. It is really weird.

    I also cannot wear perfume anymore. It does not matter the scent, cheap, expensive, or just putting on a dab my nose goes absolutely nuts and I can barely breath. I cannot be around anyone that smokes, not even walk behind the person outside. Car exhaust fumes are just as bad. Thank goodness for the air recirculation button, as soon as I sense I am going to be behind a vehicle with bad exhaust system I have to flip the recirculation on. My sense of smell has gotten more sensitive as I get older.

    When going to a resturant I cannot sit by the stations, kitchen, or a main walking area. The background noise is too much and I cannot hear or concentrate on the conversation. This was worse, before my ear surgeries, then I had to damn near read lips to put the conversation together. Crying babies or misbehaving kids in public places are a huge stressor for me too. I have dogs and cannot sleep and have called the police for nuisance on others whose dogs are barking all night. The dog might as well be in my bedroom.

    I was taking classes that were live and the guys in the back operating the video equipment would talk ‘quietly’ during class. This drove me nuts because I could hear then even though I always sit near the front of the lecture hall. I finally asked the kid next to me if he could hear them and he said no.

    I did not think that the sensory issues were ADD related, but I am learning a lot that I was not aware of before.

    Nice to know I’m not alone.


    Post count: 14413

    I am so angry, mad, pissed off,depressed, nerves, sleepless, scared, tired. fedup, I have complained so many time about my noise sensitivities and the doctor’s answer was nerve pills. So here I am hooked on those among a handful of other crap. My son was just diagnosed with ADD about 6 months ago and the more I learn about Add I am 1000 percent sure that I have it. This going back to when I was in school and me flipping out, throwing chair, swearing, walking out of class but no call home or if they did I never heard of it. Both my parents were working full time and took zero interest in my schooling. When I went into high school they put me into learning disabilities class ( back then it was call coconut class or retard class, that would never fly these days with political correctness) and I sat there knowing that I could sit the teacher down and teach the lesson better then her/him. Ooooh the imbrassment was unbelieveable some of you might relate. I challenged myself to go to college the fall of 2009 and got mid 80’s in my finale. Was I surprised ….NO. I am very smart I just can not get my crap together. Let me just list a couple of reason why I think I can’t get my crap together.

    1) never on time ( I try )

    2) organizational problems

    3) time management problem

    4) missed appointment

    5) speaking to loudly

    6) overly talkative

    7) impulsive shopping

    8) UFO by the 1000’s ( unfinished objects or projects)

    9) anger control problems

    10) I’m a yeller ( sorry to say and I try so hard not to yell I hate it, I send myself to my room)

    11) problem going to sleep and staying asleep

    12) always tired

    13) not living up to my potential

    14) I overwork at my jobs ( When I have one)

    15) anxiety

    16) depression

    17) never meeting my goals

    18) compulsive shopping

    19) collections

    20) difficulties keeping home routines

    Then there is the craziness of obsessive behavior. Start needle point and do it for 8 to 10 hours a day for 6 to 8 weeks or sometimes longer . Just went though a spell with the salt dough art . Crafting for hours and hours. I started making jewelry inm 2007 and got stuck in my office for 15 to 18 hours a day. Started doing home parties and was very good at it but got nerves about keep the business organized. Stopped, frozen in my steps. Who does that when they are hitting $500 a party. Me

    I have no friends, and I tell myself that I like it that way but is it normal? I do manage to go to church but that is like pulling a train behind me.(late most of the time) It does put gas in my tank and helps to keep me grounded. The love of my God has kept me alive to this day.

    Thanks for letting me unload. I am going in on the 19th of Jan. to finally be diagnosed. Will share with you all soon. Have a wonderful day and God bless.


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