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Monthly discussion: ADHD and Eating Problems

Monthly discussion: ADHD and Eating Problems2011-05-11T01:55:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Diet Monthly discussion: ADHD and Eating Problems

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    Post count: 22

    Haha! Thanks everyone. Found it and destroyed it. You can blame that one on BBpress :mrgreen:


    Post count: 14413

    I can relate to pretty much everything you all have brought up about eating and ADD. I’m sure my mom was ADHD and she was obese most of her life. I do the thing of forgetting to eat during the day and then eat at night (and eating and eating). It’s very frustrating. My son is also ADHD and tends to not eat and then eat too much at night as well. I also found out a few years ago that I was sensitive to gluten. Getting that out of my diet has helped in a lot of ways – don’t feel sick all the time now, so can focus better. Lost my job of 10+ years in January and have found that being at home I tend to eat more regularly and eat things that are better for me overall. Still have the sweet cravings at night though.


    Post count: 4

    I have found that when I am not on medication, or on medication that is not working for me (like now), I have this driving need to eat foods to feel better. I constantly crave sweets, like chocolate. Even though I know that eating these foods will result in weight gain – I can’t stop myself. I need to feel better and that seems to be the only thing that works.

    However, when I was on Dexedrine Spansules 30mg per day, I found that that driving need was gone. I know that one of the side effects of Dexedrine is weight loss from appetitie supression, however I was still hungry – but without that manic need to feel good through food, I was choosing healthier foods to eat and was not snacking between meals nor was I getting stressed and frustrated with how long it would take to prepare the healthier foods.

    Unfortunately, I was having pretty strong crashes (strong motion sickness that would last from about 4 to 7:30 every night) with the Dexedrine. My Doctor and I decided to try another med – Concerta 27mg – but it is not working for me at all at this point, feel like I am not on meds at all – ADD at full strength. Hopefully we will find something that works soon.


    Post count: 596

    I would also like to know if multi-vitamins, magnesium, vitaminD or calcium supplements can interfere with a medication’s efficacy? Also, does it matter if you take you take an ADD medication at the same time as a vitamin or supplement?


    Post count: 128

    My weight has fluctuated all of my life. I remember in 5th grade they even tried diet pills which did not work. As a teenager i decided that i wanted to fit into a pair of pants that were way too small for me. I made up rules about eating and got to 130 lbs. I am 5 feet 7 inches. I’m not sure how skinny I would have ended up except that my grandmother died and after the funeral, i discoved the power of food to change my mood. I was 17 when my grandmother died, by 20 I weighted 200lbs and climbing.

    Has anyone else flirted with this kind of weight loss. When i see pictures of myself during this time I looked way too thin. Why have I lost that kind of control? Was that a teenage thing only? After I got married I used to eat too much and throw up, but not everyday. After awhile I just stopped doing it.


    Post count: 14413

    I’ve also experienced what I believe to be more than ‘normal’ weight loss, almost 10% of my total body weight. Moreover, most of it was within about 30-40 days or so. My concern is will it stop? I asked my wife if she noticed me eating less, and her answer was, “you’re not snacking as much as you used to and we are eating healthier…” Which is true, my kids and wife all have gluten sensitivity, so we hardly ever eat out and we focus our food on quality, not cost, so we tend to buy local meats, veg, etc…So, I’ll buy some portion of what she says, but I haven’t been at my current weight in about 20 years. The upside is I do feel great in general, certainly less sluggish, and much happier all around (Adderall XR and looking leaner helps ;-). Is this typical? I thought I recall reading that the meds originally used in early ADD days were intended for patients with weight problems, is that the link?


    Post count: 14413

    Hello… I went to see Dr. Levy for I guess more than 2 years, it can be more or less, truly, I was on a constant haze, as I was still undiagnosed and I can’t recall stuff; Whichever the case, I don’t see myself as ever had much of a warm welcome and relationship as I do with some other health professionals… Anyhow, the issue here is that, in all that time he never mentioned ADD/ADHD or even bothered to send me to do some mental health assessment (according to high-end money-making machines addiction treatment centres ,I was addicted to food, period) No one, not the 3 residential treatments ever did a proper psychiatric assessment, either Dr. Levy. He put me on some pill to lose weight and I ever loss any weight. It seems his ADD/ADHD specialty is more recent? Anyhow, truly, I wanted to lose my pounds, I then got “properly diagnosed” and gained 80 more pounds… while taking drugs, I got diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar… Dr. Levy believes obesity is a disease, he’s into “managing” weight, so, basically, if someone manages weight, he’s telling you “you’re stuck with me forever and with your weight problems…” same old disease theory, diseasing people, all for the dough… Is a business, if I manage the weight of my patients, they’ll need me forever, they’ll pay me forever and I won’t have freedom from my disease as I’m stuck with it forever… that’s it… Same principle they tried so hard to teach me in Overeaters Anonymous, you have an incurable disease called addiction and you’re stuck with it… Interestingly, since, after years of struggle with not being diagnosed and suffer, then being diagnosed and be medicated with for a few years with 4 medications who very generously helped me gain 80 pounds, and a whole other myriad of so-called-side-effects, now I quit those, I went into orthomolecular and integrative medicine as well as into neurofeedback, and I am still seeing the therapist who help empower me (and, believe it or not, he sees me for free) all working amazing, losing weight, happy again, not fatigued and full of energy. I see my doctors once per month, or less, I take my supplements, my vitamins, my omega-3’s and finally, by pushing myself, I was able to break the resistance to exercise, which, is not just helping me to lose weight, but also to feel better psychologically and emotionally… Truly, I had to go to trials, though my own research, through years lost because most professionals are after making money and not truly healing you all the way… That’s my opinion and my today’s rant… Good evening everybody.. :)


    Post count: 1

    What is the connection between ADD and eating that is different because of the ADD?

    What medication works best to adjust addictive eating desires for ADDers?


    Post count: 6

    Is there any connection between refined sugar consumption and ADHD? I had a severe problem with eating sugar, to the point that if i didn’t get it, I became VERY cranky and irritable. There wasn’t even any point in trying to fight cravings as they didn’t go away (had one last for more than 3 hours before i finally gave in). I started Strattera and the cravings started to diminish and finally about a year after starting the meds i kicked sugar to the curb. Is it possible that my brain was medicating itself with the sugar? or was there another cause?


    Post count: 15

    I have a question about omega3 too. I am taking a product called OmegaBrite–3 x a day with meals. The ratio is 7:1. I was told with ADD we needed the ratio to be AT LEAST 3:1, and this was the best I could find. However, after taking it for five or six weeks, I noticed I had gained about 10 pounds, and that is not my style. I usually gain weight slowly. I also notice puffy ankles so suspect water retention. I stopped the omeraebrite, and things went back to normal–I was even able to lose some of that weight. Now I’m trying it again, and I think the same thing is happening. Can you explain why? Is the ratio too high? Is there another product that would be better? Do I even need to take a supplement of omega3?



    Post count: 14413

    I’ve been dealing with the weight loss battle for just over 15 years, and just got diagnosed with ADD a couple of years ago. I wonder if i got my diagnosis sooner would my weight have never gotten so out of control? but can’t look back, only forward. Thanks to Dr. Levy, he diagnosed me with ADD and has helped me get my weight loss back on track, and just about found the right medication. This man, knows his stuff!!!

    He’s taught me so many techniques and really opened my eyes to a lot of stuff. i’m still learning a lot about my ADD and the weight loss battle is ongoing, but i have a better handle on it.


    Post count: 5

    Those who have eating problem, must watch what they eat and break meals in small frequent meals to manage healthy body weight. Engage in regular exercise to boost metabolism, burn fat and lose extra weight.


    Post count: 8

    ADHD & Diet – Food & Focus

    Join Rick Green and registered nutritionist/author/ADDer Julie Daniluk TODAY (MAY 27th) at 8 PM EDT

    Log in to TotallyADD and Register BEFORE 6 PM EDT
    http://totallyadd.com/webinars/ You’ll receive an email from us with a link & login info – just click on the link, put in the login info and join us for this free, live webinar!

    We’ve never met anyone so knowledgeable and passionate about food – and good health! Rick and I have been following Julie’s Meals That Heal Inflammation plan and love the results.

    This is a great opportunity to find out about inflammation and how it affects your body and mind – join us and ask Julie all about it! Hope to see you tonight – David

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