The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › Is It Just Me? › notgettinwat I need to help my ADHD
June 15, 2011 at 5:24 pm #104552
Welcome! You have come to the right place.
Someone gave me some advice once. He said “do something, even if it’s the wrong thing, just do something”. Up until now I have actually ignored this advice, even forgotten about it for a while but in the last few days it keeps popping into my head. Your post reminded me of it again. Just doing something can help feelings of inadequacy. Never mind that it wasn’t what you really needed to do. I suppose eventually one would run out of “wrong” things to do and actually get around to doing the “right” things.
I have to warn you that I have been feeling really good the last couple of days. I have actually followed this advice without thinking about it and have accomplished several things on my list without realizing it. I just did them. I had a few minutes here and there when I was waiting for my daughter and did stuff.
Quick history, I have been “working” on myself for 40 years, trying to “fix” the problems that my ADD has been causing me. It’s been close to a year since my diagnosis and all that work plus some things that have happened in the last 6 months I think have taken me over the hump. In just the last few days, since Sunday actually (I was able to go to the show where I met Dr. J) I have been in the best mood and my mood gets better every day. I may be missing a few of the pieces of the puzzle still but I’m going to really enjoy finding them!
Hang in there. Knowing is half the battle, what you do about it can win the war.
REPORT ABUSEJune 22, 2011 at 9:22 am #104553
AnonymousInactiveJune 22, 2011 at 9:22 amPost count: 14413I know this is a bit off topic, but any reason you chose the username memzak? Any reason at all? (As I normally use the username and now when you google memzak your one account comes up and it’s not me.
Sorry for the fuss.
REPORT ABUSEJune 22, 2011 at 6:15 pm #104554Memzak is the first six letters of my last name in an obscure game language that uses letter substitution. I have been using it for more than ten years. If you are using it then you must have seen it somewhere online. At one point I had thought about copyrighting the name and the longer version of my full last name to use as a business identification but “never got around to it”. How long have you been using it?
REPORT ABUSEJuly 9, 2011 at 1:07 pm #104555
AnonymousInactiveJuly 9, 2011 at 1:07 pmPost count: 14413Since end of 2005. Didn’t realise that. Funny, because ever since then whenever I googled memzak my accounts would spawn up everywhere so I thought it must have been original.
In that case then you have been using it before me. Sorry mate didn’t realise someone else actually started using it before I did.
If I may, which game language is this?
Again sorry, for bothering you, I didn’t know.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 18, 2011 at 1:38 am #104556
AnonymousInactiveDecember 18, 2011 at 1:38 amPost count: 14413you and I are one in the same …i have seriously been abused as a child bc of my deficits and been told i was born to serve my dad and have literally taken the heat for my sisters bc i felt i had to protect them bc i took care of them since they were babies and now i am still raising them but seriously i wake up and go out each and every day looking for new ways to make others smile and it seems i am just so happy when i can do that but i get so dang frustrated sometimes seeing ppl take advantage of not only life but of ppl in general and i love being bubbly and happy and the adderall helps me but im just on the immediate release …is the IR better bc i cant do the twice a day anymore but unsure how the ir or xr will be….
REPORT ABUSEDecember 18, 2011 at 1:40 am #104557
AnonymousInactiveDecember 18, 2011 at 1:40 amPost count: 14413i also find it easier to repel the negative by doing good and excercising…and staying clear of those in my life or near me that are ngative or kinda sometimes just appeasing them so i dont have to deal with more craziness …mainly tell them i love you and i appreciate your thoughts but it isnt needed thank you…i know easier said than done in some ppls life’s and families…