The Forums › Forums › Medication › Ritalin › Scared to take Medicine
April 3, 2011 at 9:14 pm #102878
I agree with brentitude. I’ve tried natural remedies for a number of conditions throughout my life (I’m 56). I’ve always gotten better results from western medicine, which is the Evil Empire to most of the folks I know.
I have a 3-pronged approach. I have a regular dr who listens to me. This is important. I have a therapist who understands ADD & helps me with my issues with day-to-day life. I have a psychiatrist who understands ADD & oversees my medication. I could have the meds turned over to my regular doc, but I like the psychiatrist & I think it’s good to go see her every 6 months just to check in. I was diagnosed about a year ago.
She (the psychiatrist) would really like for me to take stimulant medication, after I get my blood pressure under control. I’m not sure it’s worth the risk, and my regular doc agrees with me. I take bupropion (aka Welbutrin) for depression, which also helps my concentration. The only side effect I’ve noticed is a dry mouth. I’m always thirsty.
Unless you have some sort of condition which would make taking the medications dangerous, I would give them a try.
REPORT ABUSEApril 4, 2011 at 1:29 am #102879
AnonymousInactiveApril 4, 2011 at 1:29 amPost count: 14413tonyminch and others with blood pressure problems:
Here is the best of both worlds: Try Intuniv. It was actually been approved as blood pressure medicine but ALSO seems to work for ADHD. You might have to “fight for it”, since it’s not been approved for adults for ADHD. But my doctor told insurance company who would not approve of it (and who knows more than all the doctors in the world, right? HA!) I couldn’t take stimulants due to a side effect I developed with Adderall XR. (by the way, it is a med that has been around for about 45 years. They know a lot about it.) Anyway, I am feeling better on the Intuniv slowly as it doesn’t work as fast as stimulants. It also might be cheaper if prescribed for BP, but I doubt. It’s a new-ish drug. I have Personal Choice and still have a $35.00 co-pay.
I know you’ve probably heard this already but it bears repeating for anyone with ADHD: Exercise is the best non-medicine medicine. When I walk or am active, I sleep better, focus better. In fact, having grown up in the 1960’s it was probably what saved me since there was “no such thing as ADHD” back then. ESPECIALLY for girls. My mother “kicked us out of the house” by 9:30 in the summer and we were out playing, climbing, biking till supper time. It probably saved me from failing out of school even though I’m pretty smart.
Anyway, ask you doctor about it. You can get the first 30 pills for free by going to:
No, I don’t work for them, and get nothing to “promote”. But if it helps you do two things at once, good for you.
REPORT ABUSEApril 4, 2011 at 2:16 am #102880
AnonymousInactiveApril 4, 2011 at 2:16 amPost count: 14413I finally noticed the title of this forum: “Scared to take medicine”.
May I ask:
If you were diagnosed with diabetes, would you be afraid to take meds? If you were diagnosed with nearsightedness, would you be afraid to get and wear glasses? If you were diagnosed with flat feet, would you be afraid to where orthodics? If you were diagnosed with deafness, would you be afraid to get and wear a hearing aid? If you were diagnosed with a physical brain disorder like ADD, why should you be afraid to try a med? Stimulants are over 45 years old. They know exactly how they work. If they don’t work for you, or give you an unpleasant side effect, you can stop and try or not try something else. Simple.. But get a doctor who actually BELIEVES in ADHD and who will keep a good eye on you. Write your feelings/effects in a journal so when you go back to the doctor, you can tell her/him every feeling. Also research the BEST way to take the meds you choose. That made all the difference with me.
I’d say: Give it a chance.
REPORT ABUSEApril 5, 2011 at 6:03 pm #102881
AnonymousInactiveApril 5, 2011 at 6:03 pmPost count: 14413Here is what I am bringing to my doctor. Do you guys think this will help prove I have the condition?
Child- Grades from A through F. Very inconsistent. Several withdrawals from classes due to focusing problems. My mother told me they wanted to put me in a learning disorder class all throughout grade school, but she “wouldn’t let them.” Rarely completed homework.
College Student- Flunked out of Ball State despite a burning desire to “turn my life around.” Watched several motivational movies. Made many plans to make a change. I was unable to ever follow through despite being determined to do so.
College Student 2- Was able to string together a few successful terms at Ivy Tech. Several withdrawals through this period, however. This was a period where I first wondered if I had ADD. I discussed this with Frank and he put me on Straterra. I did not respond to this medication. I quit taking it thinking I did not have A.D.D.
College Student 3- Transferred to Indiana Wesleyan University Online. Managed to complete my associate’s degree in business with a ton of help from my wife.
College Student 4- Currently working on my special education degree because of my passion for learning disabilities. I have found several strategies from A.D.H.D. websites that have made things somewhat better. During this period, I was recommended to a Nurse Practitioner who put me on Stimulants to help with the focus issue. This medicine changed my life, but I quit taking them because I was scared of the long term effects on my body.
Adult Life (work)- Bosses are getting more and more irritated by my lack of focus. I am barely staying employed despite giving it everything I have. My evaluations rank pretty well until it comes to focus/long term projects.
Adult Life (Wife)- My wife and I get into extreme fights over my forgetfulness and inability to remember to help with everyday tasks around the house. I have told her on numerous occasions I would change for the better. It typically lasts about a week. When things get comfortable, I often forget to do these tasks or avoid them because they are too mundane for my fast paced mind. I get very anxious when doing mundane tasks.
Adult Life (Kids)- I have a very hard time keeping up with my kids lives because their tasks and hobbies bore me. I cannot sit down with my kids to play hide n seek for over 5 minutes without moving on to a new task. This makes me feel guilty.
Adult Life (Finances)- Had to file chapter 7 bankruptcy due to my inability to control my finances/sporadic spending.
Adult Life (Health)- Currently weighing over 300 lbs despite my interest in exercise and physical fitness. I Am not able to string together over 2 weeks of workouts. I also eat mass quantities of food on impulse without any thought to my body. I am completely addicted to food.
Overall, I’m not accomplishing anything I want to accomplish. I am an intelligent person, I just cannot access it. I feel like a huge FAILURE!!! I have been trying for 10 years to fix these problems. I truly feel that I need help to fix these problems
REPORT ABUSEApril 5, 2011 at 7:59 pm #102882Tony – yes. All of those added up point to ADD, IMO. I feel so badly for you because I had a list similar to yours that I took to my doctor and, thinking back, I was soooo stressed and nervous before I went in. When I came out, what a relief….she agreed with me, I felt like FINALLY I can start again. FINALLY, I can figure this out.
What I guess I don’t understand is what made you afraid of the long term effects on your body? The damage you’re doing to your body with food far outweighs any effects meds would have (the right meds that is). As I said before, stimulants have been used since the 1930s, did you watch the video :
When I started taking the Ritalin a few weeks ago, I used that initial charge to create better habits. I no longer crave alcohol or pot, which I used to self-medicate because I could NOT figure out why I couldn’t get my life together. All that is changing now. I do have to remind myself to get up and Do something, but I no longer have a zillion excuses in my head as to why I should put it off, but rather get up and do it.
It sounds like you really improved on the meds, so you gotta ask yourself: Did you feel better when you were on the meds or now? What did you accomplish while on the meds compared to now? If you can make a concerted effort, through the meds, adjusting habits (ie, buying hEALTHY foods vs. junk, making lists or whatever to help keep you organized and on track, look ahead instead of behind.), doing things that make you feel good about yourself, ie, taking a walk/exercising, it all adds up to MOVING FORWARD. You have made such great efforts to stay in school, you should not let this ADD thing hold you back any longer.
P.s. I know what you mean about the kids…. I listen to my daughter and actually hear her now, and our relationship is improving and we are growing closer. I ENJOY her more and Its great. Mind, this is kind of a pep talk, meds don’t “cure” you but they sure were a HUGE stepping stone for me. Keep us posted and GOOD LUCK!!
REPORT ABUSEApril 5, 2011 at 11:06 pm #102883“Try Intuniv”???
Why on earth would you try a drug that isn’t approved for treating ADHD, but only “seems to work” on it, when there are so many drugs which are actually APPROVED for treating ADHD? That approval means that the drug has been subjected to proper, scientific, double-blind studies, over at least several years, and has found to be far more effective than a placebo, at treating the condition it was intended for.
If a stimulant med raises your blood pressure, it’s much easier & safer to just add a small dose of a blood pressure medication to your regimen, than to rule out all the approved meds that happen to be stimulants.
REPORT ABUSEApril 5, 2011 at 11:26 pm #102884
AnonymousInactiveApril 5, 2011 at 11:26 pmPost count: 14413You guys are awesome. I appreciate the help. I actually took some of my old Vyvanse today. I took it at noon because I need to be on top of my game from noon-10pm the most.
Lindstr7, your response has helped tremendously. Thank you so very much.
REPORT ABUSEApril 6, 2011 at 4:48 am #102885
AnonymousInactiveApril 6, 2011 at 4:48 amPost count: 14413tonyminch- have you got any practical support from anyone like a psychologist or lifecoach? something that helps you build structure, learn good habits, make small, manageable changes and stick with them, etc, might help you- i know it helps me when i practice it.
the way i look at drugs…. to me, a small dose of a stimulant is like a cup off coffee. it might well come with a small risk attached, but everything does- i could run out in front of a car crossing the street on my way to starbucks, i could slip and fall in the grocery store reaching to the top shelf, and get hit on the head by 20 huge cans off instant coffee, or i could sleep through half of my life cos i chose not to drink the flipping drink out of fear of maybes… or none of those things could happen – the trick is in deciding how much quality my life has without that small risk in it….how happy i am, and the potential for things to get better, vs worse if i take the risk and give it a shot.
talk to a specialist, watch the videos, work through your options. don’t be afraid to try different meds, different combinations, etc- but definately get some therapy along with it- someone who listens, understands, and who can help you build a plan and stick with it- that makes a huge difference.
REPORT ABUSEApril 7, 2011 at 9:15 pm #102886Tony….If Vyvance made you feel terrible then, its likely to make you feel terrible now. I think I might wait (also how OLD is that prescription?) til you see your doctor and tell them its not working for you. They will likely try something else until you find something that works (a pain but when it finally works, it’s worth it).
Also, Jenetically has a great point about the life coach idea. My doctor gave me info on a group that meets every week, kind of like group therapy with a coach leading the meeting. Re: “meds like a strong cup of coffee”…. that and so much more because it actually helps the brain slow down and the thought process is more linear and focused.
REPORT ABUSEApril 7, 2011 at 9:21 pm #102887
AnonymousInactiveApril 7, 2011 at 9:21 pmPost count: 14413Larynxa:
Intuniv HAS been approved for high blood pressure in adults and HAS been approved for ADHD in children up to age 17. It was a suggestion to tonyminch since it would already help his blood pressure and just might help the ADHD (two birds with one stone so-to-speak) I take Intuniv because I can take NOTHING else and was suggested by one of the best ADHD doctors in the country. I LOVED the effect of Adderall XR. It was like another person said: a light bulb was turned on and I could see for the first time, but it put holes in my bladder. A worse side effect than the small bothersome side effects of Intuniv so far. I’m tired of my fuzzy, forgetful brain. I’m willing to try it at this point. I’ve tried everything else. I continue therapy and interventions. The side effects of the ADHD are more bothersome than the side effects of Intuniv.
I’ve been on it for about 3 weeks and I’m starting to see a difference. Like I said before, it takes longer but I’ve suffered from ADHD for 55 years, what’s another few weeks?
I very much appreciate what you have said. EVERYTHING comes with risks. A lot of people “treat” ADHD with coffee, a perfectly approved beverage around the world, but it can cause acid refux, stomach ulcers or other side effects.
REPORT ABUSEApril 8, 2011 at 10:59 am #102888I have to chime in on this one. I am on 108mg of the generic concerta,so now lets start with high blood pressure and yes I have it take to different pills for it. now also on 450mg of effexor and the list goes on. I have to say in the last 5weeks at my new job I like what I am doing and they seem to like me. I don’t care much for the shift work but it pays well. since I found the right mix between the concerta and effexor I am calm and it does not get overwellming as it used to be. ilike the controlled me instead of the out of control me this way at least I take the time to think before reacting. don’t seem to get in as much trouble as I used to. so I say that the docs are working for me and so are the meds. Theirs and old song that goes like this . If you don’t like what you got why don’t you change it. well I took it a little futher and said if I don’t like who I am why don’t I change me. all I am saying is if you are using meds or somethingelse we are all trying to bring about some change. but find what works best for you and please don’t knock someone else for there choice. all want you all to understand is that fear of change should not stop any of use ,because is it not change that we are looking for so I say find what works for you and have atter. best of luck.
REPORT ABUSEApril 8, 2011 at 6:23 pm #102889
AnonymousInactiveApril 8, 2011 at 6:23 pmPost count: 14413@brentitude, I wouldn’t be so quick to dis Wikipedia. It’s no different than what you’re doing here, getting information from the forums and blogs – this is a Wiki of sorts after all. There are no longer authorities to be trusted above all, doctors included. Peer-sourcing is here and is the wave of the future; if you’re clever enough you can sift the wheat from the chaff and get the information that you need. It really is a new paradigm, and it’s your choice if you want to live in the present or be stuck in outmoded hierarchies of the past.
@tonyminch, if you’re experiencing weight issues, consider switching to a plant-based, preferably all-organic diet. You will lose weight and possibly improve your ADD behaviors as well. You can Google Bill Clinton and Wolf Blitzer if you want to hear how and why Bill did it. Now there’s an authority (on himself..) Check out the Drs Campbell, Dr Esselstyn, Dr Ornish, even Dr Oz – and they’re all doctors!
I wish you all good luck with the meds. I personally am looking at non-pharmaceutical solutions; I’ve tried to find the meds that will make it all better, or go away; they don’t exist. And you’ll find that the more truthful psychiatrists will tell you that, they can only mask some symptoms, but never cure, and they always come with moderate-to-severe side effects. I have to say that the discussion here sounds like a bunch of teenagers who just go their medical marijuana cards and are busy trying and comparing every single strain on the market, and combinations thereof. I have noticed that many of these forums focus almost entirely on meds, and while this is touted as a safe and accepting community, you really turn on a person who says something you disagree with or don’t want to hear.
There is so much evidence that blood pressure medications have a multitude of negative side effects, including, btw, disorientation; and as much evidence that dietary changes eliminate the need for these horrible things. There is so much proof out there that this whole chemical imbalance business is an unsubstantiated theory. But you know what, don’t listen to me. Listen to Gwen Olsen, who excelled at selling these until her niece took her own life by setting herself on fire after taking anti-depressants. Even one casualty is one too many, can’t you see that? Except that there are many, many more. Or watch “Sweet Misery”.
I’m sorry if it looks like I’m raining on your parade – you can blame the ADHypoD if you want – but I’m just putting my (researched) opinion out there.
REPORT ABUSEApril 8, 2011 at 9:50 pm #102890HME – I do know what you are saying about the drug exchange, and I had to wonder myself when i first came on here. Everyone was talking about meds meds meds. I asked around about natural or herbal remedies but found none that anyone could claim worked for them. I still am open to trying something that isn’t produced by a pharmaceutical company. Then again, unless its something that you can pull out of the ground and brew yourself, its still a money making venture for the company producing it.
We’re talking about different degrees of a condition that the scientific community seems unable to form a solid consensus on. As you pointed out in your remarks re: wikipedia…”if you’re clever enough you can sift the wheat from the chaff and get the information that you need,” what makes you think the readers here aren’t clever enough to do that. Nearly every post I’ve read here offering advice contains some sort of caveat that meds aren’t a cure-all and to do research to find the best route for them.
Before I went on medication, I had stopped drinking, smoking, changed my diet and started exercising. It took tremendous effort on my part and I started to see the benefits, but mostly physically. I knew that I was destined to repeat my patterns of bad behavior after I found myself slipping. Your attitude that we are all being “duped” into buying these products is unfair and just plain mean and dangerous, especially for those who have seen huge changes in their lives. My sister committed suicide after years of suffering the effects of this condition and she was not on any medication. She sought “natural” remedies and was an organic farmer, she refused to even consider drugs. She meditated, practiced yoga and was a vegetarian. I find your condescending attitude particularly insulting.
My psychiatrist told me that it will not “cure” me and I never expected to. I’m taking a wholistic approach via, medication, healthy balanced diet, exercise and meeting with a group once a week. With medication, I saw an instant change in the way my mind worked. After years of floundering I’m finally THERE (present) for my daughter and if it takes taking a drug once a day, I’ll do it…for me….but most importantly for her.
I hope you find something that works for you.
P.S. Re: Wikipedia, many college professors do not allow references taken from Wikipedia.
REPORT ABUSEApril 8, 2011 at 9:56 pm #102891P.S. HME….. your research and references are welcome and I would love to see more of your findings posted here as well as more threads re: natural “remedies,” environmental causes, etc. Feel free to lead the charge.
REPORT ABUSEApril 9, 2011 at 4:43 am #102892
AnonymousInactiveApril 9, 2011 at 4:43 amPost count: 14413a plant based diet can be a very sound idea for obesity and related issues, if undertaken under professional supervision (see a qualified dietician who is vegan-friendly- and do not go nuts on the fast release carbs- trust me, i’ve been vegetarian since i was 3, and eating as vegans do for going on 10 years- you can be a fat unhealthy vegan if you live on rice-icecream and mashed potatoes- and it’ll not help your adhd one bit! ).
but i’m gonna chime in and say that in my opinion, there is no one magic fix for everything for everyone, nor one big all encompassing universal evil- a large amount of modern pharmacuticals are standardised extracts of plants and minerals, which all come with their own risks and benefits, and it’s just as easy – if not easier- to kill yourself with stuff you can buy in the healthfood store, as any other store- especially if you’re not properly informed and aware of what you’re doing (alas, there are little to no requirements legally or ethically, when it comes to being educated about supplements, etc, when you’re selling them).
there is always gonna be strongly held opinion, rapid changes in perspective and knowledge, hyperbole and misinformation, etc, all over the place, cos people are …well… people, so we really do need to look at stuff for ourselves, reflect on it, talk to each other, and then make our own decisions- and respect each others right to do the same- and to courteously agree to disagree, if and when we don’t find each other on exactly the same page. i’m 110% in support of that.