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Strattera advice please

Strattera advice please2010-12-19T15:18:43+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    There’s a good example of ADD in action. I forgot, I take 40 mg of Strattera in the am and 40 at bedtime. Gee, that adds up to 80, doesn’t it? I guess what I mean then is that I will ask my doctor if I can increase it by a bit more, depending on what strength the pills come in because I really like to split the dose. This is where I say to whomever I’m talking to “Sorry, but I have ADD.” Is it an excuse for absent mindedness or is it my ADD? I’m never sure.


    Post count: 14413

    divaluxx- yeah, those internet comments- i always take them with a huge chunk of context- they’re just like comments on amazon or bestbuy or ratemd or wherever- not exactly unbiased or a balanced sampling.

    i reckon that of the millions of people who use those products, 95% don’t feel passionately enough about them to bother sharing- they just had an averagely good or meh experience, and pottered along with their lives regardless.

    of the 5% who do have massively urgent opinions to express, probably 4% passionately hate them, and had a horrid experience- cos if they had an awesome one, they’d probably still be having it, and be off enjoying themselves elsewhere right now- not sitting at home bitching on the internet about their trauma. :D

    that doesn’t mean that a lot of people hated the pills, just that everyone who didn’t like them feels justified in having a good moan and concerned enough that warning other users becomes a priority, while the rest of the ADHD people are off paying attention to much nicer things, being very ADHD and running in circles somewhere, or revelling in their newly peaceful and manageable brains.


    Post count: 913

    Noticed rdb’s post above, and saw the dosage. My doc prescribed Straterra – 40mg capsules, first week 1 a day, second week and beyond 2 a day, ONCE a day. Not one at morning, one at night, but 2 pills once a day.

    What’s the reasoning behind that – or doing 2, pills, 1 twice a day??

    I do it at night just before bed because the first couple of days after taking them i couldn’t even sit without falling asleep.


    Post count: 14413

    It has been great reading all of these reports I am on 60 m of Straterra and 300 m of Wellbutrin, plus a pill for high blood pressure.

    Just started Straterra end of September at 40 and up to 60 a week or so. At 60, i have occasional upset stomache and a kind of urine retention .. all aching and then suddenly a huge flow .. peeing more but not as often and my neck and shoulders are rigidly more stiff than usuall… temper seems more edgy as well .. 2 flare ups in a week .. dry mouth and oh tired plus waking up at 4 a.m.

    Diagnosed 2 years ago with chronic depression and anxiety and anger … and this August diagnosed as ADHD .. and from the

    psychiatrist’s assessment I have been this way since i was a kid .. 60 years ago.

    Straterra seems to help, but I have been told it will take 6 weeks or more to show much of an impact, and the side effects are a pain.

    They might go away or not, is so subective is hard to know. I may go back to 40 m or even a 40 in the morning and 40 at night.

    Depression seems controlled, but winter will be the test for that, Anxiety, less so, but of late my mind is quieter while oddly in my head i seem to be humming songs from musicals and carols and such. Wacked. Psych suggested the dopamine impacts on the brain to help sort out what is important from what isnt .. and the songs are being refiled … she seems to know what she is doing, have had a few who got their degrees by mail order . I am finding that i am way too self involved .. trying to wrap head around ADH .. very H.

    But the temper flare ups are nasty … i am getting into a verbal abuse, aggitation thing. Perhaps as Jen suggested earlier, the anger is meant to boost energy to give me a needed charge .. perhaps, i have to watch but it may well be .. more guilt over behavior/

    Tired though, it is clear to me that I actually have to act to change behavior .. never occured to me before .. suks, why did i think

    being a control freak was a good thing. Grew up around them, mistakes were intentional, not learning and i would do soo much

    better if i only behaved and tried harder. Dam tired of hearing that. Oddly, only when i was at university studying Literature and

    Critical Theory of all things was i clear and focused ..but only on that 1 thing … otherwise arrogant kid with priviledge issues.

    I figure on staying on these drugs for another month, hopefully the negative side effects decrease. Not sure if i can switch drugs, with a history of cardio problems and anxiety attacks, other options are less safe .. laughs ..

    it was great to read other peoples’ stories, it gave me a few ideas … many things to think about and stuff to do.. trying to stay

    present .. i hate this i really do.


    Post count: 14413

    I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Strattera) – http://www.top-online-pills.com/catalog/Bestsellers/Strattera.htm?refid=299 I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.


    Post count: 14413

    I am new to the ADD thing. I’m 37 and I know I’ve had this my whole life. I just went undiagnosed. The Dr. insisted on my taking Straterra. I am very sleepy. I

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