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  • in reply to: Irrational Fear Taking Over My Life…Please Help #122419

    Post count: 5

    Truly only a medical professional can diagnose obsessive compulsive disorder, or ADD. That being said, obsessive compulsive disorder affects different people in various ways.

    For example, some people must count incessantly; others must run around the block to to make sure they did not hit anybody in their car. Some people however wash their hands incessantly. And yet others must have things in a specific location. Others feel a overwhelming sense of awesome responsibility, as if one wrong movement or a act could resolve a complete disaster.

    So you see there’s not one simple answer for every person. It’s something that you would probably need to sort out with professional like Dr. Jain.
    If it does turn out that you have obsessive compulsive disorder, in addition to attention deficit disorder, it is not the end of the world. Help is available to learn to modify your behavior and get the most effective medication to treat your symptoms.

    After all boards like this exist to help people like us. Good idea to see your Dr. so he or she can help sort out your issues. It sort of like if you had a heart condition you take medicine for that right? So when you have issues like obsessive compulsive disorder possibly, or attention deficit disorder, it makes sense that you might need medication for that too? Right?

    I can say that I’ve definitely benefited from behavior modification and medication. My ability to focus and work through issues has improved since making these changes. Good luck and keep talking to all of us that can relate.

    in reply to: Irrational Fear Taking Over My Life…Please Help #122192

    Post count: 5

    I can relate to this – I have ADHD and OCD – and it is not uncommon to have both together. I would hear a song or think something or see something and it would just play over and over and over in my head until I got up and did something else OR fell off to sleep. OR I would second guess everything that I did until I had an anxiety attack because the thoughts would not stop. Finally I talked to my doctor and medication helps – also getting the book “You mean I’m not lazy, stupid or crazy?!” by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo is an entertaining and informative read. Also medication is a must. The medication (after a month or so) really makes a difference – talk to your doctor. They recommend meditation – which I am just starting. Give it a try!

    in reply to: zoloft? #122191

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    I began Zoloft 3 years ago – whew what a relief. I have ADD/OCD and it has helped a lot. I continue to take it because it helps me focus and cuts down on obsessive/compulsive behaviors.

    in reply to: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed #97786

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    Louie – I feel your pain on this – I’m 43 and stuck in healthcare for the past 20 years – and although it’s an excellent living – I really hate it – however – this website, and all the other people I see struggling with the same things I am – really gives me hope. I refuse to be held prisoner by this ADHD stuff – (I’m also dealing with OCD too – yikes) I choose to focus on learning as much as possible, and putting to use information. I choose to define myself – and despite only now realizing why I have been different for years – I am going to forge ahead. I am a musician also- so I’m thinking about music therapy – kind of combining my years as an RN and music. Don’t give up Louie – refuse to allow others to define you. You are truly impressive that despite your issues you have held jobs and support a family – bravo. Best of luck.

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