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  • in reply to: Bullying #95724

    Post count: 18

    I can also relate. I don’t know if it was a case of bullying, per se, it’s possible I guess…

    Throw an undiagnosed, unmanaged ADHDer into an environment which requires a lot of structure, a high amount of teamwork and asset management, and add in a boss with high demands, a high level of focus, extremely high expectations, and a very domineering personality.

    On two occasions, yours truly got hauled into the boss’ office and reamed out – with the door left open so the rest of the staff were able to hear it – over some fairly minor error (likely, but not excusably, due to the unmanaged ADHD).

    Things got to the point where I would make an ADHD-related mistake (miss an appointment, forget to change a customer’s appointment, overlook a critical detail, etc) where I would try to fix the mistake and cover my tracks just to ensure that this wouldn’t get back to the boss and cause another office-ream-out.

    It became a viscous cycle – mistake–> stress–> exacerbated symptoms –> more mistakes

    The boss then changed gears and began calmly and quietly asking me questions rather than shouting; which, for me, was actually worse, because it came across as condescending. Don’t talk down to me, don’t shout at me, just *talk* to me as a person!

    I was paralyzed – I couldn’t make a decision because I was worried it would be the wrong one, I was afraid to arrange anything because I didn’t want to make a mistake, but deadlines are deadlines, and work needed to get done, so decisions were made under duress and at the last minute – never a good idea.

    I eventually ended up leaving that job, which I doubt surprises any of you. During my two-week notice period, the boss said exactly four words to me: “How are you today?”, and wouldn’t come out of their office long enough to shake my hand and say goodbye as I was leaving on my last day.

    I have since been diagnosed, and with the help of Dexedrine, I’m much better –SQUIRREL!!!– now. My current boss is aware of the ADHD, and very supportive, as well as extremely good at dealing with discipline when needed – ensuring that I know that when looking at a situation, we’re simply dealing with the facts and leaving all emotions and judgements out of it. Then, coming up with a solution. It’s very rewarding and empowering.

    So, was that first boss a bully? Maybe. Was the job a good fit for me? Without ADHD, or with controlled/managed ADHD, and with a different boss, probably; but that avenue is likely closed forever, and I don’t miss it one little bit.

    in reply to: Dexrtoamphetamine and Alcohol #103010

    Post count: 18

    I take Dexedrine and **occasionally** enjoy a pint. Now, my dosage of Dex is quite low (10 or 15mg) and I also take it once a day in the morning, and, obviously, I don’t usually consume alcohol until the evening; so it’s quite possible the dex has passed out of my system by that point anyway; however I have not had any bad results.

    However, I did exercise extreme caution when I first began taking it. I stayed away from the alcohol until I was used to the dexedrine, and as well, the first time I did enjoy a drink, I made sure I had trusted family and friends around to watch for any adverse effects.

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