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  • in reply to: Death by xbox-risk of hyperfocusing #106523

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    I hyperfocus on everything almost all of the time. if I’m driving I calculate what every vehicle is doing based on every action I see them take or not take, speed up and down and analyze and anticipate what they will do. I never knew that it was probably ADHD tho. I didn’t notice I did it ’till I started not driving and still did it and would tell driver what cars are gonna do and it annoyed them when I was right.

    I’ve gamed with friends 24 hours or more, LAN party! played alot of Diablo, Warcraft and some others, loved it!! we do it on a long weekend or holiday. A few times I’ve done it alone, just me and the game, Mt Dew or coffee maybe icecream and skittles, All Night Long, all night..! but just because you can sit hyperfocused for hours doesnt make you addicted. i dont like gaming for a couple of minutes, I prefer hours, like 6 or more. to me it’s like watching a movie marathon without getting bored. but its a holiday thing to me, its like a social vacation!

    If I am watching a movie/tv, I will hyperfocus sometimes and then blurt out what is gonna happen next or the ending and I cant help it and peeps get mad at me. I have to work really hard on not doing this.

    in reply to: Why was I not diagnosed when I was a child! #115173

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    g.laiya: So, funny, I just reread some of the stuff you wrote. you sound like me too. lol I always felt like I was wearing a straight jacket so that I didnt do anything out of sorts, but I thot that was normal, all kids had to do that to function… But, I really didnt know when the jacket came undone either. Oh, and I’ve been pounding my fam on FB with all of this ADD/HD info, oh and turns out I am HD but its not external, well sometimes, like I dont like playing games in groups so I sit out but I cant keep my mouth shut if I know an answer and I just scream it out, I’ve been banned from group games too, friends! 8P I talk in movies evidently too much and I actually try not too cuz 1 friend cussed me out during the movie… I thot he was joking, he wasnt. lol, anyways… what was I saying…… reading….. Oh, my mom got an “AHA”, moment, I think, anyways she is all about buying and sending me Omega3, ginko, ginseng for ADHD and butterbur for alergies and a good multi vit. So, I think she feels like she can at least do this to help me.

    Funny, there are a few odd balls in the family that I think may have been ADHD/ADD… mom’s-mom’s brother… dad’s-dad and dad’s brother, my mom’s 1st cousin which is her mom’s (diff)brother’s son but he is super duper over the top smart, like rocket scientist but he didnt do anything like that for a living… my mom’s baby sister… both Granfathers never had a 9-5 job, they did alot of odd jobs and a few 9-5 jobs here and there so I think they both might have been ADD/HD, both did extravagant work tho, like extremely good work. one of them made faux molding in the old post office look like it was cut stone like all of the rest but its just shaped stucco, he made a special trowel to do it, too. shrugg, but no one knows… for sure about the ADD/HD.. ummm…

    anyways I think my mom sees these things too so its sooper cool that she is being so supportive. Sorry bout your mom. I think mine had the same reaction when I told her I thot I was or could be a few months ago, I didnt know for sure and I didnt really want to know cuz I didnt know enough about it to know for sure…

    ok, sooo ya. the Omega3s help alot, I think. I can dream and my dreams make more sense now. Before it was like mind reading everything and people turn into other people and foggy and like I would expect a bad trip(drugged) to be like. now my dreams are more like others dreams. I can talk in my dreams and they are way more positive. right now I think I need to take somehting cuz I am all over here… sorry.

    anyways. I think my Mom is trying to make up for the no diagnosis when I was young cuz I remember classmates(2) and cousins(2) diagnosed with it but not me. Omega 3 was suggested by a friend who has been taking them for years, so I mentioned it to my mom and she bought them that day online and had them shipped to me. I’m still a little stunned.

    Whats the words….

    OH, I digress…

    Diagnosis by a doc at a young age is not the answer.

    drugs are not the answer unless you decide you want to do it.

    and I dont think kids should have them(drugs) ever, my opinion.

    I use to watch Monk and say, “I do that”, “I act like/feel that way” and laugh it off. and sometimes I’ll watch a show with a kid with Autism in it and I’m like, I soooo feel like the way they are portraying that kid, often… now I know why. ADD/HD is not that far from a high functioning autism or how at least how TV/movies portray it.

    thats all…

    in reply to: financial aid for ADHD? #109667

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    LSA & billd (your first post)- DIDDO! my life..

    been 2 several colleges but it soooooo much sucked. I;m a workaholic but not a school-aholic. I really would like to go back. I got a BA of Theo untill the school lost their accreditation. My whole class lost their degree. 4 Efing years spiralied down the toilet.

    I love music so I would like to pursue musicianship/performance and recording/production but I’m SCARED, I admit it! It scares me! I can’t work and do school, it efffs me up!

    I currently live in friends basement and I play music/concerts/shows for tips in coffeeshops/musicstores…

    if any one was interested my music is here: http://www.reverbnation.com/justdavidmuzik

    I would just really like to get a good music degree but $$$! (!@#$%^%^&*) i dont have it!

    I need better coping skills for school, online classes might work but I’m not sure I can sit for them and big classes dont work for me I do best if its small group or 1on1…

    I’m looking for local helps stuff…

    in reply to: Why was I not diagnosed when I was a child! #115169

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    g.laiya I definitely will try to glean as much as I can here. thanks for that. I have allergy migraine/headache so attn is way shorter..

    I have ups and down and wishes and distractions and wild allergies that make me crazier than I can completely control.

    I am a control freak sometimes and always hated doing “bad”(moral) things so I have this coping mechanism that I just shut down like I’m shy but it’s just I dont want to say anything inappropriate. I have to be honest tho my parents never knew me. not much 1 on 1 time with any family member so I cant blame them for not knowing about my ADD. Spilt milk tho!

    just wish schools or parents would have kids tested or not chalk the kids “weirdness” up to just character. gotta go!

    I’m better today. Been reading about some of these super successful peeps that were never diagnosed makes me jealous. lol! ADD is NOT A CURSE !! sometimes when I notice what it is doing … gotta laugh! I’m good crazy!

    in reply to: Why was I not diagnosed when I was a child! #115165

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    i tried to read some but I cant cuz I’m consumed with saying something and it takes soooo long for me even to do that.

    I’m tired maybe. …

    I’m not “officially diagnosed.” but have taken many online test and am like 95%

    I was told in grade school I had a learning “disability” but that was as far as anyone cared to go with it. I want to think they did their best but it pissses me off cuz I keep thinking they didnt give a s**t!

    After reading a bunch of stuff and watching the vids I understand it(ADD) better and I can now see it in me.

    I just want to die.

    I cry myself to sleep alot.

    Now, life does make more since, stuff adds up and I realize that I may have said some rude or mean things that were meant to be, to people and it makes me mad that peeps/friends wouldnt say, “Hey david, did you know you do this?” and now I’m angry that I didnt know, cuz i’m hyper observant, but more angry that no one gave a s**t enough to say hey david, “did you know?”

    Oh my gob(not misspelled, cartoon thing), who gives a flyin eff about me? I’m trying to ignore it(anger) but it gets sooo big and I jus cry.

    I can see how ADD has effected my jobs. They always say I am slow, always.

    Anyways, I’m not sure what makes me most angry, the never diagnosed but they thot something was wrong or the lack of concern about the “disability” and no help except puting me in lower level classes or the fact that there wasnt anyone that could see the ADD.

    My current friends kinda are like, “ok,” nonpulsed, kinda like, “whatever,” not concerned, like I just told them I ate a banana.

    I have one diagnosed friend so I’m going to talk to him, he takes drugs for his so he’s not real bad.

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