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  • in reply to: Fluorescent lighting #107674

    Post count: 53

    WOW!!!! That explains it!!!

    My whole life I could not be in a walmart or any place with florecent lights for more than 30 seconds (no exageration) 😯

    without having a complete sensory overload like I had just had 20 coffees or was being tickled like all my nerves were being stimulated at once! I could not focus at ALL my mind would be like a ping pong ball darting all over the place and I would be completely zoned out within a minute. I also get migraines and would become instantly nauseous as auras would onset. I remember so many times going into stores especially walmart with my Mom my poor Mom lol and completely shutting down as soon as we walked in…She would ask me my opinion on which rubbermaid containers would be best for stacking our stuff in storage and all I could focus on was the word Rubbermaid floating in front of my eyes like a bad acid trip or something and I would get soooooo crabby with her because I felt so nauseous I would always say something like can you just pick one already so we can get out of here??? She never takes me shopping anymore 😳

    Now I know why! Thanks! I feel alot better now! Will be sure to tell her too!

    in reply to: Frustrated with Boyfriend #104836

    Post count: 53

    Oh boy do I ever know how you feel! My husband gets sooo frustrated with my housework allergy lol and despite all my best efforts I either end up leaving piles and piles accumulate or spend all day and night cleaning in a manic state with out eating, sleeping or taking a breath. PLEASE DON’T let yourself feel guilty about it. I know that before I knew about ADD when I would see a pile of clothes on the floor it bascially had aneon sign on it saying Sherri is a lazy piece of crap and a faliure as a wife and a person flashing on and off. Try to remember that alot of the negative feelings about yourself regarding this actually come from your own mind and the fact that he is expressing his frustration doesn’t necessarily mean that he thinks anything negative about you. Wow this is so much easier to tell someone else than to do your self. I need to start listening to my own advice lol

    One thing I’m thinking of trying is putting on my fave music and working on it together chatting as we go. I think the worst for me is trying to do it alone and in silence as this gives my noisy brain the chance to distract me and also to get me down.


    Post count: 53

    I have had the guilt feeling my entire life as well! I’m struggling with trying to figure out how to get rid of it and don’t really have an answer for you other than what I’m discovering now at age 27. I think the hardest thing about this is that if a mistake is made with out the intent to harm someone or the knowledge that our action would hurt someone it is undeserving of guilt. However obviously if we purposefully choose to carry out an action that will harm someone then of course that is deserving of guilt. The problem therein lies with the ADD mind we often do things that we might have knowledge could cause someone harm but we aren’t doing it with that intent and in most cases have no control over the action. For example…I know that when I tune out my alarm in the morning and don’t get my s&%^ together in the morning it could result in my husband getting to work late which would intern cause him problems with his boss, impact his reputation at work etc… however if my brain doesn’t respond to the beep beep beep of my alarm never alerting me to the fact that I indeed need to wake up and my body lays there for another 10 minutes like a bag of potatoes and if my brain deletes details such as where I left my car keyes where I put my shoes, phone, etc… and my husband ends up getting to work late is this something I should feel guilty about? This is something I ask myself everyday and I think the answer is that we need to reject that feeling of guilt that creeps up and that track that plays through your mind several times a day intermittantly with all the other messages that are constantly flashing through it. We can only do what we can do and living with guilt (trust me) is only damaging and tends to demotivate you so that you never end up taking action toward resolving the actions that perpetuate this guilt. So for example I’m trying to not allow myself to feel like a bad wife, lazy, inconsiderate, carless, disrepectful, uncaring, heartless and instead to see myself as a loving, caring, warm, good wife who respects and loves her husband who has a big heart and along with it is neurological condition that results in certain actions. And to focus all that guilt energy onto seeking out techniques to alter these actions. So for example leaving notes for myself to centralize my keyes, phone, shoes, etc.. in one location every night before bed and changing my alarm to the most horrifyingly unbearable sound I can find! lol

    I know how hard it is to tune out the guilt track running through out brains but maybe if we can’t erase it maybe we can at lease press pause until we have found a way to alter the actions that perputuate the guilt and then maybe we’ll find that when we press play what we will hear will be silence :)

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