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  • in reply to: on tiredness pattern: Dr J's opinion please #103043

    Post count: 6

    My doctor prescribed Wellbutrin (an antidepressant) that should give me some energy. He also referred me to a sleep clinic to be tested. I don’t think I have narcolepsy but I definitly don’t have a repairing sleep. Also, when I exercise I get very tired to the point of feeling depressed. I also see a chinese medicine practitioner and he said it can be to exhausted adrenals. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for all your comments and the discussion.

    in reply to: on tiredness pattern: Dr J's opinion please #103040

    Post count: 6

    I really noticed it when I first burned out at 30 years old. I was dealing with a stressfull multi tasking job and got exhausted. I though it was because of accumulation of stress from previous work projects and that I was not good enough to cope.

    in reply to: Because maybe you guys all understand #103121

    Post count: 6

    I so much relate to all of the above! Thanks for writing it! I’ve tried Concerta, Aderall, Stratera with no sucess. I’m about to start Wellbutrin. I’m using A LOT of organizing tools but anxiety and tiredness are still there. My problem is that I feel I won’t have time to do ALL of what I want to do. And abandonning ideas is difficult for me. So it creates stress and consumes adrenaline. I hope I’m not distracting the topic here. Ciao!

    in reply to: on tiredness pattern: Dr J's opinion please #103038

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    Wow! those are great questions to some I have answers. I’ve seen a naturopath who did allergy tests + blood tests. I practicly (sic) didnt have dairies and other stuffs. I’m taking vitamins B+D+Omega 3 and iodine and Magnesium&Calcium. I eat pretty well. Doctors say my thyroid is ok but natural therapists mentionned it was defective. I’ve checked my glucose with my Mom’s machine during our week vacation. I generally sleep all night and some insomnia once in a while. I also have a least one nap per day. My doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin. Its an antidepressant which could have effect on ADD. We’ll see … Managing all this is thought for a ADDer! LOL Thanks for discussing this with me.

    in reply to: ADHD and FATIGUE #95223

    Post count: 6

    Good evening! I just read this discussion (it took me 90 minutes!) and almost feel like crying … It describes so well how I feel. The extreme fatigue both mental and physical, the randown and sluggish feeling, the running mind, etc. I’ve just been diagnosed and I’m on the trial process to find the right medication for me. I tried Concerta up to 90 mg and it doesn’t do anything. I just started Adderall 10 mg. I usually wake up feeling ok but the symptoms strike me about 1 to 2 hours after and for the rest of the day. I most of the time eat very well and take Omega 3. I’ve tried meditation, yoga, exercise, etc but it’s almost impossible! It wears me out more than anything. I’m able to walk outside every 2-3 days. Thank you all so much for writing. I could not have write it but I relate to it. Let’s hope I’ll be able to write like this when the medication kicks in. ciao fow now.

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